Sonya Posts

Segway tours on the Lakewalk?

Duluth Glides Segway Tours

Is this a new thing, or have I just not noticed it before? I just saw on Craigslist they were hiring tour guides. I do already try to avoid the Canal Park/Downtown portion of the Lakewalk in the summer because it’s so crowded, and those doublewide pedal-mobile things are impossible to get around when I’m on a bike, but if I’m going to have to be dodging Segways now, too, well, one more reason to stay off the Lakewalk.

(I wish the business owners the best of luck and yay for tourism dollars and all that. I’m just selfishly grumping about crowds and am wanting my own private Lakewalk.)

Community Action Duluth needs volunteers!

Tax Site logo

Did you make a resolution to volunteer more and get active in the community? Well, lucky you, you can start on that right away by volunteering at Community Action Duluth’s Free Tax Site!

Fight poverty by volunteering with Community Action Duluth

Tax Site logo

Would you like to help put $2,000 into the pockets of a low income family? Community Action Duluth is seeking passionate, dedicated volunteers for its 2012 Free Tax Site.

Where in Duluth?

no smoking garlic

Mmm, smoking garlic. I hear it’s very medicinal.

As a side note, does anybody else walk around specifically looking for things to photograph for a “Where in Duluth?” post?

Where in Duluth?

girls -->

I was out for a hike today and found this.

I did not go investigate to see if there really were girls … it kinda reminded me of that one “Kids in the Hall” headcrusher sketch.

Bike Swap this weekend

One final reminder that the 5th Annual United Way Bike Swap is this weekend, rain or shine or snow.  If you are selling a bike, bring it to Continental Ski & Bike (1305 E 1st St) tomorrow, April 15, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m, or Saturday morning between 8 and 9:45 a.m..  The sale runs Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 17 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The event is a fundraiser for United Way of Greater Duluth.  More details can be found on our Facebook page.  We hope to see you there!

Breaking Bike Swap news!

The United Way Bike Swap team has recently secured extra storage space for donated bikes before the sale.  If you have bicycles in reasonable condition that you would like to donate to the United Way, you can bring them to Continental Ski & Bike (1305 E. First St. in Duluth) any weekday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. or weekends until 5 p.m.  100% of the profits from the sale of donated bikes goes to United Way of Greater Duluth, and when you donate you will get a form for tax purposes, a coupon from Continental, a warm thank you from United Way, and the satisfaction from having done a good deed.

(If  you want to sell a bike, check-in is at Continental on Friday, April 15, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m and Saturday April 16 from 8 to 9:45 a.m.  If your bike sells you get 75% of the selling price and the remaining 25%  goes to United Way.)

Join the Bike Swap Facebook page if you want more news and updates.  Thanks!

5th Annual Bike Swap

Bike Swap 2011 poster

Despite the current weather outside, spring is in fact on the way, and the United Way and Continental Ski & Bike  are gearing up for the 5th annual Bike Swap, April 16 and 17 at Continental, 1305 E 1st St.  Now is the time to check your garage to see if you’ve got a old bike you’d like to sell or donate… or to start dreaming about what kind of new-to-you bike you’d like to buy.  If your bike sells, you get 75% of the selling price and the remaining 25% goes to the United Way.  We’ve set up a Facebook page to watch for updates.  Thanks!

Duluth Car Share

Me and a friend are thinking about starting up a car share program in Duluth. Car sharing is useful for those of us who only need a car on occasion — not often enough to justify being solely responsible for the costs of owning one. In a car-sharing group, members split the cost of insurance and repairs, and they all have use of the car(s), signing it out as needed. The program is still in the very, very early stages and right now we’re trying to gauge community interest and brainstorm ideas. Interested? Join our Facebook group!

Duluth Car Share