Does anyone think about font choices? Eek. I think they actually look at "martinis" and decide it's too ethnic sounding. Thus the apostrophe save. Ugh. There's no apostrophe in Baileys either.
On a related note, I can't wait to upgrade my old Yahoo! Mail account so I can see the new desgin.
I've never had or seen a martini at GB Schneider's, but I wonder if "pint style" merely mimics Red Star's serving style, which is a martini shaken in a pint glass, served with a strainer alongside a small martini glass. You pour the drink yourself from the pint shaker into the small martini glass, which ends up being filled three times or so per order.
The very neat thing about a cocktail is how a martini looks in a martini glass. The very bad aspect is when people start turning Grasshoppers, etc. into Martini's and serving them in pint glasses. Cream de Mint Martini's indeed. You're ruining a great Reason To Live on so many levels, you illiterate, tacky bartenders, you.
about 11 years agoLawrence Lee
about 11 years agoK. Praslowicz
about 11 years agoandrew.t
about 11 years agoSpecial K
about 11 years agospy1
about 11 years agoRamos
about 11 years agoPaul Lundgren
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about 11 years agoheysme
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about 11 years ago