Otter Posts

Wolves and Other Wildlife on the Mithrandir Trail

The Mithrandir Pack of wolves is the primary traveler seen on this trail camera footage from Voyageurs National Park, shot last summer and fall, but an array of other critters also pop in.

Northwoods Creatures in Wild Remote Country

This latest montage from Voyageurs National Park shows critters over a 1.5-month period this past spring.

The camera was set up by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. But the otters kind of steal the show in this video.

One Year on a Northwoods Portage

This trail camera footage shows the diversity of wildlife that passes through an old canoe portage at Voyageurs National Park over a 15-month period. Prepare for lots of otters.

Vignettes from the Edge of a Beaver Pond

Researchers at the Voyageurs Wolf Project placed cameras around the edge of a beaver pond this past summer hoping to get good footage of wolves. Instead, they captured a whole lot of otter activity along with a few other critters, including a black bear and three cubs that predictably knocked over a camera.

Wolves, Otter, Beaver and a Red Fox

This scene, recorded late in the fall from a beaver dam at Voyageurs National Park, features all four of the critters in the headline. Of particular note are the otters and their delightful belly slides across the ice.

The footage is from the Voyageurs Wolf Project, focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. At the end of the clip, one of the wolves becomes interested in the trail camera and takes it down to chew on.

Video: Lester River Otter

Eleven seconds of nature shot yesterday at Lester River by Richard Hoeg.

Anang the Otter Celebrates B-day!

Anang the Otter celebrates her 14th birthday at the Aquarium on Sunday, Feb. 27. Toy- and craft-making are on the agenda as are snack time for Anang, complete with fish-filled ice cake. The fun runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meet Splash the giant human otter and watch a dive show, too!   Bring a new or used fleece blanket and get in free.  See