What is it?

Speaking of the city’s infrastructure (Sunday DNT), does anyone know exactly what this is? By lower Chester.



about 13 years ago

It's a water reservoir.


about 13 years ago

Beat by chris.


about 13 years ago

Since we are on a hill we don't need ugly water towers all over.


about 13 years ago

Also a sweet shortcut through the Hillside (15th Ave E, no stop signs)


about 13 years ago

I love the view from there.


about 13 years ago

It seems like a good place to play Frisbee, but the combination of tall grass and metal things sticking out the ground can make it potentially dangerous.


about 13 years ago

It would make a GREAT place for a dog park!


about 13 years ago

Ahem ... BACI! It's my super secret moon base (on earth). Shhh....


about 13 years ago

@girlfromnorthcountry: THIS! What a great idea!


about 13 years ago

It is our secret dog park.


about 13 years ago

I second the croquet suggestion, would be an awesome spot for a...field, er...diamond. The pitch? Anyhoodle, good spot for croquet.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

I think Starfire's referring to the PDD-driven croquet picnic we had there back in August of 2003. I took this photo that day, when someone started playing badminton with scorched bratwurst.


about 13 years ago

That's my running track, ~1/4 mile a lap!


about 13 years ago

My dad took me here to fly kites many years ago.

Tony D.

about 13 years ago

Several years back a bunch of us did Labor Day on the Reservoir: adults, kids, and dogs. Mowed part of the lawn for croquet, set up badmitton, poured some cocktails (emphasis on gin & tonics, which go well with croquet and badmitton), and ate us some good food. All a harmless good time until a neighbor called the police on us....

With the mention of badmitton, I await the first bad pun involving the term "shuttlecock."


about 13 years ago

The neighbor in top left is (was) the police.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

I forgot that the police came.

Tony D.

about 13 years ago

Paul and Barrett, was that the same event? I forgot there was flying cooked meat, and I rarely forget instances of flying cooked meat. Raw, sure--happens all the time--but Cooked?

Still waiting for a shuttlecock remark. Anyone? Danny?

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

Same event. I remember the flying meat but don't remember the cops showing up, so I guess we're a good memory team.

Paul Lundgren

about 13 years ago

And I'll get started on printing the "Remember the flying meat" T-shirts tonight.

Barrett Chase

about 13 years ago

I do remember the cops showing up. I just didn't at first. I think we'd been there for quite a long time before they did. They didn't come up onto the grass where everyone was, but just talked to a handful of people down on 15th. In defense of the neighbors, the main complaint probably had to do with people peeing in the bushes on 15th, not badminton or croquet or barbecued shuttlecocks.


about 13 years ago

I was about to ask: Who calls the cops on croquet and badminton? The peeing explains it.


about 13 years ago

Paul, I'm new(er) to PDD and wasn't at your event, but I would totally wear that shirt because it makes no sense to the general public!


about 13 years ago

I played there all the time as a kid. My parents had friends who lived next door.


about 13 years ago

Huh-huh-huhuh ... You said "cock."


about 13 years ago

Hmmm...  Duluth unveils "Resevoir Dogs" Park.  Quentin Tarantino could be at the ribbon cutting!


about 13 years ago

I often found used condoms and shattered beer bottles on the cement "launch pad." Sweet hang out for star watching (and whatnot). Beautiful view of the lake -- probably excellent for Fourth of July but I always had somewhere else to go. I know it has yummy secret apple trees and endless daisies fueled by dog doo as well as hidden sledding venue for neighborhood kids. Pure magic.

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