Reduced Parking Access to Lakewalk?

For the second time in as many weeks, I attempted to park near the Beacon Point Condos only to find parking severely restricted. Why do I feel like I’ve been taken in a give an inch, take a foot situation? It was bad enough the city permitted Beacon Point in the first place, but it was allowed under the premise that we’d all still have the same access to the area and so on. But I’m left feeling like an Apache who was told his reservation needs to be moved, and oh yeah, now it’s smaller too.

I’m not a native of Duluth. I moved here specifically for the availability of public land, parks, trails, etc. A piece of our freedom has been diminished, if anyone else cares. The big property taxes paid by the owners of Beacon Point appear to have swayed the local parking bureaucrats into closing the parking lot gate over the stormwater tank. Am I missing something here? Runners, walkers, and anyone else should have a fair opportunity to park in this area.



about 12 years ago

I hear ya. I too have had trouble finding parking down there this winter, not to mention there are now no parking signs along the street which seems new. I don't really mind the development, could be much worse, but yes, my understanding was that we would still have access to the Lakewalk and shoreline there. Since they built too close to the lake it shouldn't be long before the lake solves that problem for us. 

What I'm curious about is if the city plows and repairs East Water Street on the other side of 21st Ave. E. where they have no trespassing/private drive signs clearly posted for the Ledges development. If our taxes built that road and support its maintenance, we should have full access, always, no exceptions.


about 12 years ago

Nothing irks me more that the Beacon Point debacles.  Sometimes I think that someone at Beacon Point Condos is secretly in control of the Duluth government.  

It has been one problem after the next, and they have never fixed the problems they have caused.  Now they have managed to take away parking, further restricting access to a public walkway that Beacon Point itself restricted by illegally building too close to the water.  It could have been such a beautiful walkway for locals and visitors had those condos not been built.

It's not like it is such a busy street that it can't handle some street parking.  I mean, everyone thinks that parking should be restricted in their own neighborhood, but this NIMBY is ridiculous.  Are Beacon Point people using the government to keep the undesirables out of sight?  

Beacon Point needs to build a public parking lot if the street parking is so restricted.  We need a proper, paved trail right on the water payed for by Beacon Point to make up for all the illegal building violations.  Take it out of the illegal condo backyard area that was supposed to be the trail location in the first place!


about 12 years ago

Thank you for brining this up.  I have noticed you can't park over there anymore but didn't understand there was a some sort of agreement in place.  It really ticks me off.


about 12 years ago

What do you mean "parking severely restricted?" Signs? Attendant?


about 12 years ago

What Adam said.  I haven't driven down there in a couple of months.  Is the new parking, and the old parking, now toast?


about 12 years ago

Remember the Golden Rule- those with the gold make the rules.


about 12 years ago

Yeah, what are they doing to restrict parking?  If they have eliminated public spots and turned them into no parking zones I will have a real problem with that.  If it is just seasonal or construction related I won't be as upset.  They are constructing a new poop tank down there which may have taken up some parking.  Dual upside, the tank protects the environment and should give the Beacon Pointe folks a special new aroma every time we have a hard rain in the summer.  Not that my fingers are crossed or anything.

Don Ness

about 12 years ago

Hang on, hang on.  Let's not jump to conspiracies before knowing the facts.  

The parking lot on top of the tank is not open in the winter time because it's a $5 million dollar tank with a concrete cover.  We'd rather not replace it anytime soon, so we want to avoid winter-time road salt.  That's been the policy since the tank was built - keep in mind that there was no parking lot here before the tank was built.

The parking lot will be open again this spring.  It's a project I'm proud of - not only does it help eliminate raw sewage going into the lake, but it was designed to provide some much needed parking in the area.


about 12 years ago

I run the lakewalk almost 6 days a week and never have problem finding parking somewhere along the corridor. I agree about not ruining one of our new sewage tanks and that we need to protect it.

I love the lakewalk, it is one of Duluth greatest assets, keep the trail projects going!


about 12 years ago

Just park at the Canal Park end of the Lakewalk, this time of year, there is an abundance of free parking there in the winter months.


about 12 years ago

So you think that a lack of parking is similar in scope to the forced relocation and genocide of the Apache?  Biiiiit of a stretch.


about 12 years ago

Thanks for the explanation Don. Perhaps a sign at the parking area to that affect, with the date it will be open again, would help prevent a passle of pissed off peeps.


about 12 years ago

Oooh wait, let me jump in-  "who's gonna pay for that sign?"


about 12 years ago

I'm super happy we built that tank and aren't dumping our sewage into the lake. I do wonder what the logic behind having a permeable parking surface over a impervious concrete capped underground tank that is so susceptible to damage. I'm sure it's in the interest of being "green" but that wouldn't explain why we need to light the empty parking lot with two huge flood lights in the winter. Sigh....


about 12 years ago

TimK, since the Lakewalk is a park, I would expect that the expense could be handled by the new Parks fund voted in last fall.


about 12 years ago

I was just being a smart alec. I'm far less concerned about the sign and more worried about the oxymoronic complaining about driving (and parking) somewhere in order to walk or bike.


about 12 years ago

I know how you feel, Unless I am meeting people, I pretty much always bike or run from my house and rarely use the lots by the Lakewalk.

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