In the sky, it’s a what?

Last night we were enjoying dinner outside when we looked up to see a sky filled — hard to do this justice — with a bird that seemed to be some kind of raptor. My guess is that it is a falcony-like bird (kestrel or something?). It seemed to be up there feasting on the bugs that were so prevalent last night, but maybe it was the dragonflies? It was a smaller raptor and had a kind of stripe across the wings.

I wish I could describe to you how many there were. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. They moved in a mass of them more like a school of fish than birds and seemed to be focused on eating and eating. Simply hundreds of them. I was surprised that a raptor would eat insects but that seemed to be what they were doing.

Opportunity knocks.

“Greek Police Smash Violent Doughnut Ring”
THESSALONIKI – It took an undercover operation, but Greek police have blown a hole in a ring of alleged crooks who had cornered the doughnut market in a beach resort.

I hereby call upon Mayor Ness to offer asylum in Duluth to these industrious, probably misunderstood people, with an eye toward improving our own disastrous local donut market–their violent tendencies would presumably remain latent due to the absence of any competition to intimidate.

RIP Lew Latto: 1940-2011

It’s being reported that local broadcast legend Lew Latto passed today while preparing for work.

The Blasphemists at Teatro Zuccone, Aug. 25

The Blasphemists are playing Teatro on Thursday, Aug. 25, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5.

The Blasphemists interbreed rock, gutter punk and trashcan blues to form a bombastic, if not occasionally unsettling, musical experience that will make you bob your head and gasp for air. They consist of Adam Sundberg, multi-instrumentalist Joshua Herbert and percussionist Steve Hamlin. Their live shows include smashing glass, clanging trashcans and the occasional John Cage piece.

What’s that thing in Canal Park?

I keep wondering every time I go to Canal Park — what is that structure being built in the northeast corner of Canal Park, just across from the Endion Station building on that construction site over there. Does anyone know?

A Catastrophic Shipwreck on Lake Superior

[This post originally contained an embedded video that no longer exists at its source.]

ARAC Arts Awards

Two Arrowhead Regional Arts Council news releases below.

The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council at its March 17, 2011, meeting approved grant applications totaling $13,500 to be awarded in Small Capital Grants.

Cravaack to Hold Town Hall Meeting in Duluth, After All

Via MPR News Polinaut blog and MPR’s Dan Kraker…

Amid mounting pressure, 8th District GOP congressman Chip Cravaack has announced he will hold an open town hall meeting at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Duluth airport.

Minnesota Point: Protector or Guide?

From the 1950 book This is Duluth, by Dora May Macdonald:

According to rumour, George Sherwood, one of the old-time real estate men, stood on the barren hills one day with an Easterner, expounding on the charms of the village and the advantages to be gained by investing in Duluth real estate. Pointing to the sandy stretch of land curving out into the water, he said, “There lies Minnesota Point. It looks like God’s arm protecting the town of Duluth.”

The Easterner, unimpressed by the rocky hills, sand, or sentiment, replied, “It looks to me more like God’s finger pointing the way out of town.”

Event at Leif Erickson Park

Does anyone know about the community event going on at Leif Erickson Park on Sept. 10? I can’t find any info on it right now.

Where in Duluth?

Chester Park Dam

I know someone here will have the answer!

Chester Creek used to pond inside the park due to a dam that broke out many years ago. Does anyone know why they’ve never replaced it?

Footage retrieved from the wreck of the mighty Crammenfjorder, Lake Superior

Night Without a Home Sleepout at Wade

This year in preparation for the Night Without A Home Sleepout we have many community leaders and other community members joining together for a friendly competition. Who can raise the most money? Will it be a city councilor, or a county commissioner or just a young community member wanting to end homelessness? Go to and help end homelessness. If you would like to join the competition please email twinportsaction @

A Night Without A Home Sleep Out and Fundraiser
Saturday, Sept. 24 – Wade Stadium – Duluth MN

New Manheat album Hotel Suicide for free!

Hotel Suicide by Manheat

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