Conrad Posts

Duluth Pipe-smoking Trend

While my data collection process might be flawed (data gained mostly by conformation bias) there sure seems to be a recent uptick in Duluth pipe smokers.

I am talking about the briar pipe, burley and latakia type of pipe smoker not the glass and green type. While pipes are a distant third to cigs and cigars, I have run into 6-8 pipe smokers just in the past two months and many more over the past year. Usually 35-45 types, all who appear to have penises.

While this might be borderline PDD topic material I am interested if anyone else noticed or is paying attention. Duluth in general has been a pretty bare place for pipe tobacco since the shop on First Avenue West shut down. Buttes in West Duluth is the only shop that sorta has real pipe tobacco that I know of. Maybe add it to your business plan to make a buck or two.

Any smokers the way of the briar out there in PDD land?

Pinball in the Ports

With Collector’s Connection’s recent addition of a pinball lineup I have gotten the bug again for this lost art. I was wondering what machines are in the area and what condition the machines are in. Can be private or public.

Collector’s Connection has a decent lineup of Solid State

  • Data East’s Laser Wars
  • Williams’ Junkyard
  • Stern’s Magic
  • Data East’s Tales from the Crypt (The only good machine Data East made)

Even though none of those games are my favorite, it is a solid and much appreciated lineup. All the but the Stern machine in good condition.

Other machines, or Port pinball stories to share?

Winter Outdoor Settings

What are PDDers’ favorite winter outdoor settings? I am looking for a nature spot, that is fairly accessible in the the winter (1,000-foot walk at most), one that doesn’t necessarily have a dramatic view (it would be a plus though) but the setting should be fairly dramatic with rocks, trees, or waterfalls. The setting can be in either city but preferably up to 20 miles outside of the Twin Ports. I am getting married in the winter and I am looking for a spot to hold a very small and very short outdoor wedding.

Time Bank

Does anyone know if there is a Twin Ports Time Bank? (Some places know it as time exchange or other terms.) If not, has there been one and it failed? Any info would be appreciated.

Time Bank is a service exchange where a person will do a job for one person and “bank” time for help from another person for people that might not know what it is. I mow your lawn and you re-shingle my roof. That type of thing.