nbayuk Posts

Snowmobiling Madness

Alright, I like winter as much as anyone else in Duluth and don’t want to spoil people’s fun. That being said, I have a neighbor who is a bit of a snowmobile enthusiest. He likes to ride his snowmobile around his yard ad nauseum at all hours of the night. He also likes to ride up and down the street and all over the schoolyard accross the street, especially when parents and kids are sledding. I have talked to him about this but he isn’t what you would call neighborly. Is this even legal to do? It seems a trail or a lake would be a better spot than a small yard or public space to ride around. Do I have a legitimate complaint or am I being the old guy shaking his fist at everyone?

Miller Hill Mall Nostalgia

I know we should all strive to shop as locally as possible for all of our holiday gifts but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. I was at the Miller Hill Mall yesterday and realized how much that place has changed in my lifetime. My biggest memory of the mall was the old movie theater and the McDonald’s right across the way. Not to mention going to Mr. Bulky’s to get candy to sneak in. What are your biggest Miller Hill Mall memories of stores that are no longer there?

Beer Store Recommendation

Does the PDD community have a recommendation as to which liquor store has the best craft beer selection? I went to Cash Wise and while it does have a lot of beer and a big “single” selection for $8.99 a six pack, the variety isn’t that great. Warehouse had some different brews but the prices were outrageous. $3.99 for a Big Eddy Baltic Porter? I live close to Woodland Liquor but the people there actually get annoyed and snippy if you ask them a question about anything above Budweiser or Miller. Who has had the best luck and where?

Snowshoeing: Where to Start?

I am about 90 percent sure I am getting my first pair of snowshoes for Xmas this year. I have always wanted to get into this but need some advice on a few things. Besides the actual snowshoes, what kind of actual shoe is best to wear? Is snowshoeing something that needs to be practiced or is it pretty much walking in the snow? I live very close to Hartley Nature Center so that will be the main trail but where are some other good places to go in town? Any advice would be appreciated.

Oh, the possibilities

Okay, I need a little help. I finally got a M-F, 9-5 job in Duluth and will not have to work weekends for the first time since I was 14 years old. I have a 1 year old daughter and want to take advantage of some weekend family activities but have been out of the loop for a while. What is out there that I may have forgot or have not heard about yet?

Oktoberfest Beers

It is probably safe to say fall is peeking its head around the corner. This is great for many reasons and one of them is the Oktoberfest beers are trickling in. Thus far I have had Hoptober from New Belgium and Oktoberfests from Summit, Schells, and Becks. To this point I have to say I like Schells the best. What are your favorites? I understand Fitger’s does a couple of very nice fall seasonal brews!

Possible wine bar!?!?!?

I thought I read in the Tribune that there may be a wine bar moving in downtown? Does anyone know about this? That would be awesome if it did. The wine crowd in Duluth seems to be regulated to the Gitch wine club and a few fellow wine drinkers. If anyone knows anything about this, I would be interested.