November 2010 Posts

McCain praises Feingold

“I can’t do justice in these remarks to all of Russ’ many qualities or express completely how much I think this institution benefited from his service here and how much I benefited from knowing him. I lack the eloquence. I don’t think he is replaceable. We would all do well to keep his example in our minds as we serve our constituents and country and convictions.”

“Trail uses” this week’s theme at Hartley Nature Center

Ease back into your week … swing by Hartley Nature Center. There is fresh snow on the XC trails, and at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1, an Adult Night Out presentation on Minnesota’s Hiking and Running Trails by Kate Havelin, who has written two books on hiking and running trails of Minnesota.

Adam Swanson art reception with music by Kathy McTavish

A culmination of efforts in painting supported by the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council Artist’s Grant at Lizzards Gallery in historic Downtown Duluth. Opening Reception Thursday, Dec. 2, 6-8pm featuring Kathy McTavish on cello.

Is Duluth’s fake-reefer madness over?

With the DEA’s emergency ban on the synthetic marijuana compounds used in K2 and other brands, is the local battle between the Duluth City Council and the Last Place on Earth and others over? Should it ever have started?

It was torture to have the City Council’s attention and efforts focused on what was clearly a federal or state issue. With all the money we dump into federal regulatory agencies, we can be certain that if there is something to regulate, they will get around to it. Synthetic reefer had no real special interest or political support. So what were the local yocals we elected spending all their crusade power on? Did they really need to focus their efforts on what chemicals to ban? The last time I checked (about an hour ago) we still had a high rate of unemployment and many people in need. Didn’t we elect council members to improve our local economy and quality of life.

The DEA ban goes into full effect on the Dec. 24. All I want for Christmas is local government that does some real work to make Duluth more perfecter.

Duluth Does Dylan 10 years later

DDDCoverThe album Duluth Does Dylan was first played for the public on Nov. 30, 2000, during the Starfire Lounge at Fitger’s Brewhouse. There was a big bus trip to St. Paul for a release party at the Turf Club, but no one remembers the details of that, I’m sure. The Ripsaw published the recording session photos below, shot by Linda Cadotte.

Lake Superior Hand Jive

Does anyone else do this? When people ask where I’m from, I often make my hand into the shape of Lake Superior and say, “This is Lake Superior and I live here, at the western tip.”

I think maybe I’m just a tad jealous of the Michiganders (lower peninsula) getting to use their hands as maps all the time.

Is that a Chip in your Cravaack or are you just happy to see me?

The only sketch comedy revue in town this holiday season.
WARNING: show features adult use of the word “Cravaack.”

December 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, and 30-31 at 7pm
The Venue at Mohaupt Block, next to Anderson Furniture

Stick around after the Saturday performances for the return of Cracked Egg Improv, free with paid revue admission.

More info: 218-213-2780,

Three Local Art & Gift Fairs

Each of these fairs has different local artists — only a few overlap.

On Saturday, Dec. 4, the Get it Local Gift Fair will be held at Peace Church, 1111 N. 11th Ave. E., and will have over 30 Duluth-Superior artists, nonprofits, and local-made or grown items for sale. The fair will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will also serve as a drive (please bring items) for new or gently used children’s (picture) books which will be donated to the Red Book Shelf/United Way and there also will be a collection for Hygiene products to go to the local Salvation Army. From wreaths to jewelry to home decor to dog treats you will find plenty of great things to pick up — all in one setting in one day.

Men of Raleigh Street and Their Fish

Perhaps in another century people will pass around photos of you and try to piece together the details.

Who were these West Duluth guys? Did they all go fishing, or just the ones with their hats raised? Did they catch these 40+ fish on the St. Louis River or somewhere else? Did they have a boat?

Maybe none of that matters. What we know is that on one day in 1916 there was a mighty jubilant feast on Raleigh Street.

Black Fractal Friday in Duluth

The Fractals at Clyde Iron Works
Friday, Nov. 26, 9 p.m.

Ten Minutes with Naomi Yaeger-Bischoff

I met Naomi Yaeger-Bischoff at a Sustainable Duluth event at the Clyde Iron Works earlier this fall. Naomi came to Duluth five years ago and is currently editor of the Duluth Hillisider, the community newspaper, and a founder of the Duluth Daily Photo blog. Like many of the artists and writers I’ve interviewed here, her passion for what she would become emerged early in life.

Ennyman: When did you first take an interest in writing? And who were your biggest influences?

Naomi: I first became interested in journalism when I was in junior high school. As icebreaker, our typing teacher had everyone anonymously write down his or her favorite television show on a slip of paper. My favorite show was 60 Minutes and when the teacher read it out loud, the whole class erupted into laughter.

As a high school junior, I wrote for our high school paper. The summer before my senior year, I attended Northwestern University’s six-week Summer Institute of Journalism in Evanston, Ill. We participated in mock interviews of famous people and we also had some real interviews. My senior year I wrote for the Grand Forks Herald’s Teen scene. I was paid to produce one story a week on area teenagers. (I doubt any newspapers are paying teenagers to write stories now.)

To see the rest of this interview, visit Ennyman’s Territory and

Guess I won’t be buying that island condo

Pioneer Press: Nature Conservancy chapters pay $1.47M for Clough Island

R.I.P. Sleazy

Peter Christopherson

Peter Christopherson passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 24th November 2010 at his home in Bankok.

Thankful in Duluth — 2010 Edition

thanksgivingchuckI’ll lead this year’s PDD Thanksgiving prayer by declaring I’m thankful my Internet is finally back up and running, just in time for giving thanks (and after $100 and hours of anguish.)

I’m also thankful for the batch of glogg I need to start making right this minute!

… and friends and family and yada yada.

What are you thankful for?

(Here’s what PDDers were thankful for in 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003.)

Author Laurie Hertzel to sign books at Northern Lights Books & Gifts on Friday

Author and former Duluth News-Tribune reporter Laurie Hertzel will be signing copies of her new book News to Me: Adventures of an Accidental Journalist at Northern Lights Books & Gifts on Friday, Nov. 26, from 1-2 pm.