Looking for WIGL Jingles

WIGL radio was a daytime Top-40 music station covering the Duluth-Superior market from 1961 to 1964. I am a collector of radio jingles, and have many from WEBC and a couple of early WAKX ones. However, WIGL has been elusive. I e-mailed Lew Latto about it (who owned the station for a while), and he regretfully replied that he was unable to help me. I know some people taped the radio back then (I did) — maybe there’s an aircheck out there with a WIGL jingle or two.  I remember they had purple promo signs on the backs of the city buses during that era, and their jingles always ended with “Wiggle!!!” Posting this in case somebody is unknowingly sitting on a piece of Duluth-Superior broadcasting history.

Lions & Creators – “Growing”

Lions&Creators just released their album in Duluth on Saturday and now the whole thing is up to stream on our Bandcamp, which is here. You can buy it there for only $5! (and it comes with a few extra surprises too). Physical copies will be available at The Electric Fetus soon.  All hand made, designed by the band.

Fair Trade vendors in the Twin Ports area?

I’ll be organizing the Neighbor-Made “glocal” art & gift fair Dec. 10 to be held at St. Michael’s Church. The local artists part is about filled but there are spots for Fair Trade vendors. Anyone/any groups seeking to do fundraising for other countries in need — Japan relief help, Central America, South America, other humanitarian global efforts? Reply in an email.

Also, just a reminder to check the PDD calendar. There is a new local art and gift fair this Saturday at the Peace Church – Fall for the Northland and Get to the Point next weekend at Lafayette Building, Park Point. Organized by WendyUpNorth.com.

Nickels, Dimes and Quarters Parking

New Duluth meters now accepting nickles, dimes and quarters

After scrambling around through the spare change pockets in my car for quarters, I got to the meters outside the St. Louis County/MN State Office building only to find that I don’t need quarters there anymore!

This week: Turtles, apples, beer train, and boo at the zoo

My computer is back and better than ever after a brief stint of illness (thanks to Mr. Lundgren for taking the calendar helm for a few days) and I’ll be able to highlight some of the upcoming events this week.

Wednesday, Oct. 5
The Chester Park United Methodist Church will host its annual Roast Beef Dinner which will also feature homemade apple pies.

Thursday, Oct. 6
Trampled by Turtles will take the Clyde Iron Works stage with Charlie Parr opening and Mayor Ness hosting the event with all proceeds going to music programs in Duluth Public Schools. Bayfield’s 50th Annual Apple Festival kicks off today and promises apples, music, apples, art, and more apples.

Friday, Oct. 7
Coyote, a side project of Marc Gartman and Jerree Small, will have its CD release party at Teatro Zuccone with Yester opening.

Saturday, Oct. 8
There will be many Halloween events coming up. To kick it off, Saturday is the first day of Boo at the Zoo at the Lake Superior Zoo. Bring the kids out in their costumed glory to see the animals. After you’ve worn them out, hop on board the Fall Beer Tasting Train, a 2.5-hour ride featuring local breweries and brewpubs.

There are plenty of other events going on in the area this week and I’m adding new ones every day so keep on checking the PDD Calendar and keep on sending me events that you’d like to see included in the calendar.

Retribution Gospel Choir – “Working Away” Documentary

Duluth guys in Spain.

Give me your Twin Ports Halloween events!

I will post them on HauntedDuluth.com for free! If it’s a major Halloween bash or a tiny haunted garage on Halloween night, I want to add it to my site!

Post your event info as a comment in this post, or email me from the HauntedDuluth.com contact page.

Lost bracelet at J. Lydia Salon

Lost at J. Lydia Salon in Duluth’s East Hillside on Friday, Sept. 30: Silver bracelet with green carved stone faces. Reward for return. Contact dee @ noogins.com.

Volunteer Opportunity – Afterschool Teachers & Tutors Wanted

My name is Nikki Bollman and I’m an AmeriCorps member at Congdon Park Elementary this year and I’m organizing an after-school program.  Our goal is to provide enrichment activities and academic support to all students. This program is new to the school and is in need of volunteers! So far I’ve got one knitting class. I need more teachers! I also need tutors to support a Tutoring Center that we are working to establish in the library during the after-school time period.

Duluth MN Web Cams

If you know of any area web cams please post a link in the comments.

Morning Lake Fog

Did anyone get any good pictures of the fog on Lake Superior this morning? I was up at about 6:30 and I have never seen a more stunning and beautiful example of it. Oh my! As I type there is a fishing boat going out! Wonderful!

Duluth Skateboarders GTFO 2011

I emailed four at-large city council candidates and First District candidate Jennifer Julsrud to ask: “What do you think of the Canal Park skateboarding ban?”

Volunteers Needed at Woodland School

Volunteers are needed during and after school to tutor and mentor students at Woodland Middle School. Over 30 volunteer time slots are open and need to be filled. Please contact griffithsja @ gmail.com to volunteer.

NorShor Theatre Preliminary Designs

Six-page PDF of NorShor Theatre preliminary schematic designs

Quiet Cravaack

A couple of weeks ago I emailed Chip’s office stating my views on Obama’s jobs bill and I asked for Chip’s view on the bill and if he would be supporting it.

To date, I’ve heard nothing from him.

In the past I’ve email Franken on an unrelated matter and at least his people bothered to send me a standard response in a timely fashion.

Are elected officials obligated to reply to the questions those they represent have for them?

If not, I’ve not sure how appropriate the term ‘representative’ really is.

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