Perfect Duluth Day Calendar Policies

The mission of the PDD calendar is to inform the public of Duluth-area events across a broad spectrum — music, theater, lectures, athletics, fitness, etc. What does that include and what does it not include? How does one submit information? Read on for the details.

What is the preferred method of submitting information to the PDD Calendar?
In general, the best way to submit event info is to fill out the Submit an Event form. That is the first place the calendar editor looks. We understand some organizations have many events and need to submit the information to numerous sources as efficiently as possible, so we do also accept news releases to calendar @ But we receive a lot of news releases, and we don’t always get to them all. A third method of submitting events is to log in to the site and create a pending item on the Events dashboard of our WordPress plugin. We don’t really recommend that, because it’s basically the same thing as filling out the Submit an Event form, but slightly more complicated for everyone involved.

How long does it take for an event to be published after the information is submitted?
We don’t really have a good answer for that. It can take a while. There are days when we have five people working on the calendar and we get a lot of work done on those days. Most of the time, however, we have one person working on the calendar and hundreds of events pile up in a folder for review. All we can say is the earlier you submit the information the better. And donations help us have more days with two, three, four or five people on the job.

What type of occurrence does NOT qualify as an event PDD would list?
When a store is having a sale, it generally doesn’t qualify as an event by PDD standards, but there are some exceptions to that policy. We do run event listings for grand openings, ribbon cuttings, in-store performances and art shows — and sometimes we’ll allow a mention that related merchandise will be discounted. The line can get fuzzy, but the basic rule is those who are trying to advertise half-price drinks or 50 percent off all blouses should just buy an ad. Those who have Bruno Mars performing live on their patio furniture display should let PDD know so it’s listed as an event. Free coffee and donuts at an auto dealership is not an event. The UMD hockey teams passing out lollipops for an hour, sure, we’ll list that.

What territory does Perfect Duluth Day cover?
As the map at left illustrates, PDD’s primary territory is the area that extends 15 miles from Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge. But we list events throughout the North Shore, Iron Range, Carlton County and parts of its neighboring counties, and the South Shore region of northwest Wisconsin. We will also occasionally list events farther away if they are related to the Duluth region, such as bus trips from Duluth to Valley Fair, festivals in places like Minneapolis or Madison that feature Duluth bands, etc.