Matt the Electrician at Amazing Grace

Matt the Electrician is coming all the way from Austin, TX to sing to us Duluthians.  He has toured with Erin Mckeown and the Weepies,  and apparently his uncle publishes the Duluth Shipping News.  

Sunday, Aug. 21, 8 p.m., Amazing Grace.  $10 suggested donation.

Duluth Artist Workshops/Studios?

I’m wondering if Duluth has an open or rentable artist workshop space?  I play with metals, so it’s big loud noisy art; a place where painters quietly do their thing isn’t going to be right for me.  A place with a rentable oxyacetylene torch would be even more awesome. I already sent a message to the Duluth Art Institute but got no answer, so I’m hoping the people here can be some help. I currently have a “studio” set up in my dining room in my apartment … I’m sure the neighbors in my four-plex would be thrilled if I did my grinding somewhere else!

So, if you know someone/somewhere that has the space, or even know another avenue I can poke my nose down, please let me know!

A Perfect Duluth Day on Lake Superior

Unspeakable Horrors at Collector’s Connection; Warfare at DragonPort

I spent Friday night playing Munchkin Cthulhu at Collector’s Connection near the Mall.

Iran continues to be Iran

Associated Press via the Washington Post: “Iran sentences two American men to eight years in jail in blow to hopes for freedom

Duluth Garbage Bins

OK, so what’s the deal? There are no garbage bins anywhere! I want to pick up after my dog, but I end up walking blocks and blocks carrying a bag of … you know.

I’ve just come from Chicago, where garbage is a city service (never mind the pay for play aspect of this city service). And garbage bins are everywhere. One every block on the major streets. And no one worries about throwing garbage into someone else’s bin, because it’s all covered.

As an aside, I used to live two doors down from Blagojevich. I took extra happy pride in throwing those nasty little bags into his bins.

Are there no curbing laws in Duluth?

Duluth Mommy Blogger needs your vote

There’s an unusual mommy blog out there for the thinking parent looking to find stimulating and educational reading for his or her kids. It’s called Delightful Children’s Books. And it’s the work of a mom right here in Duluth (not me).

The blog has been nominated Parenting Magazine for a Best All-Around Mom Blog. It could use your vote. You just need to hit this link, register and vote.

I wrote a little something about her and her blog at or you can just go to her site and learn everything you need to know.

Acceleratii Fish Fry at the Loading Zone!

Friday at the world-famous Loading Zone Bar in Superior the Acceleratii are throwing another hillbilly time-warp fish fry and recording a live CD to be released this winter.  This event is going to be nuts. Five bucks gets you admission and some fish & chips. This fish is damn good, people.  Food at 9PM, music at 10PM.  24 Winter St. (take the High Bridge over to Hammond, left one block after Dan’s Feed Bin on Winter — all the way to the end). The Zone is cash-only and there’s no ATM. There’s not even a phone. But this is gonna be good. Here’s a link to the Facebook event page.

Car Air Conditioning Service – Help!

I’m in search of a remotely cheap air conditioning service and recharge on my 2007 Chevrolet Aveo. It stopped working about a month ago during that one really long, hotter-than-blazes-every-day week in which I had to drive 50+ miles every day … and I’m taking a few trips to the Twin Cities in the next few weeks, so it would be lovely to have working AC again.

I’ve called Midas in West Duluth and Arrowhead Amoco, and they are both charging upwards of $100. Does anyone know of anywhere with good service that would be any cheaper? Thanks in advance!

Walk for Thought in Canal Park

The 10th Annual Walk for Thought is rapidly approaching! This year’s walk will take place on Saturday, Sept. 24, at Canal Park in Duluth.

Since 2002, thousands of individuals who have experienced a brain injury, their loved ones, and the professionals who work with them have come together for one event to commemorate their strength and success as well as to remember those who were lost to brain injury.

Photo Contest Exhibit Opening Reception


The first Duluth Photography Institute Photo Contest will be having its exhibit opening reception on Saturday, Aug. 20, at the DPI, 405 E Superior St. from 5-8 pm. Over 30 images from local photographers will be on exhibit and the $1500 in contest prizes will be awarded! Snacks and beverages provided. Free and open to the public. Come on down and check out the winners of the 5 categories: Fine Art, Human Influence, Creative Expression, Natural World, and Student Work. C-ya there. provided prizes and provided the printing and mounting for the winners — Thanks go to both!

Mesaba Animal Hospital and Wildlife Rehab

Via Wildwoods Rehabilitation: If you live up on the Range and love wildlife, great news! Mesaba Animal Hospital in Hibbing is interested in supporting wildlife rehab! This is wonderful, because for the longest time, there’s been nobody up there for people to bring wounded wildlife they find. Their two great vets, Dr. Kalinowski and Dr. Kellar, as well as their clinic manager, Tammy, are committed to helping wild animals in need.

Premiere of local documentary on homelessness, poverty, and the working poor in Duluth

On Tuesday, Aug. 23, the film Duluth Q: poverty homelessness and the working poor, will premiere at 7 p.m. at Teatro Zuccone. There will be a time for community reaction and discussion to follow the film’s debut. Local elected officials, various nonprofit staff, and film makers will be on hand to answer questions and share ideas about how the Duluth community can respond to the issue of poverty.

Head of The Lakes Cornhole Tournament

What: From Wikipedia – Cornhole is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing cornhole bags (cotton duck bags filled with feed corn) at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. These platforms are usually made with plywood or plastic and are often decorated. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a player reaches the score of 21.

When: Aug. 20
Where: Dodgies East End Tavern 2114 E. 5th St. Superior WI

Piano teacher has a studio!

Hi all! I posted earlier searching for students, before I actually had a place to teach. Since I am completely aware of how important proximity is to busy families, I wanted to let all of you know that I finally have a studio.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!