HappyHippo Posts

Local Chocolate?

I’m in a bit of a quandary; I’m hoping y’all can help!

Long story short, I need to send a gift to a friend overseas. My go-to gift is baked goods — her normal present was gluten-free banana bread. But my friend recently developed a fructose intolerance along with both lactose and gluten intolerances (oh, the horror, right?) That means the bananas in the banana bread are right out.

That leaves me with very limited options. What I’d really like to find is some locally made chocolate, the darker the better. Does anyone know a local store (within MN and WI, anyway) that makes delicious dark chocolate that would survive being shipped to Germany? Or, does anyone have any better ideas on things to send?

I’d appreciate any help I can get!

Duluth Artist Workshops/Studios?

I’m wondering if Duluth has an open or rentable artist workshop space?  I play with metals, so it’s big loud noisy art; a place where painters quietly do their thing isn’t going to be right for me.  A place with a rentable oxyacetylene torch would be even more awesome. I already sent a message to the Duluth Art Institute but got no answer, so I’m hoping the people here can be some help. I currently have a “studio” set up in my dining room in my apartment … I’m sure the neighbors in my four-plex would be thrilled if I did my grinding somewhere else!

So, if you know someone/somewhere that has the space, or even know another avenue I can poke my nose down, please let me know!

Dandelion Time in Duluth

I’ve finally started noticing dandelions blooming over the past week (perhaps it’s been longer – I’m slow).  I want to try my hand at making some dandelion wine this year, but I don’t have my own yard to pick them in.  I was wondering if anyone knew a good place (or several good places) to find dandelions to pick?  I need places that absolutely have not been sprayed with any kind of weed killer, and hopefully aren’t frequented by dogs.

Thanks in advance!

Spot for Stargazing?

If you don’t know, the year’s best meteor shower happens next week, in the wee hours of the morning of Aug. 11, 12 and 13.  From what I read, the Perseids are one of the most active showers, with up to 50 meteors an hour – should be a nice show!

I’m hoping to get out and watch a bit; I’m wondering if anyone has any favorite or secret spots?  Although there are nice bare spots above Skyline or along Park Point, I’m hoping to escape the glare of city lights.  I was thinking Stoney Point might be nice, or perhaps Gooseberry?  If someone has suggestions of closer spots, that’d be even better.

No Summer Music at Bayfront?

There’s Reggae Fest and Blues Fest … and that’s it this year?

After doing a bit of searching, I don’t see ANY other music coming to Bayfront this year.  If I am remembering right, there was some problems with starting/ending times of the (very) few concerts held there over the past couple years.  Has Secret Service Entertainment totally given up on music there?  I have to admit, the few times I have been able to see a show there … kicking back in the grass with a drink or two, and nice breeze off the lake … heavenly.

I’m a longtime lurker, and I trust y’all to know what’s going on in Duluth.  So tell me, where did my summer music go?  🙁