Where in Duluth? Posts

Where in Duluth? #188

This 1870s-era photo of the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad has been discussed on PDD before, but today I came across a handsome framed enlargement. Where is it?

Where in Duluth? #187

I went for a hike in a spot I’d never been before and encountered this.

Where in Duluth? #186

Where in Duluth? #185

Where in Superior?

Where in Duluth?: First Trailwalk of the Season

Is this too easy? I only get here a few times a year, so it seems alien landscape to me.

Can you tell I have a new phone?

Where in Duluth? #182

Perfect Duluth Day’s ultra-thrilling photo-trivia sensation “Where in Duluth?” continues. At what fun place was this photo taken?

Where in Superior?

For the 181st edition of Perfect Duluth Day’s ultra-thrilling photo-trivia sensation “Where in Duluth?” we exit the city limits and cross the bridge to Superior. Can you name the location where this sign hangs?

“Where in Duluth?” PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge Recap


Here’s a storymap that sums up the “Where in Duluth?” PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge and the winners.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #15 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #14 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #13 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #12 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #11 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.

Where in Duluth? PDD 15th Anniversary Challenge #10 of 15

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day for long, you know how to play “Where in Duluth?” A photo from an undisclosed spot is posted, people guess the location in the comments, someone eventually gets it right and everyone else admires that person’s brilliance. But now, as part of PDD’s 15th anniversary celebration, there are prizes on the line.