Duluth News Tribune Posts

Sixty years ago, Oswald met bullet

“Lee Harvey Oswald found merciless death lurking in a crowd … just as President John F. Kennedy did 48 hours earlier,” an Associated Press story in the Nov. 25, 1963 Duluth News Tribune reported about the previous day’s occurrence. “The accused presidential assassin was shot and killed during a routine jail transfer.”

Video Archive: Movie “White Palace” too racy for Duluth

This clip from The Tonight Show features guest host Jay Leno showing the evolution of an ad in the Duluth News Tribune for the 1990 film White Palace at Superior’s Mariner 4 Theatres. Watch as Susan Sarandon’s dress expands up her torso.

Video Archive: Norway’s royal couple given stirring welcome

Although Crown Prince Olav and Princess Martha of Norway did visit Duluth in 1939 for the dedication of Enger Tower, the footage in this silent film seems to all have been shot in Los Angeles a month earlier. Nevertheless, images of Duluth News Tribune stories are splashed across the screen at the start of the film.

The War Years: Duluth News from Above the Fold

A collection of World War II-era newspapers, saved in a bushel box by an old timer, make up the content of a Facebook page called Duluth News Tribune and Herald the War Years. Rick Hamilton has been showcasing pieces of the old newspapers there since July 2017.

In a series of four posts, Perfect Duluth Day is featuring samplings from the collection. This final gallery displays a few front page headlines.

The War Years: World War II Duluth News Clippings

A collection of World War II-era newspapers, saved in a bushel box by an old timer, make up the content of a Facebook page called Duluth News Tribune and Herald the War Years. Rick Hamilton has been showcasing pieces of the old newspapers there since July 2017.

In a series of four posts, Perfect Duluth Day is featuring samplings from the collection. This third gallery displays news clips related to the war.

Duluthians shed tears openly at news of Roosevelt’s death

President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office on April 12, 1945, after a massive intracerebral hemorrhage at the age of 63. Shown here is how it was reported in Duluth.

Unnamed Minneapolis developer has purchase agreement for Duluth News Tribune building

The News Tribune would lease back around 8,500 square feet in the building’s top floor.

Sunday Paper

Tony Doyle loves his coffee, bagel and Sunday paper, despite record snow during his first month in Duluth.

Music: “Sunday Papers” by Joe Jackson from the 1979 album Look Sharp.

War is Over!

Upset Duluth: The Ultimate Gallery

Young and old, rich and poor, Minnesota nice be damned, Duluthians can get just as upset as folks in the rest of the world. And their newspaper of record, the Duluth News Tribune, is there to document all the crossed arms and frowny faces.

A Few of Duluth’s Fair Working Girls

This March 1912 Duluth News Tribune clip was found in a search related to Perfect Duluth Day’s “Mystery Photo #63.” You might think it’s interesting the paper had a feature on working women back then, until you read it and discover it’s six paragraphs about a search for Duluth’s “most beautiful working girl,” and asks specifically, “which is the prettiest?”

Lake Superior Aquaman Interview on DNT’s Pressroom Podcast

In which I field a bunch of excellent questions.

I have taken the liberty of transcribing this, below the fold.

Where near Duluth?

Came across this and couldn’t resist posting it. I’m going to be impressed if someone can locate this one, but I suppose it’s not out of the question. I am going to guess that the Duluth News Tribune doesn’t actually deliver to this one, though.

Duluth Square Dance Association Shindig 1975


From the Sept. 7, 1975, Duluth News Tribune; photos by Charles Curtis.

This is how some of more than 1,000 square dancers looked from the top of the scoreboard in the Duluth Arena Saturday. The terpsichoreans, from a five-state region and Canada, are here through today for Shindig ’75, sponsored by the Duluth Square Dance Association.

Duluth Square Dance Association Shindig 1976


This clip is from the Sept. 10, 1976, Duluth News-Tribune; photo by Joey McLeister.

Duluth Square Dance Association members let it all out as they prepare for participation in Shindig 1976–Duluth, the third annual square and round dance festival fast becoming a traditional event in the city. Dancing times are from 7:30 to 11:45 p.m. today in the Duluth Arena, and the action continues from 9 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Spectators are welcome and there is no charge.