Outdoors Posts

Duluth Pack – Backpacker Magazine “Get Out More” Event

Backpacker Magazine Get Out More

Backpacker Magazine Get Out More

Sept. 9 | 6-8 p.m.Backpacker Magazine visits the Duluth Pack retail store in Duluth as a part of its “Get Out More” events.  Free outdoor gear give-a-ways, slideshow and more. getoutmore2009.com | duluthpack.com

Duluth Pack is one of about 50 places Backpacker Magazine will visit in the USA.

Nature Identification Quiz


Is that a hawk, a turkey vulture or a twig?

(Shot today in Duluth, along the western hillside.)

Camping Gear for Rent in Duluth

I am looking for a business that rents camping gear (tents, sleeping bags, camp stoves, etc.). We are planning a short weekend camping trip and aren’t quite ready to go all out and purchase everything. Is there anywhere in Duluth or Superior that offers this kind of service? Also, is there anywhere that rents small fishing boats?

Ah, September


I’d like to welcome the best month in Duluth.

It’s a twister ma!

A tornado touched down a few times in Minneapolis. The Electric Fetus was hit.

We saw it coming from our work windows and headed to the basement. It touched down about five blocks from my theater.

Ride the Rubber Chicken Charter to Applefest this October!



On Saturday, October 3, make it a beautiful fall day of crunchy apples and corny jokes as KUWS Radio and Rubber Chicken Theater invite you to ride in style to Applefest in Bayfield aboard the Rubber Chicken Charter.

The Rubber Chicken Charter will leave from Wessman Arena on the campus of UWS at 11:00am, and gets back to Superior at 10:30pm. There will be plenty of time in beautiful Bayfield to enjoy the sights and sounds of Applefest, then, at 5:00pm, you will be in the audience for the LIVE broadcast of The Rubber Chicken Radio Hour. The show will be performed smack dab in the middle of Applefest, right on the main stage. The show will feature local musicians from Big Top Chautauqua, a Brett Favre apple sketch or two, and other fun surprises.

Cost to ride the Rubber Chicken Charter is just $20. Seating is limited, so reserve your spot today by contacting Kim Gustafson at KUWS Radio ([email protected], 715-394-8530). Credit cards are accepted.

Farmers Market at UMD: Wednesday

Farmers Market at UMD
Every Wednesday from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
UMD Kirby Plaza Bus Hub
LOCAL Produce, Music and Artisans!

Leah Nelson
nels5131 @ d.umn.edu
Ride the Bus or Park for FREE in Lot E!

This PDD brought to you by the brothers Ring


My boys are fascinated with this discovery they made last night at Brighton Beach.  Our bedtime talk was filled with the possibilities of the other worlds that just might lie at the other end of a tunnel. 

way too exciting

Do you have a favorite culvert in Duluth?  I think we have more exploring to do.

Peaceful Waves

Peaceful Waves off of Wisconsin Point

Earthwood Stock

On August 29th, there will be a free, one-day music festival at the Earthwood Inn on Hwy 61, 1 mile S of Two Harbors. The festival starts at noon, goes until 1 am and includes an open jam from noon-3 pm and six bands starting at 3 pm. The lineup is as follows:

MacInnes Kitchen – Irish Music   3 pm
Black Bear Combo – Balkan Mountain Music  4:30pm
Triple J – Blues Trio  6pm
Uprising – Reggae  7:45pm
Blues Alligations – Blues/Rock  9:30pm
Stubborn Country – Country 11:15

Food (Burgers, Brats and Jerk Chicken) and Beverages (Alcoholic and Non) will be served at this outdoor festival, under the big tent at the Earthwood Inn. This is also the official Slivovitz Festival for 2009. For information, call 218-834-3847. Paul Belsito, proprietor.

One more reason why I love Duluth, or the berries are ripe!

Saturday evening, a fabulous time to head over to Brighton Beach. A few other families thought so as well. We get out of the car and basically have to navigate our way over a few raspberry bushes to get to the beach. This being Duluth, they were still full of berries. They are no longer, so no need to consult there in your berry quest.

berry picking

Truth in Advertising

This behemoth was about 30 feet long and aptly named.

Starving Artist Barter??

Dear Duluthians,
You might have seen some of my art at Bohemia Arts, and if not, please do come see it, because if you like it: I am hoping to trade existing paintings, commissions, and/or mural work for a) a decent bike b) a canoe in working order c) a kayak that floats and/or d) misc hauling equipment and useful accessories for said objects. Or other awesome stuff to trade for might be considered too…

Thank you kindly,
maria sippola
fox wife

3D “Journey to the Center of the Earth”

MITP logo

25-43 and Bored? Join Life in Duluth!

In May 2009, we lauched the Life in Duluth Social Networking Group.  We’re a group of younger Duluthian who want to meet new people, try new things & have a full social calendar.   Singles & couples both accepted.

We’re over 100 members today & have been meeting for events like happy hour, bowling, hiking, biking, movies in the park, volleyball, kickball, Huskies games, concerts, etc.

If you’re a typical young, bored Duluthian, check us out & join up!  http://www.meetup.com/Life-in-Duluth/

-Brian Tasky, Life in Duluth Organizer