Duluth not romantic, says FourSquare

Um, I’m sorry … what?!?

Strib article here: “Foursquare: Romance is gone in Duluth”



about 12 years ago

FourSquare, eh? Yea, that's a legit source. Don't get your panties up in a wad.


about 12 years ago

It's hard to see romance when you're white.


about 12 years ago

Maybe I'm not such a great catch, but I've fallen in love at least a couple of times in Duluth -- and the last one took (coming up on 23 years). And I've been to that Florida -- pretty muggy and full of self-absorbed loons.

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Consider the source. When you have people on Foursquare checking into Spur stations and Kmart, that kind of colors the information they're getting. The whole "checking in" thing really colors this town as an awful place. Go to Facebook and click "Nearby" to see what I mean. I generally have some pretty fun friends, but what I see there is a town full of crap. People checking into McDonald's and Muffler Clinic and their own houses. It isn't an accurate representation of fun stuff, let alone romantic stuff.


about 12 years ago

Lake Buena Vista, Fla., aka The Mouse, aka Orlando, I can assure all you fine folk,  wins the blue ribbon for asshole-of-the-universe, tied for first with Phoenix/Las Vegas/Denver/LA.  Duluth's romanceability aside, they definitely screwed the credibility pooch by listing that as number one most romantic.  Goofy is right.


about 12 years ago

Dang it, I was up at the mall on Saturday and forgot to foursquare in at Victorias Secret! Sorry sweetie!  I hope some hipster douche doesn't notice!


about 12 years ago

Wait, so romance is about buying things?


about 12 years ago

Uh oh, it's almost spring!  Time for the hipsters to change partners for the summer. #romance


about 12 years ago

Aren't you supposed to be #taging from a hot tub, Jake?

Florida is full of dicks.

Hot Shot

about 12 years ago

Bullshit. I checked in at the 'Toga for just this reason.


about 12 years ago

Then how come I keep getting laid?


about 12 years ago

With how many people that have outdoor weddings in this town there's got to be something romantic about it. Shit, I had my wedding on Brighton Beach.


about 12 years ago

Beautiful, Paul -- !!!

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