January 2019 Posts

Poll: What is the best new restaurant in the Duluth area?

In 2017 OMC Smokehouse was voted “Perfect New Restaurant” in our Perfect Duluth Day poll. The popular Lincoln Park establishment will soon be two years old. Since then, an array of eateries have opened and it’s time to name a new champ.

With help from our readers, we amassed a list of 25 recently opened eating establishments. It’s a runoff ballot, so options with the fewest votes slowly dropped off the list. The final three were: Corktown Deli & Brews, Martha’s Daughter and Pak’s Green Corner.

What’s the latest restaurant to win over hearts and bellies?

This poll is now closed. The results were:

Corktown Deli & Brews – 43 percent
Pak’s Green Corner – 33 percent
Martha’s Daughter – 24 percent

Well Below Zero

This video by ‎Erik Wilkie‎ documents a Jan. 20 surfing expedition on Lake Superior when the temperature was -15 Fahrenheit.

Lake Superior Magazine 2019 Photo Contest Winners

North Shore image by Like He

Canal Park image by Dan Lee Vander Ark

Duluthians took first place in two categories of Lake Superior Magazine‘s 24th Annual Photo Contest. Like He’s photo from Lake Superior’s North Shore landed top honors in the maritime category. Dan Lee Vander Ark had the favorite in the artsy/altered category for his photo of the Aerial Lift Bridge in winter. Galleries of all the winning photos and runners up can be seen on lakesuperior.com. The winners are featured in the magazine’s February/March issue.

Postcards and Relics from the Duluth Flame Restaurant

This undated postcard shows off one of Duluth’s best-remembered restaurants, the Flame, which operated off-and-on at multiple locations in various forms from the 1930s to the 1980s. At the time of the postcard above, the Flame was at 353 S. Fifth Ave. W., where the Great Lakes Aquarium is today. The Flame operated on the waterfront from 1946 to 1973 and reopened there in 1983.

Lake Superior Sunrise Time Lapse

Video by Danny Baker.

Sketchbooks at Brooklyn Art Library: Daniel Levar

Daniel Levar was a Duluthian in Minneapolis at the time he submitted this sketchbook to the Brooklyn Art Library.

Nominees for Perfect New Restaurant Poll – 2019

OMC Smokehouse has enjoyed the “Perfect New Restaurant” title since winning Perfect Duluth Day’s poll in July of 2017 with an impressive 82 percent of the vote.

Since a flurry of restaurant activity has happened in the Twin Ports over the past year and a half, it’s time to launch another poll and give new establishments a chance to prove their worth.

A Tributary

I’ve been working on a medical humanities project. Some Duluthians are part of it, including local author Avesa Rockwell.

“As I child I could run out the backdoor and leap over tumbleweeds and sagebrush like a jackrabbit. By the time I reached tenth grade my body lost its buoyancy, and the open spaces around my house and in my mind were being leveled, fenced off, and cul-de-saced. I felt trapped by the prefabricated structures of school and its social hierarchies.”

Read the article at repository.stcloudstate.edu.

Mystery Photo #84: Building near Duluth Arena

Sitting awkwardly between the Duluth Arena and the Radisson Hotel in this photo by Perry Gallagher is a seven-story building that can’t be far from demolition. What was it?


I’ve been working on a medical humanities project. Some Duluthians are part of it, including local artist Rob Adams.

Read the article at repository.stcloudstate.edu.

The Name and the Person

Growing up, I disliked my name. It’s a 1970’s-era “J name” — like Jennifer, Jessica, Julie, and Jason. It was partly inspired by the Scream Queen, Jamie Lee Curtis, who starred in Halloween in 1978, the year I was born.

Since Jamie is often a boy’s name, I got Boys’ Life magazine ads and Boy Scout fliers in the mail. On the first day of 7th grade, my homeroom teacher met me with an “oh!,” and said he was surprised I was a girl. These things greatly offended younger me.

My mother chose a cute, trendy name for a critical, contrarian child. I could only see the contradictions in Jamie the name: an androgynous name for a feminine girl; a plain name that has four or more different spellings; a common name that people misread as Janice and mishear as Janie.

My middle name was no better in my opinion. It is my mother’s maiden name, a last name. I would have liked a “real” middle name like Jamie Lynn or Jamie Lee, like Ms. Curtis.

Selective Focus: Esther Piszczek

This week, Esther Piszczek talks about her journey from attorney and doodler to artist and teacher. Be sure to check out the beautiful documentary produced by Lola Visuals toward the end of the post to see in real-time how she makes her intricate artwork.

EP: I am a pattern artist specializing in the Zentangle® method of pattern drawing. The Zentangle method, created by Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts in Massachusetts, uses a .01 Sakura micron pen and pencil shading on a 3.5 x 3.5 inch paper tile to create intricate, beautiful, non-representational art. The method is contemplative and founded on the principle that there are no mistakes, only opportunities to create something unexpected.

Sketchbooks at Brooklyn Art Library: Steven Rodriques

I’m digging deeper into the online collection of Duluth-related Sketchbooks at the Brooklyn Art Library.

Dementia: Shifting Mystery to Meaning and Management

I’ve been working on a medical humanities project. Some Duluthians are part of it, including communication instructor Daniel Egley and his partner Beverly Egley.

A Coaching Party on Boulevard Drive, Duluth, Minn.

Copyright 1904, Detroit Publishing Co.