wendyupnorth Posts

Lake Superior masons, past Portorama leader and more in the Look at Lakeside newsletter

Look at LakesideThe Look at Lakeside newsletter turned three years old with its 18th issue, published a few weeks ago (six issues per year). The newsletter is online at lookatlakeside.com. It was interesting to get a tour of the masonic lodge in Lakeside. How many buildings do we drive by often but haven’t been in? Maybe I’m a curious person but it’s interesting to me to think about all the people who have been in a place over the years.

Check out the storm sewer art by local artists in Superior

The sidewalks beside six storm sewer drains in Superior are looking good. Six local artists have painted their artwork and are helping spread the message about stormwater pollution. The locations and more information is at superiorstormwater.blogspot.com. Click on the Storm Drain Art tab. Map brochures are available at the Wisconsin visitor bureau in the Bong Heritage Center, Fairlawn Mansion, Superior Public Library, North End Arts Gallery, and the Superior Wastewater Treatment Plant. Take time to visit the sites for some outdoor public art.

Where is the banana tree?

I am wondering what happened to the banana plant that was collected by Chester Congdon and used to be at Lester Park Greenhouse. It’s not at the UMD greenhouse or at Glensheen. It might be in a senior apartment with a greenhouse but I don’t know which one. I saw the plant when the greenhouse was still open in early 2000. I wrote briefly about it in the current Look at Lakeside newsletter.

Bananas Grown in Lakeside?

Employees at the Lester Park Florist would enjoy a banana split made with bananas grown from a banana plant in the greenhouse. The plant had been a gift from Elizabeth Congdon to the shop in the 1950s and was brought from South America by Chester Congdon in the 1920s.

The beginnings of that greenhouse at 6030 E. Superior St. date back to 1897. The final owners were the LaFaves who owned it for 25 years. The business closed ten years ago in the Spring of 2004.

Water Film Fest at UWS – send in an entry

We will be having a Water Film Fest – films about water, life in water, importance of water, etc. Any season (winter through summer topics) would be fine. There will be local films, national, and international. We’d like the films to be under 10 minutes. The event will run from 6-8:30 p.m. on Feb. 13 at Swenson Hall Room 1012 (next to Yellowjacket Union). It’s free. If you’d like to submit an entry email grethenw @ ci.superior.wi.us. The film fest is sponsored by the City of Superior Environmental Services and the Lake Superior Research Institute. We love clean and healthy water.

Pollution Prevention

It’s National Pollution Prevention Week starting Sept 15. How we dispose of things and what we purchase to use all matter. The city of Superior will be hosting a speaker night on Sept 17 starting at 6 p.m. at the Superior Public Library. Speakers on e-waste, pharmaceutical disposal, lead and children, household hazardous waste, and more will be there. Also, check out the billboard up on Belknap on the left side as you go over the viaduct. It has a stormwater message and photos. Keep storm drains clear for a clean Lake Superior.

Helpers to stencil storm drains in Superior

We are looking for local groups and individuals who may be interested in stenciling storm drains with the message Do Not Dump, Drains to River. We’ll supply all that is needed. We do have a couple public dates set up – one being 9AM on Thursday, June 13 meeting at Fairlawn Mansion in Superior – but can also find a time when it might work for your organization. A group of 6 to 15 would be great. Ages 9 and above, please. We will be marking storm drains in Superior to communicate that the other end of most storm drains is, indeed, a stream or lake (even Lake Superior). The time needed is about an hour and a half and we’d also need a non-rainy day. Call 715-394-0392 if you are interested. We’d like to mark 200 drains this summer. Everyone makes a difference.

Lakeside newsletter #2 is out

The Oct/Nov issue is available at Lakeside businesses and can be read on-line at www.LookAtLakeside.com. Learn about Brighton Beach Tourist Camp, Meet a Neighbor, and learn about events happening in Lakeside.

New newsletter for Lakeside and Lester Park neighborhoods

The first issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter is out. It will come out every two months (on the even-numbered months). If you have article topics, Lakeside photos, news, even history, or even want to share why you live in or what you like about Lakeside-Lester Park, send me an email. The issues are being distributed at Lakeside-Lester Park businesses and online. You can subscribe (free) to get a notice when the next issue is out online.

Time Bank for Duluth (and Superior)

Is Duluth ready for a time bank? Other cities around the world have them setup. They are a way to exchange hours of work (not goods).

Informational meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8 to 9:30 a.m, Ordean (United Way) building, Superior St. & Fifth Ave. W, first floor conference room.

For more info on time banking go to timebanks.org or e-mail dianeemerson @ yahoo.com.

Fair Trade vendors in the Twin Ports area?

I’ll be organizing the Neighbor-Made “glocal” art & gift fair Dec. 10 to be held at St. Michael’s Church. The local artists part is about filled but there are spots for Fair Trade vendors. Anyone/any groups seeking to do fundraising for other countries in need — Japan relief help, Central America, South America, other humanitarian global efforts? Reply in an email.

Also, just a reminder to check the PDD calendar. There is a new local art and gift fair this Saturday at the Peace Church – Fall for the Northland and Get to the Point next weekend at Lafayette Building, Park Point. Organized by WendyUpNorth.com.

Woman-Made: Marvelous Things Made by Northland Women – Art & Gift fair

Over 30 artists will be attending and creative items ranging from photography, glass, jewelry, clothing, home decor, ceramics to items made of natural and recycled materials will be for sale. This is the 3rd year for this local artist fair.

Saturday, July 23, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
New location: Unitarian Church, 835 W. College St. (on the bend of the road in between UMD and CSS). Free parking – above ground and below ground.

Video: Early Days of Duluth’s Friendly West End

Learn more about the West End / Lincoln Park neighborhood in this 38-minute video.

Dulcimer Day in Duluth: Traditional Music Festival

Duluth’s traditional music festival marks its tenth year in 2011. Dulcimer Day in Duluth will be held on Saturday, May 7, with concerts at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Coppertop Church with top dulcimer performers from North Carolina, Indiana and Kansas.

There will also be 20 classes throughout the day on mountain dulcimer, hammered dulcimer, ukulele, shapenote singing, music theory, needlefelting, backup guitar and how to jam. Local craft and instrument vendors will be there 10-4 p.m. For more info, go to dulcimersinduluth.com.

You’ll hear Cajun music, ragtime, Tin Pan Alley tunes and good ol’ traditional music on the dulcimers.

Bunco game night – April 1 – Fundraiser for Circle of Hope

Bunco Game Night
Friday, April 1, 6:30-8 p.m.

Lakeside Lester Park Community Club
54th Ave. E. & Tioga Street (1 block up from Superior St.)

This is a historic dice game that is a blast and a great community mixer. No experience is necessary. We have surprises as well. The rules will be explained, and then there will be game time.

Pre-registration is recommended by calling 525-5098 or e-mailing Wendy at wendyupnorth @ yahoo.com. Players ages 12 and above are welcome. This event will support Circle of Hope for breast cancer block grants. A $10 donation is suggested.

3/26 Treasures of the Earth: Green Goods, Craft & Art – Local artists

Come shop from over 30 local and area artists who make things out of natural materials or recycled/upcycled items. The fair will be held from 10 -3 p.m. on Saturday, March 26 at the Unitarian Church, 835 W. College St. Food will be available to purchase.

The fair is organized by WendyUpNorth.com. For other local art fairs go to the website to see the calendar. There are a few more openings in the July 23, Woman-Made fair.