March 2013 Posts

Game of Thrones Season 3 Premier

Where can a person go to watch the premier of the new season? Any bars in the Twin Ports with HBO? It’d be great if Zinema 2 could pick this up and have weekly screenings!

Meeting Charlie Parr

Check out the Kiss Kiss Bank Bank page to throw a few euros at this documentary about Duluth’s own Charlie Parr.

There’s also a website for the project at and a Facebook page.

Wildlife Rehab “Spring Training”

Below, some news and updates from Wildwoods Rehab. As the thaw comes, we experience what I think of as “Spring Training” — not quite the season opener, but boy, it’s getting busy for our volunteers.

Jim Carlson: “The Nazis got me again.”

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

This afternoon Duluth police arrested Last Place on Earth owner Jim Carlson and his son, Joseph Gellerman, on probable cause based on prior sales of illegal controlled substances to undercover police officers.

Both Carlson and Gellerman were transported to the St. Louis County Jail and booked for three counts of fourth-degree sale of controlled substance.

Question about the Egyptian Theatre in Downtown Duluth

My students have questions about the Egyptian Theatre of the Duluth Masonic Center, 4 West Second St., Duluth. “The Egyptian Theater is a unique landmark in the city of Duluth, and its Kimball pipe organ has recently been restored.”

If you have info about construction, performances, and other historical information, please share below!

Vegetarian-ish, garlic eating, natural-remedy-using nonsmokers

From the book Wild by Cheryl Strayed:

Who were those doctors in Duluth anyway? What was Duluth? Duluth! Duluth was a freezing hick town where doctors who didn’t know what the hell they were talking about told forty-five-year old vegetarian-ish, garlic eating, natural-remedy-using nonsmokers that they had late stage lung cancer, that’s what.

Cheryl Strayed on Amazon

Fever Dream – “I’m Real”

Enjoy the first Fever Dream video, “I’m Real.”

Where in Duluth?

Duluth Snowboarding Video

This is a video of Mitch Larson snowboarding all over Duluth and at Mont du Lac. It was created by Higher Base Media.

Talk nerdier than that, please.

At Nerd Nite the hosts showed the Geek Prom poster on the PowerPoint screen and asked the crowd what was being parodied. For a group that doesn’t miss a reference very often, the audience was actually stumped for a few seconds and I swear I heard a few crickets before someone finally muttered “Talk dirty to me?”

Perhaps the creative arrow missed the target market on this one. Maybe the prom committee will stick to Star Wars references from now on and leave Poison out of it.

Homegrown Band Publicity Photo Show- down: Tim Kaiser vs. the People Say Fox

Tim Kaiser (photo by Matt Blum)

The People Say Fox (photo by Nate Rendulich)

With the Homegrown Music Festival coming up PDD launched a series of polls seven weeks ago, tournament style, to determine which Duluth-area band has the sweetest pic. Last week Snöbarn defeated Peter Pain. This week we ask …

Which band has the better publicity photo?

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This poll is now closed. The results were:

Tim Kaiser – 87.1 percent
The People Say Fox – 12.9 percent

Note: Only people who are logged in to their Perfect Duluth Day blogging account are allowed to vote (to prevent people from voting multiple times). To create an account, click here. If you need help figuring it out, click here.

Where to find fresh fish in Duluth

My wife and I are new to Duluth and I’m looking for the best place to purchase fresh fish for Easter. I haven’t a clue where to start. Help please.

Am I just stupid, or are the Interstate Parking Lot Automatic Systems difficult?

I used an Interstate lot in downtown Duluth today thinking it would be a nice solution to not having quarters or cash and also not knowing how long my meeting was going to run. As is often the case in Duluth, I was unable to read my spot number and was also unable to read the spot number for the neighboring spot due to snow and ice. So I paid for 2 hours of parking using my license plate number. About five minutes before my two hours was up I called the 866 number listed on the receipt to extend time.

Problem number one encountered is that the receipt listed two lot numbers. On the top portion of the ticket, it says Lot 2561. On the very bottom of the ticket it says “to extend time at location 3110.” When I called the 866 number I was unsure which number was supposed to be entered.

Southwire in City Pages

southwire bandRecorded this past year, the eight hymn-like folk spirituals on Southwire’s self-titled debut come alive via Small’s plaintive and soulful vocals, a mix of lyrical spoken word and booming singing from Larson, and the timeworn instruments used to compose the songs.

Full City Pages article:“Southwire champion gospel folk”

Info on March 30 show at Sacred Heart: “Southwire CD Release Concert

New Duluth Drone from Dirty Knobs

Duluth’s own drone/dark-ambient unit Dirty Knobs (me) is hoping to release his (talking about myself in the third person) next album A Disenchanted Snake as a double vinyl package sent around the world (Hello, Italy!). You can watch the video, hear some clips and read a lot more about it (and past Dirty Knobs stuff) here on Kickstarter.