Henry Brick Posts

Acceleratii Fish Fry at the Loading Zone!

Friday at the world-famous Loading Zone Bar in Superior the Acceleratii are throwing another hillbilly time-warp fish fry and recording a live CD to be released this winter.  This event is going to be nuts. Five bucks gets you admission and some fish & chips. This fish is damn good, people.  Food at 9PM, music at 10PM.  24 Winter St. (take the High Bridge over to Hammond, left one block after Dan’s Feed Bin on Winter — all the way to the end). The Zone is cash-only and there’s no ATM. There’s not even a phone. But this is gonna be good. Here’s a link to the Facebook event page.

Satan’s Nightmare

Video ad created to promote Duluth as a Google Fiber candidate.

Actor: Kevin Craig
Idea, filming: Ben Marsen
Editing: Ben Marsen, Paul Broman