wildknits Posts

Where (and What) in Duluth?


I have walked by this marker for years and the other day stopped to take a closer look, and a photo. Anyone know what it says and why it is here?

With a half hour spent on search engines I found this explanation.

Still doesn’t explain why the marker was placed there originally.

Where in Cloquet?

Where in Duluth?

Discovered on a late afternoon walk.

Where in Duluth?

Seen on a run along Grand Portage Trail, Jay Cooke State Park

False Soloman’s Seal

Yellow Lady Slippers

Also seen in bloom, but not photographed: strawberries, mertensia, wild roses, the last of the large flowered trillium, thimbleberry, and buttercups.

The sun is shining and the trails should be drying out if the weather holds. Perfect time to get outside and discover what wildflowers the trails in and around Duluth hold!