Apple Orchards Near Duluth

Google is not returning results on permutations of the search – “Apple orchards near Duluth.” I found one in Moose Lake. Does anyone know of one closer than that? or have favorites?

Pumpkin Carvers Needed

The 750 stars of Glensheen’s Jack O’ Lantern Spooktacular need carvers to help them get ready for their big event.

Carvers Needed: October 20 through October 24 at Glensheen, 3300 London Road.

Groups, families, or individuals are welcome to carve pumpkins for the Spooktacular, which takes place October 25 through October 28.

Carvers will receive a free ticket to the Thursday, October 25 event.

Interested? Please email [email protected] for more information.

Duluth: A new film by Nicole Brending

Apparently a short film called Duluth was completed in 2010. (I’ll note right up front that the trailer features brief nudity.)

Update: The trailer on Vimeo has been removed.

The URL given at the end of the trailer is to a site that doesn’t exist. There is, however, an Internet Movie Database plot summary, which reads as follows:

Photog seeking props

I’m working on a little side project, more or less some product shots. I’m looking to borrow a few items that I haven’t been able to turn up while thrifting which has been mind boggling seeing as how they are pretty common items. Well, for the most part. I think I should only need these for a day, two tops.


There seems to be a lot of concern for the rights of the millionaire businessman who is attempting to use loopholes in the law to make money at the great expense of others who want nothing to do with his business, but are forced to carry the burden of his business model.  Jim Carlson hides behind a dubious technicality claiming that the poison he is selling at the Last Place on Earth is OK because the chemists keep playing Russian roulette with his customers by changing the chemical compounds on a regular basis.

A true libertarian wouldn’t hide behind technicalities of the law – they would take full, personal responsibility for their actions.  Carlson has a business model in which he is making millions and externalizing costs onto the community.  Because of his business model, other businesses are struggling, the government pays for the emergency health care for uninsured addicts, and our public sidewalks and parks are taken over by people getting high, selling drugs, and harassing other folks who want no part of his business – yet are forced to absorb the costs that Carlson is imposing on them.

This week: tree-planting, a hootenanny and soup


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

First of all, if you haven’t seen the calendar ad on TV yet, you can see it here. I’m liking it.

One Week Live is happening at Beaner’s all week starting tonight. Looks like a great lineup.

Soup season is upon us. You can learn the basics of soup making from scratch at the Whole Foods Coop on Tuesday.

Feed your inner Lorax and plant a tree this Wednesday at the West End Tree-planting Party.

On Friday you can learn how to make cast iron tile at the Scratch Block Workshop at the Duluth Art Institute in Lincoln Park and head out to a corn maze hootenanny at Engwall’s.

Martin Sexton takes his Fall Like Rain tour to Mitchell Auditorium on Saturday.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know!`

PDD on your TV

You might start seeing two ads for the Perfect Duluth Day Calendar on the teevee. Thanks to the people and businesses around town that helped us out.

Last Place on Earth — 1983

I grew up in Northern Wisconsin, about as far north as you could go and still be in Wisconsin. Picture Lake Superior. See where it looks like a pointing finger? We were the very tip of that finger, where Wisconsin meets Minnesota. In fact, for all intents and purposes we were Minnesota. OK. That’s just a lie I tell to make myself feel better about being from Superior, Wisconsin.

Homegrown 2013 — what are the dates?

Does anyone know the dates of next year’s Homegrown Music Festival?

Divine Intervention?

Whoa. Simonson’s got angels in the outfield.

[Photo from the DNT, on the front online page today (9/22/12). Originally from his campaign announcement day, I believe, but I can’t find that article without paying for it.]

Update on New Stuff

Noodles & Company opened at the Miller Hill Mall yesterday, according to Business North.

Shake It, the new nutritional protein shake and juice bar in West Duluth (at the former Spirit Bottle Shoppe) will open Sunday if I remember correctly what the sign by the door indicated today.

Carmody 61, the new bar/restaurant in Two Harbors that is taking over the former Viking Legends opens on Oct. 1, according to co-owner Rick Boo.

7 West Tap House, Minnesota Wine Exchange and Canal Park Brewing are all potential late October openings, according to word on the street. (We haven’t mentioned Minnesota Wine Exchange on this site before. The location will be 3 W. Superior St., the owners are Brent Johanson and Debra Fellman, and the place will have a rotating selection of Minnesota wines.)

Duluth Wedding Reception Location

My fiancé and I are searching for an affordable, yet nice, place to have our wedding reception on June 8 in Duluth. We are only having a small guest list of about 35 people.


This is a “call out” to all Duluth and surrounding area photographers, makeup artists, and hair stylists. I am trying to organize a Help-Portrait event on Dec. 8 at the American Indian Community Housing Organization in Duluth.

Is the Last Place on Earth Ruining Duluth? Volume 2


The DAI is looking for an operations development manager

The Duluth Art Institute has a job opening. We are currently looking for an administrative, marketing and graphic design-savvy operations development manager. If you think you’d be a great addition to the DAI team, submit your applications materials today.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!