Help Topic: Registering to Blog on PDD

In order to create a post, comment on an existing post or vote in a poll on Perfect Duluth Day, you need to register for access to PDD’s WordPress dashboard. You can log in using the directions below, or if you prefer you can scroll down and find the links to log in through your Facebook or Twitter account.

Here are the instructions:

  • Go directly to (Or, on the black navigation bar at the top of the screen, hover over “Blog” and click on the “Log in & post” option, then click “Not a member yet? Register now.”)
  • Fill in the boxes and click “Register” at the bottom of the page. (The “User name” you choose will be set as the name which appears publicly on the posts you create. Once you’re registered, you can go into your profile and change your “nickname” at any time. Once you do that, your nickname will appear as an option to use as your publicly displayed name.)
  • Check your e-mail inbox. There should be a message from “Perfect Duluth Day” with the subject “Please confirm your registration on Perfect Duluth Day.”
  • Click on the link in your e-mail to verify your account.
  • Now you’re ready to log in for bloggin’. Use your powers for good instead of evil, please.

If you want to log in through your Facebook or Twitter account, simply click on the appropriate icon below and accept the terms. (If you are already logged in you won’t see icons below.)

Things to keep in mind about logging in through Facebook and Twitter:

  • If you already have a PDD account, be aware that logging in with Facebook will create a separate account if the e-mail address attached to your Facebook account is different than the e-mail address you used to create your original PDD account. Also be aware that if your e-mail address is the same on both accounts, they will synch together into one account, and your Facebook profile photo will become your PDD avatar.
  • If you have different e-mail addresses and will be sustaining two accounts, that’s fine, but keep in mind it will have two minor implications:

    1) Your Facebook name and profile picture will be your identity and avatar on PDD when you are logged in through Facebook, so if you have a PDD account with a screen name like “John the Blogger,” but your Facebook name is “John Doe,” you might confuse the world or yourself with your double identity.

    2) Every PDD user has an archive of past posts they have authored, which is accessible by clicking on the user name on the byline of any post. If you like having all your posts in one neat place like that, you might not want to log in with Facebook and split your stuff into two places.

    But those are minor things. The best practice would be to decide whether you would prefer sticking with the old PDD account or switching to logging in with Facebook, then be consistent with that.

    Also, do not use your double identity to attempt to vote twice on a poll. We will see what you have done, we will disallow both votes, and we will silently dislike you, which will hurt your feelings more than you might realize.