Pokemon Go Posts

PDD Quiz: Pokémon Duluth Day

pikachuPokémon Go has invaded everywhere, including Duluth, as anyone who is somewhat conscious can tell you. Our social media feeds have been flooded with familiar people in familiar places with weird creatures. Your job in this quiz: identify the person, place, and Pokémon pictured. Gotta catch ’em all.

Thanks to members of the Pokemon Go: Duluth MN Facebook group for their photo contributions.

The next quiz will be a review of the events of July 2016 and will be published on July 31. Send submissions to lawrence @ perfectduluthday.com by Wednesday, July 27 to get your question in the quiz!

Pokemon Go Duluth Update

Does anyone have any crazy Pokemon Go Duluth stories? I see tons of evidence that the Rose Garden is overrun with Pokemon. And I saw eight kids staring into their phones at Pizza Lucé, which is a Gym across the street from a PokeStop or whatever it is.

Mix 108 has a list of sites. So does Reddit. And so does Duluth.com.

Remember, injured and orphaned wildlife should be brought to Wildwoods. Even Pokemon.