Outdoors Posts

One more reason why I love Duluth, or the berries are ripe!

Saturday evening, a fabulous time to head over to Brighton Beach. A few other families thought so as well. We get out of the car and basically have to navigate our way over a few raspberry bushes to get to the beach. This being Duluth, they were still full of berries. They are no longer, so no need to consult there in your berry quest.

berry picking

Truth in Advertising

This behemoth was about 30 feet long and aptly named.

Starving Artist Barter??

Dear Duluthians,
You might have seen some of my art at Bohemia Arts, and if not, please do come see it, because if you like it: I am hoping to trade existing paintings, commissions, and/or mural work for a) a decent bike b) a canoe in working order c) a kayak that floats and/or d) misc hauling equipment and useful accessories for said objects. Or other awesome stuff to trade for might be considered too…

Thank you kindly,
maria sippola
fox wife

3D “Journey to the Center of the Earth”

MITP logo

25-43 and Bored? Join Life in Duluth!

In May 2009, we lauched the Life in Duluth Social Networking Group.  We’re a group of younger Duluthian who want to meet new people, try new things & have a full social calendar.   Singles & couples both accepted.

We’re over 100 members today & have been meeting for events like happy hour, bowling, hiking, biking, movies in the park, volleyball, kickball, Huskies games, concerts, etc.

If you’re a typical young, bored Duluthian, check us out & join up!  http://www.meetup.com/Life-in-Duluth/

-Brian Tasky, Life in Duluth Organizer

21st Annual Bayfront Blues Festival

Duluth Bayfront Blues Fest 2009 | August 7, 8, 9.

Who are you looking forward to seeing this year?

Anybody have any suggestions on must see artists this year?

Duluth Bayfront Blue Fest

Duluth Bayfront Blues Fest 2009

To view 2009 performance lineup on both stages click continue reading below.

Website: www.bayfrontblues.com/
Bayfront Blues Festival Lodging Availability

Perfect 40-or-so-miles-from-Duluth Day


First time canoeing on the Brule River. Stones Bridge landing to Highway 2.

Golf Fore Pride

Golf Fore Pride

Chester Bowl youth summer program

If you’ve got kids and need something for them to do this summer, there’s still open spots in the Chester Bowl summer program. They’re doing things like kayaking, hiking, field trips (Twins game, Valleyfair, park point sailing and swimming, and other places around town.) Scholarships are available. Details, fees, schedules and more can be found on the Chester Bowl Site.

The Fractals. Beer. Pizza. Prizes. Tomorrow.


Weather doesn’t look great, but it’s sure to be better than last year’s miserable conditions — and that was a blast.

Snow in June


Dandelion snow or cottonwood seeds or willow dust or something.


Thurs, July 2
The Bike Cave, 1712 Jefferson St.
8pm- Potluck
9pm- Film screening

Bike on down to the Cave for an evening of food and film! We’ll be screening Veer, a new documentary film that follows five bike enthusiasts over the course of a year, illuminating their struggles and triumphs while depicting different aspects of today’s bike culture.

Veer trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyv0JchtTpQ

Ride your bike, bring a friend, and bring something to share!
the B.C.C is a sober space.



One of those enormous strings of balloons that arch across the street at the finish line for grandmas got loose and headed off into the heavens. Last seen flying high over Lake Superior headed south … I wonder where they’ll land or if they’ll ever be found … I wonder if there are tell tale marks on the balloons that will lead a finder to know they’re from Duluth. Hopefully they won’t end up in any bird or varmint bellies, that’s deadly. Any way to track them? Anyone else care but me? Anyone else get a better picture than this?


Duluth Party on Madeline Island 2009

Isolate the hole, people. Isolate the hole.

Large-flowered trilliums

trilliums847Have you noticed these suckers are everywhere this spring?

I must see eight dozen wild flowers for every tick I pluck off my socks. Not a bad ratio.