ravendave Posts

Hiring more minions at Raven & Associates

We are looking for a couple of part-time minions at Raven & Assocates, Inc.

Looking for seasonal minion … or a seasoned minion … not for eating.

We need a seasoned or seasonal minion! Raven & Associates, Inc., a great little promotional products company right here in Duluth, has started ramping up for our summer season earlier than usual and we need help! We are looking for person to act as an assistant to our sales team writing up quotes, ordering product, doing product research, etc.  We are looking for someone with computer skills, charm, and the ability to work in an office environment. This very well could turn into a full-time position going into the fall.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Hourly wage of $10 per hour and with some ability to be flexible on work schedule. Previous experience working in an office (you know, with computers), some background in the arts, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or drop me an e-mail at dave @ goravengo.com. We are now located in a creepy old theater at 319 N. Central Ave.

Minion. We need another minion. Are you minion material?

We need a another minion! They keep disappearing into the basement. Raven & Associates, Inc., a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth, is looking for another talented, skilled, and charming individual to be part of our customer service team. We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time customer service. Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience working in an office environment (you know, with computers), background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or drop me an email at dave @ goravengo.com. We are now located in a creepy old theater at 319 N. Central Ave.

Well, here we are. We need more minions …

Two of them, in fact. 

Who are we? An existential question, at times, but Raven & Associates, Inc. is a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth. We are looking for two talented, skilled, and charming individuals to be part of our team.  We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s what we are looking for.

Part-time position #1: Part-time customer service/office assistant.

Part-time position #2: We need a digital ink money, or to use another parlance, a person to run our digital printer.

Minion! Minion! Looking for a minion!

We need a new minion! Raven & Associates, Inc., a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth, is looking for another talented, skilled, and charming individual to be part of our customer service team.  We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time customer service.  Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience working in an office environment (you know, with computers), background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or drop me an email at dave @ ravenassociatesinc.com. We are now located in a creepy old theater at 319 N. Central Ave.

Raven & Associates, Inc. looking for another warm body

Here we go again, all you PDD people! Raven & Associates, Inc., a promotional products company right here in Duluth, is looking for another talented, skilled, and charming individual to act as a office assistant to our customer service team. We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time office assistant job.  Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience working in an office environment (you know, with computers), background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or drop me an email at raven @ duluthmn.com.

Raven & Associates is looking for a minion … er, an employee!

This worked so well last time, we thought we would try it again! Raven & Associates, Inc. is a promotional products company in Duluth that sells mainly to camps, nonprofits and outdoor groups nationally. We are looking for an additional customer service rep to join our team. We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time customer-service representative position. Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience, background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or send me a message via our Facebook page.

Know anyone looking for a cool place to work in Duluth?

Hey! Do you know anyone looking for a cool place to work? Not cold, mind you, but a place where coming to work is like being wrapped a warm, sweaty blanket supplied to you by dear friends? OK, maybe not sweaty. Here’s the deal: I am look for two people who are fun, artistic, and competent to come and work at my company, Raven & Associates, Inc.