Local photojournalists film animal abuse in the South

Two local photojournalists are filming a documentary on animal cruelty in the South and the people working to change the culture there. David Cowardin and Joe Olivieri spent two weeks in the gritty areas of rural Alabama and are hoping to return for more footage and interviews. They launched a Kickstarter to raise funds for another tour South. You can donate here.

If their trip is funded, they would like to rescue a dog and find it a better home in Duluth. Anyone interested in adopting a pet can contact David at 320-290-0877 or cowar006 @ d.umn.edu. The adopter would only be responsible for the adoption fee.



about 12 years ago

Not that I oppose getting forever homes for abused dogs, but is there going to be any type of assesment and rehab services for these dogs? For many dogs, you can't take them out of a horrible housing situation and set them right in with a family without a bit of work.


about 12 years ago

This is a great cause.  We adopted a husky from Alabama last March. We were a little worried about adopting him sight unseen, but he turned out to be the best dog ever.  

Here's a picture that is a good example of his temperament: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nikkinbird/6757939537/

I haven't been there, but I heard about this situation from the same people that David and Joe heard about it from when we were looking to adopt a dog.  What I have been told is, there are so many dogs in need there that the people rescuing them are forced to only pick out the adoptable ones from the shelters.  What the rescuers do is go around to different shelters and get dogs out of them, into foster homes or into forever homes.  They have a network of drivers who volunteer to transport the dogs to adopters in other states, which is how we got our dog.

A little over a month ago, we heard about another husky in need of adoption from Alabama.  We knew that friends of my in-laws were looking for a husky, so we referred them.  Sitka has also turned out to be a charmer.  She and another dog were found tied to a tree at the side of the road, just abandoned.


about 12 years ago


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