Found: Connolly’s Tom & Jerry Batter

I found some Connolly’s Tom & Jerry batter in the freezer section of West Duluth Super One today. I thought I should alert you all before the December batter shortage hits.


Soren d'Hillside

about 12 years ago

Thanks, but I'm trying to quit.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

It's weird that the T&J batter is next to Aunt Jemima. Usually it's in the dairy section.

There shouldn't be a shortage this year, since there is a new manufacturer with a mysterious and unhelpful website at 

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

Warning: The ingredient list is very different on the new batches. I'll make it known if that is a good or bad thing after I've tasted it.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

I'm going to need to try again to render a decision. Last night my batter was partially thawed from the walk home from the grocery store and I was using a "dark" rum instead of a "spiced" rum. I'm not sure if either of those things will make much of a difference, but my initial ruling is that this new Connolly's recipe is lacking something.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

2010 Connolly's ingredients: powdered sugar, whole eggs, egg yolks, corn syrup, dextrin, dextrose, egg whites, food starch -- modified, cream of tartar, pectin, sodium aluminum sulfate, artificial flavor, artificial color, vanillin, ethyl vanillin, salt (made with pasteurized eggs)

2012 Connolly's ingredients: granulated sugar, powdered sugar (sugar, corn starch), marshmallow powder, salt, angel cream, eggs, egg yolks, vanilla


about 12 years ago

Yes there is a new manufacturer. A local entrepreneur bought the recipe and naming rights from Upper Lakes Foods. From what I was told by a friend helping out, they are making it in small batches in the back of a local establishment, just like the Connolly family used to.

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

It's probably the sodium aluminum sulfate you're missing.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago


The 2012 recipe is probably closer to the original recipe than the 2010 one was.


about 12 years ago

Well compared to the 2010 recipe this new Connelly's batter sounds like a healthy holiday delight.  Except for the 'angel cream'.  If I'm not mistaken, I think that's what I used on my stretch marks.


about 12 years ago

My question is: How exactly do you extract Angel Cream?


about 12 years ago

Oh no!  The first and last time I bought this I started eating (a lot of) it with a spoon and had to rinse the rest of it down the sink so I wouldn't make my self sick(er)! Never made even one drink...

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Satisfying my own curiosity, Angel Cream is a chemical leavener akin to Cream of Tartar. Its ingredients are calcium sulfate, monocalcium phosphate, adipic acid, and corn starch.

Les F

about 12 years ago

So what does the drink taste like? The ingredients suggest it would be related to eggnog perhaps?


about 12 years ago

This is important.  Les, somewhat eggnoggy, but thinner. 1/3 Connolly's Tom and Jerry Mix, 1/3 Rum or Brandy, 1/3 hot water. Top with sprinkles of cinnamon or nutmeg.  You sip "under the batter."  Along with Nat King Cole and the Peanuts special, it IS Christmas.

Les F

about 12 years ago

I think I am gonna email someone to buy one and hold it for when I am back in the area next month. Sounds like something I need to experience at least once. Thanks -Berv for the description.


about 12 years ago

Considering the lack of preservatives in this new mixture, I am not sure it would last a month.

Les F

about 12 years ago

I think the idea is to finish it in less than a month.

Les F

about 12 years ago

@Dorkus Oh.. duh, I see what you meant. The one that I have being held for me.  Guess they will have to kill it off if its gonna be a problem and I will just get one when I am back out there. Sorry... mis-read your post.  I need to "read twice, post once"!

Barrett Chase

about 12 years ago

Sugar and salt are both preservatives. Notice how the first two ingredients in the new recipe are sugar, followed by marshmallow powder (which has to contain more sugar) and then salt. The eggs are no doubt pasteurized.


about 12 years ago

It keeps well in the freezer.


about 12 years ago

SuperOne in Kenwood has this now.  Today I blew the grocery budget and bought some, thanks to these posts.  I have never had a Tom and Jerry, and looking at Connolly instructions, I have a couple of questions:

1.  It says use hot water or milk.  which is better?

2.  It say use both brandy and rum. Do you advise this, or should I just pick one, and if so, which one?

3.  Once unfrozen, it says fresh for 7 days.  There is no way Mr. Emmadogs and I can use this up in a week if we wish to keep our jobs and to not vomit.  Can I thaw and refreeze?  Or is there a PDD repository for all unused/but/still/fresh Connolly's mix?

Twenty six servings-slash-stiff drinks per container, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet.  God help me.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

1. I have always used water and have never tried it with milk.

2. I have always used both brandy and rum.

3. I have always kept it in the freezer and put the frozen batter on top of the hot drink.

I think I got about eight servings out of my first container this year ... I just started on container #2 last night.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

By the way, I ran into 2/3 of the Connolly's LLC partnership last week. As mentioned in a comment to a post from last year, one of them is Steve Knauss of Thirsty Pagan Brewing. Another is Michael and Nanette Hillmeyer, friends of mine who I can't believe managed to keep it a secret from me that they are involved. The third guy ... well ... I don't know him and can't remember his name.

Anyway, regarding the change of ingredients mentioned above, Michael and Steve swear up and down that the same ingredients are being used now as were before. They say it's just phrased differently now -- so some of the ingredients in the longer ingredient list are just ingredients to the ingredients in the shorter version. 

When I look at the two lists, that doesn't make sense to me, but a lot of things in this life don't make sense to me.


about 12 years ago

The third guy is John Kurth. I have known Steve for more years than I care to admit and I trust what he says.


about 12 years ago

Thanks Paul.  We will be sampling these next weekend.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

The new Connolly's crew landed on the cover of the local paper's business section today.

Duluth News Tribune: Connolly's Tom & Jerry Batter returns to Superior production in time for the holidays


about 12 years ago

While in West Duluth's Super One, I saw a big display of Connolly's. I commented to my husband about the yearly Tom & Jerry alert on PDD and mentioned that I had never actually had a Tom & Jerry.

My husband was shocked, we now have a tub in our freezer, and I'll report later of my first time experience. 

Les F

about 12 years ago

Some great tidbits and history about the drink on the Tom & Jerry Wikipedia entry.

Paul Lundgren

about 12 years ago

I noticed yesterday there is quite a price disparity between Connolly's and its chief competitor, Mrs. Bowen's.

Connolly's is sitting around $5.75, while Mrs. Bowen's is marked around $3.99.

I'm a cheapskate, but in this case I'll gladly pay the extra $1.76. It's great to have the good stuff back.


about 12 years ago

Super One has it for $5.75 and Cub is $7.49. Why such a big price difference? Go figure...

Les F

about 12 years ago

Wow, Arrived in the area today and am sitting here sipping some now with my friends. We made it per instructions with both rum and brandy.  Time to play with just rum or just brandy as well. Not like anything I have had before.  It does grow on you after one or two sips. Nom nom nom!


about 12 years ago

PSA: If you're going up the shore for anything, the Two Harbors SuperOne and the TH muni both carry the batter.


about 12 years ago

Last night, I enjoyed my first Tom & Jerry's made with Connolly's batter made by a friend who has been a professional bartender in Wisconsin. NOW I know what all the fuss is about.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

My Connolly's supply finally bottomed out about a week ago. I noticed shortly after Christmas that the West Duluth Super One didn't seem to have it anymore, so here ends this year's Tom & Jerry season.

And yeah, of course I jammed my face into that bucket and sopped up every last drop.

[email protected]

about 11 years ago

But I never got to buy any!


about 11 years ago

Probably your Super One shipped all remaining supplies to Kenwood Super One due to my constant, never ending demands for this.  I will see if there's anything left at my Super One, but I believed I bought the entire country's supplies of this.

Rhetoricguy -- make this a top priority next Christmas.  Trust me, you will be glad you did.


about 11 years ago

I still have one in my freezer. Let the bidding begin!


about 11 years ago

Let me go check my 401(k) and I'll get back to you, Berv.  Maybe a second mortgage...


about 11 years ago

Connolly's Tom & Jerry batter will probably be used as currency after the financial collapse happens.


about 11 years ago

I just don't get it. I think it's a magical elixir only to native Duluthians. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I didn't do a Paul Lundgren and sop up every last drop.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Have I neglected to mention lately that Berv is one of the finest people I know? I really ought to get together for a drink with the guy.


about 11 years ago

At the Wildknits household we gave in and gave the batter a try this past season. 

Mr. Wildknits seemed to enjoy it mixed per directions. I, not a fan of hard liquor, found that if made with homeopathic amounts of rum and brandy, to be quite enjoyable.


about 11 years ago

Well, well, well, Paul Lundgren.  Mr. "Where in Duluth" prize denier.  The shoe is certainly on the other foot now.  The chickens are certainly coming home to roost.

To-wit:  Where In Duluth is there a supply of Connolly's???

I was at this undisclosed Kenwood location a half hour ago.  Honestly, I had lost my will to live due to the Muzak Bee Gees fest on the speakers, so forgot to double check the frozen food section.  However, the woman who checked me out assured me that this secret location has a LOT of Connolly's left.

So, Mr. Where-In-Duluth-Man, I guess this top-secret location is for me to know, and for you to find out.

If I could convey maniacial laughter via my iPad, I would.  Oh yes.  I would.


about 11 years ago

I'll bet it's that grocery store in the shopping center on the corner of Kenwood & Arrowhead.


about 11 years ago

Claire, if it were up to me, I'd give you the prize.  However, in keeping with the utterly-unfair-and-frankly-stacked-against-me Where In Duluth rules, I will have to insist on a name for this mystery establishment.


about 11 years ago

And Paul Lundgren, taste the bitter defeat of being robbed of your victory by Claire, as I have had to taste:  when the "Where in Duluth" photo of the courthouse, which I correctly identified, was deemed a loser because 'that wasn't the part of the photo that needed to be identified'; or the photo of Holy Rosary, which I might note is the only W i D within walking distance of me, and which I totally knew, only you posted it when I was in my Bed of Pain, sick with the flu, completely unable to do anything other than drool; or the most recent W i D, where I identified Indian Point, which is practically NEXT DOOR to the correct location.

I need a Tom and Jerry.


about 11 years ago

emmadogs, I need to take you out for a drink

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Super One Foods in the Kenwood Shopping Center?


about 11 years ago

Yes, it is SuperOne, Kenwood!  You're welcome.

Claire, no kidding. This has been rough.

Paul Lundgren

about 11 years ago

Not only is it true that there is still Connolly's Tom and Jerry Batter at the Kenwood Shopping Center, it's marked down to two bucks!

Emmadogs, you are "Where in Duluth?" grand champion.


about 11 years ago

Yaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!  I have never been so proud!!!!!!!!!

Tom and Jerry's are on me!!!!!!!!!


about 11 years ago

And p.s. I am the WHere in Duluth grand champion!!!!!!!!!

I am 48 yrs old.   In 30 or 40 yrs, I will be proud to tell the PDD  Connelly story of yore.  

I am so happy.  Thank you, mr. Lundgren.


about 11 years ago

Blatant corruption.

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