Lawrence Lee Posts

PDD Quiz: Christmas City, Wonderful City

christmas-city-merv-griffinYou’ve been hearing it. You’ve been humming it. You probably know it by heart. Or do you? How much do you know about Duluth’s official Christmas song? Let’s find out!

PDD Quiz: November 2016

uploadAs November draws to a close it’s time once again to test your knowledge on Duluth current affairs.

The next quiz will be posted on Dec. 18. Tentatively the theme will be on Christmas (and other festive year-end holidays) in Duluth. Send your question ideas to lawrence @ by Wednesday, Dec. 14.

PDD Quiz: Novembeard

blake-2The month associated with facial hair is upon us! How well do you know Duluth denizens by their beards? Let’s find out!

The next quiz will be an end of month review of November 2016. Send your question ideas to lawrence @ by Wednesday, November 23.

PDD Quiz: October 2016

adamOctober 2016 is almost over so let’s see what you remember about what happened in and around Duluth. Ready? Let’s do it.

Got ideas for future quizzes? Send your theme or question ideas to lawrence @

PDD Quiz: September 2016

emilyandjoelvikreSeptember 2016 is SO OVER. Donezo. What do you remember about it? Let’s find out.

The next quiz will be on October 16 and we have no idea what the theme will be yet. Send your ideas and questions to lawrence @ by October 12 at noon.

PDD Quiz: Bakeries of Duluth

emojiDuluth likes its baked goods, as evidenced by the many bakeries dotting the local landscape. How much do you know about them? Let’s find out!

Our next quiz will be on Oct. 2 and it will be a review of September 2016. Send your suggested questions to lawrence @ by Wednesday, Sept. 28 for potential inclusion in the quiz.

PDD Quiz: August 2016

Paul-Stanley-thinks-Tony-Bennett-is-a-miserable-assholeAugust is waning. How’s your short term memory? How much do you remember of what happened in and around Duluth this month? Let’s find out.

PDD Quiz: Tall Ships Festival 2016

pride1-1024x819The tall ships are coming! How much do you know about the ships coming (or not coming) to this year’s festival? Let’s find out!

Our next quiz will be on August 28 and it will be the month in review. Send your August in Duluth related questions (and answers) to lawrence @ by Wednesday, August 24 at noon.

PDD Quiz: July 2016

SchMNBallet-StuPerfJuly 2016 is almost in the books. What happened around Duluth? Think you know? Let’s find out.

Thanks to Paul Lundgren for his contribution to the quiz.

Send your idea for quiz topics and questions to lawrence @

PDD Quiz: Pokémon Duluth Day

pikachuPokémon Go has invaded everywhere, including Duluth, as anyone who is somewhat conscious can tell you. Our social media feeds have been flooded with familiar people in familiar places with weird creatures. Your job in this quiz: identify the person, place, and Pokémon pictured. Gotta catch ’em all.

Thanks to members of the Pokemon Go: Duluth MN Facebook group for their photo contributions.

The next quiz will be a review of the events of July 2016 and will be published on July 31. Send submissions to lawrence @ by Wednesday, July 27 to get your question in the quiz!

PDD Quiz: June 2016

juicepharmgiselleJune happened. Now, what do you remember? Take the quiz and find out.

PDD Quiz: Happy Birthday to Us!

Maria Bamford - Lady DynamiteJune 29 will be PDD’s 13th birthday. How much do you know about our 13 glorious years of being Duluth’s Duluthiest website? Take the quiz to find out.

And join us at Vikre Distillery on June 29 for PDDXIII: Perfect Duluth Day’s 13th Birthday Party. Here’s a link to the Facebook invite.

The next quiz will be out on July 3 and will be a review of June 2016. Send your questions and answers in to lawrence @ by noon on Wednesday, June 29 to get them included.

PDD Quiz: May 2016

2016FirstTickMay 2016 isn’t quite over, but it’s over enough to quiz you over it. Here are some questions to see if you’ve been paying attention.

PDD Quiz: Duluth Does Dylan

dylan festWant to celebrate Dylan? Here are some Dylan-related questions! Good luck, Dylan fans!

The next quiz will be out on May 29 and will be a review of May 2016. Send your questions and answers in to lawrence @ by noon on Wednesday, May 25 to get them included.

PDD Quiz: April 2016

hqdefaultSo, it’s May Day and April is now in the history books. How much do you remember? Let’s find out

The next quiz will be on May 15 and it will be a Dylan-themed quiz. Send your suggested questions (and answers) to lawrence @ by noon on Wednesday, April 27.