Moose Posts

Video of bull moose sparring in northern Minnesota

From a snowy forest in Voyageurs National Park, about 100 miles north of Duluth, trail camera footage from two weeks ago of two bull moose locking antlers, with a third bull eventually joining in. The video is from the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the ecology of wolves in the park.

Wolves and Other Wildlife on the Mithrandir Trail

The Mithrandir Pack of wolves is the primary traveler seen on this trail camera footage from Voyageurs National Park, shot last summer and fall, but an array of other critters also pop in.

Northwoods Creatures in Wild Remote Country

This latest montage from Voyageurs National Park shows critters over a 1.5-month period this past spring.

The camera was set up by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. But the otters kind of steal the show in this video.

Summer Vignettes of Minnesota Wildlife

This montage of trail camera footage from Voyageurs National Park includes a bobcat and her kittens, a black bear, a deer, a coyote and several moose.

The camera was set up by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. This particular camera has been removed because the area is kind of swampy and there were no wolves traveling on the trail all summer.

Spring Vignettes in the Northwoods

This spring 2023 trail camera footage shows vignettes of wildlife in Voyageurs National Park, with several toddlers tromping through the frame.

The camera was set up by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park.

Fall 2021 on the Kabetogama Peninsula

This trail camera footage shows the various wildlife in the Kabetogama Peninsula of Voyageurs National Park, about 115 miles northwest of Duluth, from September to December.

A Beaver Dam: Summer to Fall

A trail camera on a beaver dam at Kabetogama Peninsula in Voyageurs National Park last summer captured a variety of wildlife.

Shooting with Sparky: Odd Bull-moose Behavior

Mark “Sparky” Stensaas visited the Superior National Forest in January and recently put together the footage for this episode of “Shooting with Sparky.” Watch as a bull moose attempts to mount another bull who’d lost its antlers. Also: twelve spruce grouse, boreal chickadees and a great gray owl.

One Year on a Game Trail in Northern Minnesota

The latest video from the Voyageurs Wolf Project shows all of the wildlife using a game trail in Voyageurs National Park from June 2019 to August 2020. It’s a 15-minute distillation of more than 5.5 hours of footage recorded on a single camera, featuring an extraordinary variety of critters.

The Singing Wilderness: Summer to Winter in the Northwoods

This video contains all the wildlife captured by a remote camera from July 21 to Jan. 17 on a rocky island in the middle of a large bog in Voyageurs National Park. The camera is located in the center of the Cranberry Bay Pack territory and the collared wolves in the video are Wolves V083 and V084, the breeding pair of the Cranberry Bay Pack.

The Voyageurs Wolf Project put together the video and titled it after Sigurd Olson’s book The Singing Wilderness, a collection of essays on the different seasons in the northwoods.

Cranberry Bay is on Rainy Lake, about 125 miles north of Duluth.

Selective Focus: Moose

So funny looking but still majestic. This week, photos of friends from Frostbite Falls.

Moose and Wolf Battle – Drone Video

Drone photographer Dan Nystedt caught an epic moose and wolf fight on camera while shooting scenery in Ontario yesterday.

Hungry Jack Lake Moose Rescue

Moose on Hungry Jack LakeMembers of the Gunflint Trail Volunteer Fire Department, along with several area residents, rescued a moose that had fallen through ice 100 yards from shore this morning on Hungry Jack Lake, about 30 miles north of Grand Marais. Forrest Parson, owner of Hungry Jack Lodge, tells the story in the audio clip above from WTIP North Shore Community Radio.

Bull Moose Party at Lester Park


The Duluth News Tribune reports the Eckels family picnic at Lester Park today “included a visit from a bull moose that gave a few snorts and, at one point, passed within 20 feet of the group.”

Bull moose meanders through Lester Park

Moose on the Loose at Deer River High


From WCCO:

“Students at Deer River High School got a surprise nature lesson without leaving the classroom after spotting a moose wandering around the school’s bus garage.”

Photo gallery here.

Deer River is about 100 miles northwest of Duluth.