Is Duluth’s fake-reefer madness over?

With the DEA’s emergency ban on the synthetic marijuana compounds used in K2 and other brands, is the local battle between the Duluth City Council and the Last Place on Earth and others over? Should it ever have started?

It was torture to have the City Council’s attention and efforts focused on what was clearly a federal or state issue. With all the money we dump into federal regulatory agencies, we can be certain that if there is something to regulate, they will get around to it. Synthetic reefer had no real special interest or political support. So what were the local yocals we elected spending all their crusade power on? Did they really need to focus their efforts on what chemicals to ban? The last time I checked (about an hour ago) we still had a high rate of unemployment and many people in need. Didn’t we elect council members to improve our local economy and quality of life.

The DEA ban goes into full effect on the Dec. 24. All I want for Christmas is local government that does some real work to make Duluth more perfecter.



about 14 years ago

I think you hit the nail on the head with the fact that it had no special interest or political support. As such, it's a relatively safe way for our local pols to prove that they are DOING SOMETHING. 

Of course what they're really doing is trumping up a flashy non-issue to divert attention away from the real and difficult problems the city faces.


about 14 years ago

I want to see an "Upset Duluth" photo to go with this post.

Rawnin Onymous

about 14 years ago

The real refer madness has yet to begin!


about 14 years ago

I don't know if I agree with the original poster. I don't think it was purely a fabricated issue.  If I recall from some of the discussions, some local citizens had lost loved ones to products such as this, and they thought their elected officials could do something to prevent others from suffering.  I am not a huge fan of over government regulation, but in this case I think it was 100% an effort to improve local quality of life.  Regardless of if a person supports the local ban or not, I would assume since the DEA is now getting involved in this on a nationwide level there probably were some merits to concerns with the safety of the products.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Many more people have lost their loved ones to alcohol than ever will to fake pot. I'm OK with the DEA banning harmful substances, but not playing favorites.


about 14 years ago

The optimistic outlook of a future offered by a prospering community would be a more powerful way to combat substance abuse. Councilor Todd Fedora is in a better position to do this than the DEA. Unfortunately, he was more concerned with doing the job the DEA was better suited for. I hope he got his fill of 'fighting to save the children' press so we can focus on more constructive efforts going forward.


about 14 years ago

It's called manufactured outrage. Does anybody really care? I doubt it. There are more pressing issues like jobs!


about 14 years ago

Show of hands: how many of you in favor of legislating the sale of this crap want less government interference in our lives?


about 14 years ago

I didn't give a crap about this issue until the teenage son of a friend of mine took an ambulance ride to the hospital after smoking it.  Now I want to know how he can purchase this garbage legally, when he isn't even old enough to drink?  I never heard of anyone going to the ER for smoking pot.  If something's being sold and it's just not safe, something needs to be done about that.  I agree, there's bigger issues, but this one is not a non-issue, not by any stretch.


about 14 years ago

The DEA dealt with it because apparently it was and is an issue. Explain why it needed to be a City Council issue.


about 14 years ago

If people are stupid enough to smoke a product that is labeled as "not for human consumption" then what is government going to do? Regulate stupid? Good luck with that.  This stuff is being sold as incense, not drugs.  We did not ban spray paint because a few dum dums were huffing it did we? Proper parental supervision of those under the legal age to decide is the best strategy.  Those over 18 can smoke anything they want.


about 14 years ago

I didn't hear about it until it became a city council issue.  I didn't know it was being sold at LPOE.  I'm not defending the city council taking their attention away from greater issues, but it did raise local awareness.


about 14 years ago

Darn.  I never got to try it.


about 14 years ago

The kids will all have to take Meow Meow (mephedrone) instead.


about 14 years ago

Nope, Meow Meow is illegal under the analog act.


about 14 years ago

If the real stuff was legal there would be no need for the fake stuff. End of story.


about 14 years ago

Get out of my life government.


about 14 years ago

Gateway drug.


about 14 years ago

Gateway drug is alcohol and cigarettes.


about 14 years ago

Mother's milk leads to cannabinol.

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