Mike Creger Posts

Where in Duluth, the trashy version

This is from today, FYI. And it all sits in my recycling now. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Where in Duluth?

Who needs Photoshop?

Cold weather experiments

I don’t want to see our area children suffer from a lack of knowledge today with no school and am hoping parents or day care workers send them outside for cold weather experiments and share them on PDD. But be careful.

Own worst enemy

The Duluth City Council recently approved spending $75,000 on a PR campaign to show people that the city is open for business post flood. I think it’s a dubious expense, though there are still people asking us how we are holding up and how we are getting around the city. But in reading a rather disjointed and breathless story in the Star Tribune today, I get the feeling that getting FEMA money will keep our city leaders from talking about rebuilding for a while:

From the Strib:

Said Duluth Fire Chief John Strongitharm, “When they see the scope of the storm, it would be difficult to think they would not be providing individual assistance. It’s had a major impact not only on the public infrastructure, but on people’s lives and homes.”

In Duluth, 10 inches of rain created the worst flash flooding in more than a century and hundreds of people were forced from homes by rising water. Roads buckled and washed out, sewers overflowed. Damage to public infrastructure has been estimated at $55 million.

“Any place there was a creek or culvert was destroyed,” Strongitharm said.

Duluth Landscaper Recommendations

I know we all tend to be DIYers when it comes to the yard, but I am in need of some vision and major revision. Tile, dirt, no-grass front lawn, shoring up the fence. Any suggestions on a good all-around scaper in the area? Thanks.

Dear Homegrown Diary


The mayor was late at Tycoons but, given his pre-proclamation speech involving the real/made-up story of Homegrown, which may or may not involve a story of fire-ring elves, makes sense and is forgiven.

Mr. Ness went on to win the Homegrown Pub Quiz at Carmody, leading to a who’s-who of wearing the chicken hat. Devon yelled well, and everyone got a prize.

For this old slag, the Repo Man-style back at Tycoons was worth an open-eyed listen after so many hemp-inspired ales.

There was much talk of slipping over to Luce, or back to Carmody. I’m sure readers can fill in.

Safe to say, it was a rowdy first night, leaving one to wonder if we all can hold out. I save my strength, it looks like Monday is here.

Memories, like the kickballs of my mind

2011 Homegrown Kickball Game, Part 1

Lot of hoo-haw fer nuthin

No change in Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District, except that it now includes more of Betrami County.

What is it?

Speaking of the city’s infrastructure (Sunday DNT), does anyone know exactly what this is? By lower Chester.

Past is prologue

Wool: 1911 > Debt ceiling: 2011

Fighting for us

News Release
Cravaack introduces bill to eliminate federal sign brightness mandate

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-8) introduced H.R. 2442, the Rural County Mandate Relief Act. The bill would eliminate the federal mandate that states and local municipalities must keep their road and street signs bright enough to meet federal government brightness standards, allowing them to decide when signs are replaced.

“State and local governments are still struggling under the weight of lower revenues brought on by the recent recession,” said Cravaack. “Any mandate from Washington forcing municipalities to unnecessarily replace perfectly adequate street signs hurts their ability to affectively spend scarce taxpayer dollars elsewhere. State and local governments are perfectly capable of deciding when their signs need to be replaced and how best to pay for any new signs.”

The bill has the support of numerous mayors and council members across the 8th District. One such legislator, Steve Biondich, an Aurora City Councilman said H.R. 2442 “is exactly what we need … getting rid of silly unfunded mandates.” Based on a conservative estimate, state and local municipalities will be forced to spend at least $37.5 million over the next ten years to meet the current federal mandate on sign brightness.

Congressman Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is vice chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.

The Swarm

I am thoroughly enjoying the throng of dragonflies that have appeared over the last week or so (tho seems to be waning) but also cringing as I drive through swarms of them on the road. Delighted because I am under the impression that they are voracious bug eaters and don’t bother people too much. If anyone has special insight on the life of dragonflies in the area, I’m all ears and wings.

North Shore prime

If you can find a place to park other than the side of Highway 61, this would would be an ideal weekend to explore North Shore state parks without all the crowds. Boldly enter at the gates or use the trails (SHT) running into them. And the lupines up the shore are stunning right now.

Drink up

100 years ago, from the front page of the Duluth News Tribune, June 10, 1911.