Beaver Posts

Wolves, Otter, Beaver and a Red Fox

This scene, recorded late in the fall from a beaver dam at Voyageurs National Park, features all four of the critters in the headline. Of particular note are the otters and their delightful belly slides across the ice.

The footage is from the Voyageurs Wolf Project, focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. At the end of the clip, one of the wolves becomes interested in the trail camera and takes it down to chew on.

A Beaver Dam: Fall to Winter

Here it is, the sequel to “A Beaver Dam: Summer to Fall.” It features more footage from a trail camera on a beaver dam at Kabetogama Peninsula in Voyageurs National Park.

A Beaver Dam: Summer to Fall

A trail camera on a beaver dam at Kabetogama Peninsula in Voyageurs National Park last summer captured a variety of wildlife.

Beaver Relocation in Downtown Duluth

This beaver was in the downtown Duluth area, near the on-ramp for the adjacent freeway. Farzad from Wildwoods captures it. It is later released outside of town by a creek. Video courtesy of Duluth PD Officer Jayme Carlson.

Briar, Bentley, and Beavers in Our Community

A recent social media campaign about beavers has caught my attention. At the very least, it raises some questions about common access to wild space in our community.