We’re feeling used

Perfect Duluth Day hit a seemingly significant, though maybe not legitimately significant, milestone recently when it crossed the threshold of having 2,000 registered users.

Registered users, of course, are the people who have created an account on this site and are able to create posts and comment on posts. (Anyone can read PDD, but in order to be involved in discussions here you must create an account and log in.)

In recognition of 2,000+ users, we present a bunch of yammering, er, useful information, about PDD user accounts. Call it answers to frequently or not-so-frequently asked questions.

Mont du Laps, Episode 2

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

This video is a collaboration between Mont du Lac Recreation, Jambox Shred Gear and videographer Hunter Gulan, featuring riding by Dan Spooner, Kai Sandal, Paul Lavold, James Olson, Jackson Brown and Danny Kiolbasa.

This week: lights, skis and dolls


Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.

Merry Christmas! As we enter the 12 days of Christmas there are lots of merry gatherings to be had.

KUMD will be rebroadcasting the theatrical UMD radio production of “It’s a Wonderful Life” today, which, if you didn’t catch it on the stage, you really should tune in.

You only have a few days left to tour Bentleyville which closes on Wednesday.

Marshall School will be holding a 3 day ski camp Wednesday through Friday.

This is the last weekend for the Rubber Chicken Holiday Revue Show – “A Flood of Christmas Cheer, or, What Seal Is This?” at Fitger’s with a special show on New Year’s Eve.

The Duluth Dolls will be nice and naughty at their burlesque show Saturday at the Teatro Zuccone.

The BRRRRDathon Marathon starts on Saturday, a birding photography fundraiser extravaganza to perserve land in the Sax-Zim Bog. The name alone deserves preservation.

So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know!

Bev’s Jook Joint for Sale or Lease

Bev’s Jook Joint for sale or lease.” Bev Robinson – jjointmusic [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Casket Quarry | Duluth Crushed Stone Co.


According to the 1943 book Mineral Resources of Minnesota, edited by William H. Emmons and Frank F. Grout, “the Duluth Crushed Stone Company quarried gabbro at Duluth for road stone, railroad ballast, concrete aggregate, rubble for retaining walls, and riprap (large fragments for piers, breakwaters, etc.).”

Where in Duluth?

Time once again for the exciting quiz sensation in which you try to guess where in Duluth a photo was taken.

Well, here we are. We need more minions …

Two of them, in fact. 

Who are we? An existential question, at times, but Raven & Associates, Inc. is a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth. We are looking for two talented, skilled, and charming individuals to be part of our team.  We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s what we are looking for.

Part-time position #1: Part-time customer service/office assistant.

Part-time position #2: We need a digital ink money, or to use another parlance, a person to run our digital printer.

Born on the Day of the Dead: A short film about Ian Thomas Alexy

Minneapolis/Duluth-based artist Ian Thomas Alexy releases a short film documenting the creation of his new record Born on the Day of the Dead. Co-starring Eric “Actual Wolf” Pollard, Carrie Deans and Josie Horbach.

Duck Duck Punch — “RGB”

Duck Duck Punch has a new video, a new album and a gig coming up in Duluth — where the band was formed.

Sizzling in Bacon Grease

Concept idea

Ever since I read a blog post on 3rd Ward I have had the idea of starting this type of center in the area I live in now. The Duluth News Tribune had an article the other day about the trials of selling the shutdown schools and I thought the shuttered Morgan Park school would be an awesome location. I thought that a music studio could be added to the music wing of the schools also. If all the wood-working equipment and the kiln were still there it would be an added bonus.

I think it would be a cool add to the Duluth community. Probably a pipe dream though!

DNT; Jo Cooley: Gen Con Now ‘Video-gaming Convention”

From the DNT – “Local view: Video-gaming convention not a good idea for Duluth”:

“Bringing a scaled-down version of Indiana’s Gen Con convention to Duluth would only increase the amount of violence to which Duluth is exposed. Is increased violence something we really want to willingly welcome into Duluth?”

Your opinion piece is maddeningly uninformed and you should feel bad.

Miller Hill Mall Nostalgia

I know we should all strive to shop as locally as possible for all of our holiday gifts but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. I was at the Miller Hill Mall yesterday and realized how much that place has changed in my lifetime. My biggest memory of the mall was the old movie theater and the McDonald’s right across the way. Not to mention going to Mr. Bulky’s to get candy to sneak in. What are your biggest Miller Hill Mall memories of stores that are no longer there?

Meditation anyone?

I am looking for a meditation group in the Duluth area … anyone know of anything?

Nicholas David’s performances on The Voice

Eagan native Nicholas David (whose real name is David Mrozinski) has played Duluth a few times with Teague Alexy, and his aunt and uncle own the Duluth Grill.

Above he performs a medley of Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire” and Jimi Hendrix’s “Fire” during the Dec. 17 broadcast.

The winner of The Voice will be announced tonight during a two-hour broadcast on KBJR-TV channel 6.1. The prize is a recording contract with Universal Music Group.

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