Where in Duluth can I find a … ?

I moved here a few months ago and love the area. My wife is looking for two types of stores: A Hobby Lobby type of store, and a good baker’s supply store. Can anyone help me out here?



about 13 years ago

Hobby Lobby.. is that like Michael's? (http://www.michaels.com/)If so then there is one in the strip mall across from Cub.

And what are you specially looking for in a baker's supply store? Equipment, ingredients?


about 13 years ago


Hobby Lobby is like Michaels, but larger, and more items. (Wifey is turning nose up at Michaels)

As for baking, yes, both the fancy baking stuff, (Wifey has over 300 cake pans!) and ingredients.



about 13 years ago

I am pretty sure Michaels is the largest general craft store in the area.  Unless your wife is looking for a specific type of craft store (beads? yarn? papercraft?) I think she should get used to Michaels...or shopping online.


about 13 years ago

Welcome to Duluth!  I've lived here almost a year and love it.  I hope you continue to enjoy living here.  As for Hobby Lobby type stores, the closest I've found is Michael's.  So even though she turns her nose up at it, that may be as close as she'll find.  Hancock Fabrics is also out near the mall area and has a craft and fiber arts section.  It's not just a fabric store.  What type of craft does she do?

[email protected]

about 13 years ago

The parts of Hobby Lobby that are underdeveloped at Michaels are in part better developed at:

1.  The "male" hobby shops in town:  Hobby Town out on 63 neat the movie theatre, next to the Good Will, and the Hobby Shop on West Superior (most amazing amount of stuff per square foot in the State).

2.  Yarn Hatbor if she's a knitter, etc.

3.  The Miniaturist shop down in Canal Park, on the second floor over the Thai shop.

4.  Jo-Ann's Fabrics.

5.  The  bead shop out in Lakeside.


about 13 years ago

Highway 53 (not 63). For baking/cooking stuff, the Blue Heron in the Dewitt-Seitz (canal park) is staffed by helpful people.


about 13 years ago

There isn't a Jo-Ann's Fabrics in Duluth or Superior.  I've heard that there used to be one, but that it has closed.  According to Jo-Ann's website, the closest one is in Hibbing.

[email protected]

about 13 years ago

What is the fabric shop in the Burning Tree Plaza?  Hancock, if not JoAnn?


about 13 years ago

There used to be several scrapbooking stores as well as Michael's that were way better than Michael's for paper crafting, but they folded in the past few years.

The local other types of craft stores have been noted and I am not a baker but I do know Michael's has all the Wilton stuff.  I would love to get a Joann etc back up here or to have True Colors or the Stamping Post open back up!


about 13 years ago

rhetoricguy -- Yes, Burning Tree Plaza has a Hancock's Fabric and Crafts store.  A great locally owned fabric store in the area is Hannah Johnson Fabrics on Superior St. in Lakeside.  There are some other locally owned fabric stores that focus primarily on quilting (Kelly J's on Jean Duluth Road and Fabric Works on Tower in Superior come to mind.)


about 13 years ago

Pineapple Arts downtown has fine arts supplies, as well as some craft stuff.


about 13 years ago

In the baking equipment category, MN Food Service Equipment at 218 E Superior St., just a step away from Zeitgeist Cafe.

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