Outdoors Posts

Ice Pack


Lutsen Mountains: King of the Midwest Hills

Airbourne - New York Times

New York Times story here.

Earth Hour March 28th

Earth Hour flier 2

Earth Hour is something that is going on March 28th. They just ask you to turn off the lights to your house from 8:30-9:30 p.m. as a way to ‘Vote Earth.’

I think this is  a really cool initiative because last year about 50 million households/businesses participated in Earth Hour by shutting off their lights, and this year they hope to have 1 billion people participate!

I hope you all will join me for Earth Hour on 3/28/2009.

Do you all have any ideas on how to bring Earth Hour to Duluth. Sarah’s table is already serving candlelit dinners for the hour, so if you would like a romantic dinner. 😉 But if you all have any other ideas let me know!

Thrills, Spills and Chills: Chester Bowl Wipeouts

I shot this on Sunday, the last day at Chester Bowl for skiing/snowboarding. I’m still trying to dry out my kid’s snowboard boots.

This is mostly the crashing and burning, and to be fair, most of the skiers made it across just fine. But really, who wants to watch that? Success is boring.

Summer or winter, Chester Bowl is the best.

Earth Hour


I am a UMD student and RA on campus and recently I have been working night and day to bring ‘Earth Hour’ to UMD and Duluth Minnesota! If you don’t know about ‘Earth Hour,’ basically it is a global initiative that asks citizens to turn off the lights of their homes/businesses from 8:30-9:30 p.m. on March 28th as a way to vote ‘Earth’. If you would like to learn more about ‘Earth Hour’ the official website is earthhour.org.

I got yer shovel-ready project right here



Ahhh spring. The time dog-owners dread. The snow melts, revealing the bounty of gifts Barfy has left for you in the backyard all winter long.

I found something that might be helpful for other dog people.


If you have one of these clamshell-type post hole diggers, it works quite well for extracting the poo from the snow and ice. And it’s better to get it now while it’s semi-frozen than in a few weeks when it’s almost liquid.

At that point, I recommend a pair of industrial-strength, chemical grade rubber gloves. Then you can just dig right in there and get ‘er done.

Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak, Tangier 57 Play for the Lake

Local bands Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak and Tangier 57 will play at the Rex on Friday, March 13 in a “Benefit for the Lake.” Proceeds from the concert will support Duluth’s McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America in its effort to protect Lake Superior from invasive species.


The Rex Bar, Early Bird Drink Specials 8-10 p.m.

Donation: $8 Before 9 p.m., $10 after

Tangier 57: 8 p.m.

Bended Oak: 10 p.m.

Trampled By Turtles: Midnight

Duluth’s Izaak Walton League is taking on the federal government (National Coast Guard and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) to prompt federal protection of our shared resource (visit www.duluthikes.org for more information about this effort). Minnesota and Wisconsin, have already begun taking steps to clean up ballast water, but varying regulations from state to state are likely to create headaches and confusion among the shipping industry. The current effort calls for a unified solution for this national problem. Come listen to some good music and help protect our Lake.

Problems for the Minnesota Moose

Global Warming?….

News headlines in December 2008 rang an alarm bell for those who love one of Minnesota’s wildlife treasures, the moose. Full Story from Conservation Minnesota

“Minnesota Without Moose? It Could Happen”

“Wildlife Experts Discuss Plight of Minnesota Moose”

“State Tries to Save? North-Woods Icon”

Full Story from Conservation Minnesota

WP – Photo Gallery – North Shore

Below is an example of adding images  in WP using the gallery option.

I clicked insert an image. Choose from  computer, select files, browsed & selected all 9 images I wanted at once and uploaded all of them at one time. Very Slick! 😉 Then I added captions to all 9, selected Gallery tab, selected my options for the gallery and hit insert gallery to post.  That’s it.