piano Posts

Piano teacher has openings for new students

Openings for piano lessons for the 2017 school year and beyond! Email [email protected] or call 218-464-3287.

Mary Bue in a Nashville recording studio contest

Hello Duluth! Mary Bue here. I’m a local-loving singer-songwriter who got her start in this sweet old city that we choose to live. I’ve taken these songs around the country but keep coming back … and now, I’m asking for your votes!  

I’ve submitted to a contest at a recording studio in Nashville called Welcome to 1979. The contest is called “Live to Lathe” — essentially five bands will have the opportunity to record a live album straight to vinyl. Welcome to 1979 Studio will print 500 copies for us to do with what we will — capturing a 26-to-32-minute moment in time. No edits, no auto-tune, if you fuck up it’s on the record. So, super daunting and super exciting!  

If you are on Facebook, please vote for me! You can vote every single day and I will sing like a bird with gratitude! Of course, vote for whomever you want, but either way, it’s a super cool contest and you’ll learn about some sweet bands from around the country. Thank you for your time!

Great time to start piano lessons

The start of the school year is coming up pretty quickly. It’s a great time to start taking piano lessons. I’ve been a piano teacher for 18 years, and moved here from Chicago, where I taught full time, about a year ago. I’m looking for students for my growing studio.

I’ve also recently moved to a house within the city of Duluth. I’m now in a great, easily accessible spot which I would love to disclose to anyone in a private email. I’m posting a link to my hastily thrown together website that has a bit more information about me and my methods. You can find personal contact information there. I’d love to talk to you personally to discuss details of lessons, so give me a call or shoot me an email — both of which you can find on my website!


Piano teacher has a studio!

Hi all! I posted earlier searching for students, before I actually had a place to teach. Since I am completely aware of how important proximity is to busy families, I wanted to let all of you know that I finally have a studio.