Joel Posts

Missing Dog

Taken from home on Christmas Eve. Brown retriever dog, hollow, filled with lights. Kids were heartbroken that someone unplugged and stole their favorite lawn decoration.

Shout out to St. Luke’s

Thanks to everyone over at St. Luke’s who helped me through my heart attack this past weekend. I came to the ER on Sunday morning and within minutes I was hooked up to a EKG and within hours had an emergency angioplasty with a stent. I was discharged the very next day! It was a close call, and I’m glad I went in as soon as I felt something was wrong. To the guys and gals at St. Luke’s: You guys rock! Have a happy holiday, you can bet I will!

Well, Duluth, it’s been great!

I’m sad, so sad, to have to leave my adopted home of the past 3 and a half years. With Cliffs closing the Duluth office, I need to move where the work is, so on Monday I start my transition to the Eau Claire area.

Duluth is truly a special place and one that I will hold in my heart. (I so want to stay that I’m even keeping the house I bought in Kenwood and will have a family member reside there.)

To those like minded folks that love Duluth as I do, I don’t have to list the reasons why. To those haters out there, you will never understand the attraction the the place. I have endured five corporate relocations in the 29 years my wife and I have been married. I have lived in the South, the West, and the Northeast, but nothing beats the Upper Midwest.

Farewell, Duluth, Bon Chance!

Trap God featuring Lil Mikee – “Dumpin Back”

I’m interested in hearing comments about this music video shot in Duluth. Do you think it portrays our city fairly? Does it make you want to visit Duluth? What do you think?

Is the Duluth News Tribune taking potshots at special education?

The DNT has run two recent articles on special education in our public schools. Both articles seem to be to be blaming the current overcrowding and school budget crisis on special education costs.

Has anyone recently looked at the Unfair Campaign?

There are a bunch of posts promoting radical leaders who advocate racial genocide on the Un-fair Campaign’s Facebook page! Yipes! Is this what Duluth has come to?

Are Duluth schools really this stupid?

The school just called my wife to come and pick up our 5th grade son. Why?

He pretended to shoot someone with his finger! Remember when you were a kid and you would point at a playmate and say bang? If you do this now, in Duluth, you get suspended. Really? Is there a list of gestures published by the school board that will result in getting kicked out of school?

922 percent tax increase? Really?

I moved to Duluth 18 months ago to take a great job with a great company and raise my family in a great city. I bought a modest house that sits on three very small lots within the city limits of Duluth. (My three lots would equal one “Hermantown” sized lot).

Well, the city raised the property tax on the two vacant lots by 922.2 percent! I now have to come up with an extra $752.26 per year in taxes.

Now I know why everyone kept telling me not to buy within the city limits of Duluth! Between the insane tax increase and the bizarre school redistricting red plan nonsense, I would have been better off in one of the surrounding suburbs.

Thanks. Rant over.

Thanks Duluth School Board

I just found out that 3 out of the 4 professionals that have helped my autistic child so much last year have been released. I don’t know how we are going to cope.

I hope everyone enjoys the new buildings; they cost more than you can imagine.

Duluth changes school hours

Why oh why are they changing the elementary school start time to 7:45? I have a son in the autistic spectrum, and getting him to class by this years start time of 9:15 has a challenge!

They now dismiss at 2:15! Great news for us working parents out there. I just got my work schedule to work with the “old” hours and now I have to change everything once again.

I am rapidly losing confidence in the Duluth School Board. Red plans, selling buildings for $1, then raising taxes, and now this.

Looking for a good HVAC contractor

Bonus time is almost here and this new Duluth resident would like to add air conditioning to the upper floor of the house I bought last August. (With our current weather, it seems like summer is just around the corner.) Home uses hot water to heat, so no ducts! Can anyone recommend someone?

Where in Duluth can I find a … ?

I moved here a few months ago and love the area. My wife is looking for two types of stores: A Hobby Lobby type of store, and a good baker’s supply store. Can anyone help me out here?