Duluth Google Fiber Movie!




about 14 years ago

OMG! So Google is some twiggy speed freak in a track suit? Wasn't this a third season X-Files? Too bad the good production values don't do this b-film justice. I'm sorry but I'm kinda creeped out by Google now. This is one for the Duluth treasure vault for sure. The first one was way better.


about 14 years ago

I found myself cringing at the soundtrack after a while.  With all the great bands in Duluth, the best they could come up with was some noodling on a Casio keyboard with the chime button?


about 14 years ago

I forgot to say: Goldish is excellent in this flick. I'm a huge fan of Goldish. I give two thumbs up to for all the local effort ... especially if it's got Goldish in it. Whose puppy was the mayor holdin'?


about 14 years ago

Soo ... if Google comes here, we will give it a puppy.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Watching that movie was like sitting in class in the second grade and suddenly having my mom walk in to bring me my lunch and kiss me on the cheek. I know she meant well, but damn that's humiliating.


about 14 years ago

Gee.  I don't know we hired Tommy Wiseau to create the Google/Twin Ports movie.


about 14 years ago

Sigh. Kept waiting for the irony-funny shoe to drop. It never did. Some odd typecast casting (seer, delivery guy). Someone getting groceries downtown (funny) and this whole odd Davey And Goliath dialogue. In fact, I started getting creeped out that I was watching PTL and Google was code for Christ. In the end, I felt like I just watched a Christian back to school special for with-it white folks at the suburban church.


about 14 years ago

Someone lift the rug please, I have a broom. Seriously, I don't mean to deride anyone's effort to help this project, kudos to all the people, including those "above the line" here -- you're heart was in the right place. But I personally have to say that this is NOT our best foot forward. Please, powers that be, don't send this to Google as some form of "official" communication. This goes to show, the key to "going viral" is authenticity, like ...


... not tepid pablum like the Google movie.


about 14 years ago

The News Tribune just posted that this has been "leaked."

Google Twin Ports movie leaks on the Web

Do PDD comments not give a view of what people think about it? Or just not the specific view the producers of the film were hoping for?


about 14 years ago


1) The "Highway to the Danger Zone" music during the jet footage.
2) Don Donny's lack of a tie to show that he's the "hip" mayor.
3) The puppy.  WHAT?!?!?
4) The older guy thinking his wife is cheating on him with another chick.
5) The convoluted dig at Apple.
6) The Native American guy vanishing.  Again ... WHAT?!?!?
7) "Google Goes to Twin Ports" ... Shouldn't it be "Google Goes to the Twin Ports"?


about 14 years ago

What got me was all the badly dressed white people in the crowd shots.

I do think Shannon Baker was cute, though. But the whole film was pretty corny.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

I'm sorry but I have to admit I'd be happy to hold up a corner of the rug while Baci sweeps.

I love the fact that these good folks put all this effort in and am grateful for their effort, but I think the basic concept is flawed. Personifying Google as a mystical preteen (who comes off at once as clueless and a know-it-all--how could she not know she was in Duluth if all these other facts just pop into her head?) forces the narrative into a corner, and you end up with ham-fisted dialogue, etc., trying to squeeze in all the piece needs to say through conversation. So ironically, the story line ends up distracting viewers from the key message.

As does cheesy music, noticeably amateur acting, and miss-fired dialogue, including an awkwardly delivered sex joke from an old man reacting to his wife's announcement that she has "been googled!" At first I thought it was yet another Star Wars parody, but then it seemed to morph into a Cirrus Commercial, and next thing you know we're in someone's kitchen and.... oh, I was just confused.

As a Duluthian I was distracted by someone supposedly from Superior carrying a bag of groceries in downtown Duluth (did she walk to the Plaza Super One and back?), the statement that *all* of our parks are "puppy friendly," and the suggestion that you could purchase Glensheen for $250,000 in today's market--but of course the Google folks won't see these as problems with the piece as Duluthians would.

I believe the piece would better serve the effort to woo Google if presented in a modern documentary format, perhaps even with no narration, just folks--both community and business leaders and average citizens--talking abut Duluth, with captions taking place of the "statistical" information presented. (Perhaps tie it to Google by designing the captions in a google search window or as search results?) Show, not tell. Show us all the four-season beauty and infrastructure Duluth has to offer--and its citizens and visitors enjoying it--don't tell us about it in the kitchen over luke-warm coffee. And yes, use local music.

Yes, please put this on the shelf and head back to the drawing board. Sending this to Google may do more harm than good.


about 14 years ago

Yeah, showing Glensheen and claiming people could buy it for $250,000 was ridiculous. Our homes are so much cheaper than homes in Calif -- we don't have to exaggerate to make that point.


about 14 years ago

To be clear, I don't want to diminish the efforts of those who put any effort into the community response to the Google initiative, especially those who volunteered, contributed or created media and communications with no budget what so ever. Our sense of community is one of the main reasons we have a chance at this actually happening. And a healthy community, especially an artistic one, has to be able to take critique ... My sincere critique is that Google Movie is trite, homogeneous and ill-represents our truly vibrant, dynamic and diverse culture. I appreciate all who volunteered and I hope we have a shot at this ... Google, please know Duluth is significantly hipper than this alien thing portrays.


about 14 years ago

I guess I was a little creeped out by the movie. I didn't watch to the end.


about 14 years ago

Susan Boyle does Twin Ports? At least the crowd shot was honest about what Goggle could expect here.


about 14 years ago

Shannon Baker was the best thing about this movie!

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Just saw this on the DNT web site, reported by Brandon Stahl:

"Google Goes to Twin Ports' was put online for market research and to get an idea of what people thought of the movie," said Patrick Garmoe, a spokesman for the Google Twin Ports fiber initiative. "Unfortunately, somebody passed the link on to somebody and it got on (the website) Perfect Duluth Day," Garmoe said.
Why is it "unfortunate" that this got on PDD? Don't they want "an idea of what people thought of the movie"? Isn't that exactly what this posting has done, created a dialogue that lets the filmmakers know what Duluthians think about it? Mr. Garmoe, since the DNT did not ask you to clarify, could you please explain your statement's intentions? Thanks in advance, and again, a sincere thanks to you and all at the Twin Ports Google Fiber initiative, even if I do think the video missed its mark by a long, long way.


about 14 years ago

First of all, I'm dying in laughter at the thought that I "leaked" something.  Holy shit.  Really?  That's not what I thought I was doing but ... whoa. 

Lastly, I was rolling with the cheesy after-school-special vibe of the movie.  But a puppy?  What the...???


about 14 years ago

I note that this is supposed to play during the upcoming Sound Unseen Film Festival. Er...


about 14 years ago

Now I feel bad.  :(

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

mk, if you don't mind my asking, how did you find out where the movie was?


about 14 years ago

Slow-motion train wreck.

That lady must have huffed those groceries an awfully long way to be downtown.


about 14 years ago

Thank you, Danny. Exactly. I saw it there, the Speedy Gigabit's page (whatever that is), and then some friends re-posted it. 

Also, after the initial shock, laughter, guilt then "wtf" emotions this morning, I did a little research.  A little bit of effort and you can find the video online without the help of facebook.  

Nothing was leaked, Mr. Garmoe, you just didn't do your job to make sure that people knew it was under wraps. It's wide open on blip.tv.


about 14 years ago

Why are so many of you self described "hip" duluthians so excited to drag this film through the coles? It seems as though most of you are relishing the fact that the film did not live up to your expectations. 

Lets try to keep in mind that the film was made by people who live in this community. There was no budget, absolutely everything was volunteer based, and done as part of a COMMUNITY effort to lure Google Fiber and all of its positives to the Duluth/Superior area. 

Yes, the script has flaws. Yes, the actors are amateurs. But it brings a cinematic and professional look to the table that was lacking in other projects. And I think that was the point of this particular piece. And I think it did a good job at that, just like the other projects did a good job at being original and creative.

Also, just because something is amateur it is not automatically good or authentic. It can be "tepid pablum" just like anything else.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

JB, I don't think anyone is excited to rip into this movie. Personally, I do it with great reservation. I wanted to like the movie. I applaud the volunteer effort put forth. Unfortunately, the resulting product is dreadful. I don't think it would do Duluth any favors to pretend Google Goes to Twin Ports is entertaining and point to it with pride.

And I have no idea where you get the idea that anyone suggested that amateur videos are inherently better. It is, however, pretty much indisputable that the two other videos mentioned above were not hyped up at all and were much, much better. Duluth: Portal to the World is just as professionally done. Duluth Google Fiber Ad is more amateurish, but still manages to be great -- although when it was first posted here there was a tiny bit of criticism that it should have gotten to the punchline faster.

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I'm not sure where you got the information that any of the people who criticized the video have ever described themselves as "hip."

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

JB, I think you misread the intent here. Read closely and you'll see that many of those who posted expressed their thanks for all those involved. The criticism isn't to rake the video "through the coles," as you so delightfully and normcrosbyingly say, or to prove ourselves "hip." 

(And hey, whoever described me as "hip" hasn't ever seen a photo of me, and I know it wasn't myself -- heck, I'm so unhip I make Norm Crosby references).

I do believe that if you cut through all of what has been written, the bottom line to this thread is that the folks here do not think it is a video that will successfully move forward Duluth's effort to get Google Fiber. And I think the powers that be should give that some serious thought before releasing this anywhere else, or even keeping it available to view on the web.


about 14 years ago

I've got to chime in here. While I thought the movie was cute b/c of Shannon Baker, who's a great actor, I don't think it's a good idea to send it to Google. I'm approaching this as someone who went to high school the next town over from Google's HQ. This movie perpetuates all the stereotypes of Midwesterners that Californians have and express to me every time I return to my homeland. 

I won't go into specifics, but trust me: this movie is not going to entice the kinds of people who work for Google to want to expand their reach here. Now, I know the movie was made very quickly -- and it shows. My attitude is if you can't deliver a top-notch and professional-looking product to people who are used to that, don't deliver anything then. We look like stereotypical Midwestern yahoos in this movie, and we are so much cooler than that.

It's like publishing, my field -- if a small press sends me a shoddy looking book it reinforces all those stereotypes about small presses. If they send me a fabulous, professional-looking product, it levels the playing field for them.

And claiming you can buy a mansion here for $250,000 really rankles, it's so patently untrue, and hurts the film's credibility. Although the film got it right about what you can buy in Mtn View for $250K.


about 14 years ago

I think the "Fresh Duluth" project of a few years back was more representative of our community. We don't need to sell Google fiber to Google, we want them to bring it here!


about 14 years ago

TonyD, I always thought you were hip!


about 14 years ago

Oh, c'mon people! It's cute, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way!

Sometimes it's better to accept things for what they are - and not what they aren't.


about 14 years ago

Rae, we can do better than that -- look at the "Jesus Rocks" movie. I don't care where you live, and what your resources are -- never settle for mediocrity.


about 14 years ago

If this is what the Sound Unseen film festival has to offer, I already want my money back.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Rae, I disagree: we have to criticize this for what it's not: it's not something we want Google to see. Yes, it's cute, and yes, Shannon is wonderful--but it's not sending the right message to Google.

And Tim nailed it: the video does more to sell the idea of google fiber to Duluthians, it's not selling Duluth to Google. Claire raises a point I discuss with all my clients: if you are going to have any success at all with your self-published book, it sure the heck better not look like it was self published.

Frankly, I'm tired of the "Well, its made by Duluthians, so it's wonderful" attitude. There are plenty of wonderful things made by Duluthians, we don't have to continue to celebrate mediocrity by crying foul at every slightly negative review or comment about an artistic expression. Instead, let's encourage excellence.  And that's something I believe valid criticism does: if it is accepted, it can help an artist develop.


about 14 years ago

I really wish this film had left Superior out.  We don't want to be lumped in with this.  Also, we have our own grocery stores here in Superior.


about 14 years ago

"It's not something we want Google to see."

Who exactly is we?  You don't speak for the tens of thousands of people in this community and neither does PDD.  Who made you today's self-righteous and smug spokesman for the city of Duluth?  What is the right message to send to Google?  Nobody knows, you don't, none of us do.  Unless anyone here is working directly with the CEOs of Google, then nobody knows what is right or wrong.


about 14 years ago

All I wanted to point out is that I don't believe this was something that was meant be heavily critiqued. It is what it is, and I agree with most of the critiques pointed out in the above comments. However, As Rae points out, it's cute and should be looked at for what it is, not what it isn't. And what it is, is a project that is right on par with all of the other work produced in the area for the Google project.

And by the way:

"Google, please know Duluth is significantly hipper than this alien thing portrays.
baci | May 20, 2010 | New Comment"


about 14 years ago

I'm starting to wonder if this was secretly produced by one of the other cities vying for Google Fiber.

Zac Bentz

about 14 years ago

No worse than any other locally produced TV ad. I suppose that's the problem. Better would be better. Worse would also be better. Not sure we need to reinforce our ample supply of local bland.


about 14 years ago

I heard if you watch the Google video while listening to Dark Side of the Moon it's much creepier.


about 14 years ago

the director's name is "kennith kemp."

a, ahem, google search of that name brings you no results. giving "kennEth kemp" a try brings you to the imdb page of a man with what looks like one credit to his name.

i also found his directors' reel: http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4509666/12082731

it's full of skinemax-quality love scenes and something that looks like a C-grade "we are the world." and it all looks like it was done in 1988.

this is our "hollywood director." the guffmansanity of this whole thing is now fully realized.

i have a couple questions:
1.) who is this guy, what does he have to do with us, and why didn't four track films get this gig?
2.) if your director can't even spell his own name right, how do we NOT end up looking like a bunch of mayberry buffoons? (or is it that he's somehow not proud of this work?)
3.) can tom servo, crow t. robot, and either mike nelson or joel robinson take a whack at spiffing up this thing?


about 14 years ago

Shannon Baker was awesome. No acting experience? She was way better than most actors you see on our local stages from "professionals". Don't believe me? Go see any of the local films produced for the film festivals or visit the Renegade some time. Production/editing is great- kudos to Parthe for pulling it off in a week with no budget. Message- weak. Script- weak. Out of curiosity, how many of these critics volunteered to help with the production? Why wasn't our civic leadership able to pull all of these creative geniuses together? Who was in charge of the project- script to screen? I love it when the the after-the-facters rise up and criticize, when the reality is that they did nothing to make it better. I'll agree that the message was wrong, but disagree that it doesn't represent our town. It absolutley does. You could swap Tony D or Paul Lundgren in there with any of the characters- not hip, not on the leading edge of anything, a year or two behind the rest of the world. All you are doing is creating an atmosphere that begs our citizens to critique/criticize every production that's made by locals, and again, show why Duluth is as disfunctional a town as you'll ever visit. This is the real Duluth Google will see- condescension, pretentiousness and divisivness...


about 14 years ago

Folks, my husband worked on this film, and I am sincerely disappointed at the pointed effort to knock this film, but unfortunately I am not surprised.  Those of you who wanted your way but didn't get your way chose to start this awful thread...knocking the girl in the video was a low blow Sinatra!  Then again, that comment only made you look bad.  

Also, whoever said this was an "amateur" video also needs to check their facts.  The writer, director, DP and grips are all professionals in the field who traveled to your city to give you a professional looking product!  Did you know they put in 16-20 hour days over the course of a weekend to film this, pulled in every last favor and donated their personal time and talents to make it happen...of course not!  And before some of you say, "Well of course, they're not from here..." they all live, have lived or have connections to your community!

You should be thanking all the people who contributed to this film to give your city a much needed boost.  You can start by thanking Parthe Productions for donating the equipment and staff to make the film a reality!  FYI...they are the only film shop in the state and have an impressive track record!  Also something you should be proud of.  How about a nice thank you to sponsors, the people who let the crew film in their homes and on their property, and yes, the couple who let their puppy be in the film!  

I have to believe the Google people have a good sense of humor even though some of you don't.  May I remind you that the news conference spoof of Google Kansas got you national attention!  One city had a very professional, nice looking film but it hasn't received the attention they were hoping for, so don't think the "Portal to the World" video is going to put you on the map.  Every city has "that video."  Make no mistake, the folks at Google are looking for creativity in your efforts to lure them to pick your city.

I was really excited to come up for the film festival to see the movie with friends and family in June, but maybe we will skip it.  I have to say...SUPER DISAPPOINTED!


about 14 years ago

Yeah.  How dare anyone point out that the finished product is absolute and total crap!  It has professionals working on it so it MUST be good!


about 14 years ago

"who is this guy, what does he have to do with us, and why didn't four track films get this gig?"

"can tom servo, crow t. robot, and either mike nelson or joel robinson take a whack at spiffing up this thing?"


It's apparent that this video wasn't made by the click running the show on this site. Pathetic.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Of the hundreds of videos posted to Perfect Duluth Day over the years, this one was far from the worst. Typically, when something less than impressive is posted there isn't a big deal made of it. 

I think in this case people (including me) felt the need to be critical because it's a video that is supposed to represent us in an effort we all support. (Not us the critics, not us the collective PDD readership, but us as Duluthians and Superiorites who support Google Fiber in our community.) 

So, when Tony D says "It's not something we want Google to see," he's stating his own opinion of what he thinks the general public's reaction is to the movie. Obviously some people will think it's cute and want Google to see it. I agree with Tony, but big deal -- I'm sure Google has already seen it.

Tony, not to be confused with Tony D, is getting a little personal, however, and that's a shame.


about 14 years ago

Hey JB...I'm not very well-liked around here and am about as far from being in the PDD Clique (or click" as you put it) as anyone can be. Nobody is making fun of this piece total piece of child-exploiting, poorly-acted, inaccurate, bordering-on-racist, phony, so-bad-it's-good piece of ass more than I am.


about 14 years ago

Just a couple thoughts:

"She was way better than most actors you see on our local stages from "professionals". Don't believe me? Go see any of the local films produced for the film festivals or visit the Renegade some time."

Pablo, is that a knock on our local films and the Renegade Theater Company? If so, are you from here? Have you seen those movies and do you go to that theater? Cause if you do, I'd like to know when you'll be there next so we can have an old-timey duel.

And JB, tom servo, crow t. robot, etc. are from MST 3K. Maybe you've heard of it. It was created in Minnesota.


about 14 years ago

JB: to answer your questions, just use


I cannot believe that this film is what it took to make me say this: I completely agree with Danny. If anything, that's something.


about 14 years ago

"...All professionals in the field who traveled to your city to give you a professional looking product!" Two months late? Thanks for nothing. Too bad you didn't use your name so we could see which of the said professionals you're related to.

"... the only film shop in the state." Um, no.

"... and yes, the couple who let their puppy be in the film!" How's the Xanax?!!!!!!!!!!!?

"Make no mistake, the folks at Google are looking for creativity in your efforts to lure them to pick your city." The folks at Google are looking at a slightly larger picture than "creativity." Try "feasibility" for one.

"I was really excited to come up for the film festival to see the movie." Wait, you don't even live here? GTFO.

And: professionals get paid.


about 14 years ago

The first fire scenes were great (if not a bit cliche') and beautifully filmed. They got me interested, which should have been their purpose. Then it fell on it's face ... running at a full clip ... with it's hands tied behind it's back.

The Cirrus infomercial was too forced.

Sexual innuendo is just a bit too awkward when it involves a pre-teen girl.

In the end I keep coming back to the puppy and "WTF?" That wasn't "tongue in cheek," or cute, it was just baffling.

P.S. JB ... coles, coals ... tomato, potAto.


about 14 years ago

Oh Danny, you so missed my point!  And don't point out other people's mistakes cause when you make them (as you did in your post), it reflects poorly on you.


about 14 years ago

Margaret Anderson Kelliher, is that you?


about 14 years ago

MAK's hectoring condescension is exactly the type of thing I expected, here. Everyone says "wow, what a poor, poor piece of work," and the defense shields come up.

Boiled down: Hey, don't complain about your shit sandwich. We went to a lot of trouble to make that for you, you ungrateful townies!


about 14 years ago

Alrighty MAK...The difference is I admit that I make dopey mistakes and enjoy making fun of myself when I do.  But whatever.

As to the point that I (and apparently everyone else) missed in your brilliant post, let's see if I can sum it up here.  People are complaining because this came across as very amateurish.  You seem to acknowledge that yourself by using the term "professional looking".  You also seem to be stating that the time put into the product should be enough of an excuse to avoid any critiques of what we were ended up with.  I'm sure the cast and crews of Howard the Duck, Ishtar, and The Room put in 16-20 hour days too, you know.

And as far as the "sense of humor" point.  Really?  The folks at Google may have a good sense of humor when viewing this.  Unfortunately we Duluthians (or Twin Portsians or whatever) would be much better off if the humor came from laughing with this film rather than laughing at it.


about 14 years ago

I said "Duluth is hip," not I am hip! 

And I was intimately involved in the Google project, I know what was produced and why. Frankly we can lay this thing squarely at the feet of Joe Reasbeck. It was his vision and he got support from some of the other key people involved in the project. I could have been involved but didn't because I felt my efforts were better put in other directions ... feel free to shred Speedie apart if you think it didn't work for artistic reasons. 

I also didn't want to be negative at the time, it was obvious to me that this was going to be something that was going to be made and I didn't agree with the content. I still don't want to be negative ... I'm being honest that I felt then and feel more strongly now that this film, as written and visualized -- even with awesome production work by Parthe's talented crew -- would be a communication we would not want representing our city or the Google initiative. 

Also I have to say that I found Mr. Reasbeck's insistence on us getting his buddy, the "Hollywood" director to run the show was an affront to the many talented media creatives and professionals we have in town ... that's why I worked on some stuff ... without the benefit of free lunches or donated hotel rooms ... and so did others, some of whom did a significantly more professional job than I. 

A mature creative community can give and take criticism and frankly needs honest appraisals of it's efforts to grow. In this case I'll say it loud, "THE EMPEROR IS BUCK FRICKEN NAKED"

I'm deathly afraid of what Google will think when they see this ... and by now they have I'm sure ... because they have "POWERS." I second Sinatra, I <3 Bob Goldish!


about 14 years ago

Hey Adam!  I gave more information in my post than anyone else did and that's all YOU need to know!  My husband gets paid, and very well I might add.  It's called volunteering my friend...maybe you should try that once in a while!  Also, Parthe Productions is a film/video company.  Most, if not all, of the commercials shot on FILM in Duluth and around the state are done by Parthe with the exception of big movie productions.

Did you think this film was about feasibility?  Really?  This is the same company that changed their search engine to Topeka on April Fools Day!  Feasibility studies are done by their experts to see if the pipe can be laid and the connections can be made!  This was done as part of a marketing effort!

Maybe you can join Danny in those ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES!  BTW, I lived there for five years!


about 14 years ago

Anger Management Classes?  Really?  I'm laughing my ass off at this video.  It doesn't anger me.



about 14 years ago

Also...there's something very "Waiting for Guffman" about all of this.


about 14 years ago

Oh, I get it. MAK isn't Margaret Anderson Kelliher. It's Kenneth Kemp's wife. And he's such a pro that she's now boasting to us hicks about how well he gets paid. That's reassuring.


about 14 years ago

That is cheesier than those Falk's cartoon commercials and Jim Eggbrect "where you the customer are numer one" commercials put together


about 14 years ago

MAK, you should really just stop. You just sarcastically told Adam, a person who volunteers his time every week to publish a local arts paper to "try volunteering some time."

We understand you're hurt that your husband's work is being trashed. I'm sure it hurts. Michael Bay's wife probably felt the same after Transformers 2 came out. Doesn't mean it's not terrible.

Zac Bentz

about 14 years ago

Haters gon' hate.


about 14 years ago

Outside opinion here (read: I don't live in/near Duluth). This was shot beautifully, but the storyline was so boring that I simply stopped watching. MAK, why are you being defensive? You're connected to the production company which shot a gorgeous looking film and everyone is complaining about the story. Did Parthe Productions write the script too?


about 14 years ago

Oh dear lord.  MAK, I usually reserve this for calk, but get off your cross.

Zac Bentz

about 14 years ago

Wearing out my F5 key.


about 14 years ago

This is one of the most enjoyable threads on PDD.

I owe Adam, Tony D, Baci & Paul a beer for telling it like it is, then reverifying, then reexplaining.


about 14 years ago

This is a sad day for Duluth.

I worked closely with this project and was very excited to see it mature to what it was, and then I saw this pile of garbage.

It's evident that the person who produced it hasn't been here in 30 years and has no clue what Duluth is about.  It's also evident that the person who produced it love his infomercials, hell he won an award making them.  It sure shows it by showing Cirrus for most of the damn thing.

Please tell me how much impact Cirrus has on Duluth compared to other industries?  I'd love to know.


about 14 years ago

The clip looks very nice. I think it could use some more spring in its step, though - maybe cutting down the running time would liven things up?

P.S.  Danny, your Tommy Wiseau shout-out cracked me up.


about 14 years ago

Oh, the hostility! 

Again, I'll point out that most of the criticisms are correct and it's totally fine to point them out. However, I think some of you are being a little over zealous about your "critiques." Maybe if the city spent a boat-load of money on the production some of these responses would be justified.  

Also, what everyone seems to not understand is that whoever the guy is at Google that watches these things will watch it once and say, "OK, Duluth made a movie. Cool." And that's about it. And that's all it would have been if it had been the greatest movie ever made by anyone no matter where they were from. There are much more pressing issues for Google to debate when considering where to put their new service than whether or not the movie that a particular community made was written well or properly executed. 

The community came together to make a movie to show Google that "Yes! We would love to have Google Fiber here." And that, my friends is the bottom line, and all that matters.  Would it have been nice to have had a better product? Sure, absolutely. Does it matter to Google? I would bet no.


about 14 years ago

"It's called volunteering my friend...maybe you should try that once in a while!" LULZ. I'll get right on that. (Note: I do get paid a meager stipend for the Transistor.)

"My husband gets paid... Can I call 'em, or what?

You're not Todd Gremmels. Lay off the exclamation points!!!!


about 14 years ago

Ooh, look. A puppy!


about 14 years ago

"The community came together to make a movie."

Did it?


about 14 years ago

I'm far from high almighty but I do love the Lord!  I'm sure someone will rip on that too!  

Hey, here's the bottom line...love it or hate it, I don't care.  No, Parthe did not write the script, they just pulled in some friends to help out so something could get made.  I just think everyone involved in this film from  start to finish gave it their all!

Danny and Adam, no hard feelings!  We have different opinions ... the world did not end today!


about 14 years ago

I think that Joe Raesbek wrote the script by himself if I remember the discussion from the private group on Google for this.


about 14 years ago

Well, their all sucked.  But thank you for the no hard feelings comment.  Right back at ya.

Now, can we all agree that a midnight screening of this fine piece of cinema at the Zinema 2 downtown would be an absolute blast?  We can all get dressed up as different characters in the film and throw stuff at the screen at key moments (like oranges and puppies).  I already have my costume figured out.  I'll dress in a suit withOUT the tie so I can pretend I'm the hip mayor Don Donny.


about 14 years ago

"The community came together to make a movie to show Google that "Yes! We would love to have Google Fiber here."" No. The. Community. Did. Not. A bit overreaching, don't you think?


about 14 years ago

"The community came together to make a movie."
Did it?

Well, yes it did. The guy from L.A. did not shoot this at his house, with his crew, with his city officials and local volunteers helping out at Google Fest.


about 14 years ago

Well, their all sucked. But thank you for the no hard feelings comment. Right back at ya.

Now, can we all agree that a midnight screening of this fine piece of cinema at the Zinema 2 downtown would be an absolute blast? We can all get dressed up as different characters in the film and throw stuff at the screen at key moments (like oranges and puppies). I already have my costume figured out. I'll dress in a suit withOUT the tie so I can pretend I'm the hip mayor Don Donny.


Can you post some of your work so we can all see how it should be done?

I'm sure you'll be right on that :-)


about 14 years ago

Give me a break, JB.  Are you really using the "I'd like to see you do better" argument?


about 14 years ago

Goddamn, there sure is a lot of American Idol-style cocking off happening in this thread. "Simon, I'd love to see you get up on this stage and sing." Shut up. It's criticism. And anyone in the business knows what it's like to receive it without crying about it.


about 14 years ago

It is a good point that this isn't a film contest...in the end it probably won't be a deciding factor.  However it won't attract much attention.

What this thread tells me is that Duluth has 2-3 different communities who believe they best represent the entire city.  (and Superior and the other outlying communities as well)  And they really don't have a lot of love or respect for each other.


about 14 years ago

Exactly my point. Divisivness and condescension. No knock on our amateur actors, just pointing out that for a first time gig, little Ms. Baker showed a lot more ability than most I see on a regular basis. And ADAM- 

"Two months late? Thanks for nothing-"
The production company was given a bit more than a week to produce this. 

"The only film shop in the state." Um, no.
Um, yes. Name another with their own film camera and 1 ton production truck. Any monkey can rent one. 

"How's the Xanax?" 
Maybe we should be asking you that.

"Wait, you don't even live here? GTFO." 
Hmmmm. Really? That deserves a WTF. A nice welcome for those that are visiting, or are coming home for a VOLUNTEER EFFORT, or are thinking about INVESTING IN OUR TOWN! 

"Professionals get paid." 
Adam, just because someone is shoving a dollar down your dirty BVD's doesn't qualify you as a professional. You should know this from your gig at the North Shore. True professionals volunteer -- something you obviously have no grasp of. 

Lastly Baci,
I appreciate your opinion, but holy cow, a bit dramatic on the whole thing, wouldn't you say? I mean really -- this is still Duluth, no matter how many Luce's or Burrito Unions pop up. Lift the rug, please. When you look under there you'll see the same old crumbs that have been here for years and years. Duluth is caught in a black hole, and no matter how hard you try to paint it as progressive, you'll keep on running out of paint.


about 14 years ago

Pablo, thanks for pointing out how divisive and condescending everyone else is being. You tell 'em!


about 14 years ago

Pablo-dollars are stuffed down into dirty BVD's at the Norshor.  Not the North Shore which is a geographic region, not a specific place.

Anyways all this thread points out is that Duluth is a badly divided city which probably breaks down along lines of who you voted for mayor...which is a microcosm of what is happening right now in this country.


about 14 years ago

"Well their all sucked" didn't count as criticism in my film classes. Neither did suggesting everyone show up to mock something. That's just being a jack-ass. And if your going to be a jack-ass you better be able to back it up!

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Mac, JB, and Pablo: I think that if you go back to the top of this thread, you will find that with few exceptions the posters--including myself, Baci, and Paul--did express thanks for the effort and tried to be critical without being condescending. You came out with the defensive posts, which escalated into name calling, use of ALL CAPS, and these things: !!!!!!!!! (Really, you don't ever need more than one to get your point across, honest!)

Please take the chip off your shoulder and grow a thicker skin--you will need it if you continue to work in a creative field. Within all the smack talk in both directions here is still the underlying truth: the finished product--no mater how well one thinks it was shot, acted, or written--has been considered a failure by a great many people who truly love this town. Not because of who made it, or how much time they had to do it, or how little they were compensated for their efforts, but because they thought it didn't have the right stuff to achieve the goal of getting Google to look closer at Duluth. You can't take criticism as a personal attack; use it as a tool to make better work in the future.


about 14 years ago

Wait.  So I'm supposed to be able to back-up that I'm a jack-ass?  Ok.  No prob.


Go the archives.  The episodes where I interviewed the Honking Tree are great examples of my jack-assiness.


about 14 years ago

O My, I checked in to PDD and saw 74 new posts to this thread...sheesh, better 'n the army worm/tent caterpillar controversy.  

I didn't have much of a reaction (while I was watching) to the video and that is because I never got the point of it, it seemed fake to me, except the girl's acting, she is great. It took forever for Google to be mentioned. Thesis, thesis, thesis---so important for any audience and missing in this. I thought it was poorly done (sorry, folks) and not classy like our town is. And certainly not hip like Google. I wondered if Cirrus funded it, otherwise what was the point of all that time showcasing them?  

It seems people feel insulted on both sides...those who worked so hard on it and those who are very disappointed in the results.  We could come together as TWIN PORTS and do something extraordinary--if we just were asked.  No surprise puppies, please. But pride in our people, maybe slacklining over the Lester River, rowing on the big lake, ya know...the perfect day in Duluth/Superior.


about 14 years ago

OMG! Shannon u r the best! You are such an awesome actress! You are the best thing about the whole movie! You are soooo great!!!!!!
Love your bffl,


about 14 years ago

Good debates to all. I hope everyone settles down and takes it for what it is. A fun little movie with lots of flaws that was done with good intentions. Hopefully it, along with all of the other projects that have come out of Duluth help to show the enthusiasm the community has for the Google Fiber project.

Mike Scholtz

about 14 years ago

I apologize for interrupting this fascinating cocktail of bile, flame and wit. But I feel compelled to clear up a misconception here:

Ishtar is actually a much funnier movie than its reputation would lead you to believe. Beatty and Hoffman hilariously play against type. And the songs are so intentionally awful they make their way back around to being genius.

Elaine May never directed another film. Which is a shame. She was a comic genius who took the fall when a good film failed.


about 14 years ago

The DNT contacted me for a story they're doing on positive and negative reactions to the movie -- so expect screaming headlines in tomorrow's paper.


about 14 years ago

Puppies are cute.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

Claire: they also called me. I simply told them my comments are on the post for anyone to see. They asked if I could verify that I was indeed Tony D. I said "Yes."

And I nominate Mike Scholtz for best comment today! I would love to see what Mike and Brian B. would have cooked up in their great big wonderful noodles if they were charged with making a video.


about 14 years ago

I hope the DNT story looks into the fact that a lot of great, creative (and local) people were left out of this project to favor a script and outside director that a lot of folks didn't agree with. Because they had a feeling it would turn out like this.

It's true: this was not a real community effort. But it purports to be.


about 14 years ago

Pablo wrote, "I mean really — this is still Duluth, no matter how many Luce's or Burrito Unions pop up. Lift the rug, please. When you look under there you'll see the same old crumbs that have been here for years and years. Duluth is caught in a black hole, and no matter how hard you try to paint it as progressive, you'll keep on running out of paint."

I really hate this defeatist, "We're Duluth, so we suck" attitude. I was just talking to a friend about this whole thing, and she or I came up with the point that people like Tony D and I are marketing ourselves or our products nationally -- there's no excuse, that we can suck because we live in Duluth. If anything, we have to work harder, to dispel stereotypes. I think it's one reason Tony D and I both feel so passionately about sending an obviously mediocre film -- albeit with an absolutely fabulous lead child actor -- to Google.

My kid wanted to try out for the lead. I'm so glad she did not.


about 14 years ago

You know what, Mike?  I'll put Ishtar in my Netflix queue and give it another shot.  It's been a long time since I've seen it.


about 14 years ago

Uhg.  Stage parents.  Gross.


about 14 years ago

I don't know how you guys got through the first 30 seconds of it.


about 14 years ago

Okay.  I watched all of it this time and its not as bad as I thought.  It gets some of the facts across in a "playful" manor.  

I still am creeped out a little.  It reminds me of the "genie" movie that was made in the mid-1990s and has played often on our public access, where there is a creepy genie working to get people killed and stuff.  That's what that girl reminds me of.  She/her character is a little too cold or strange or whatever, just not someone you want to snuggle up and stream videos with. 

Why has Don Ness never given me a puppy?


about 14 years ago

I'm really, really curious as to why the folks heading this particular google effort up decided against using any one of our area's talented film directors for this movie. If the point of the short is to sell Duluth to google, then why not use someone who has the voice or touch of a citizen? One doesn't have to live in LA to be a film director, and there were a lot of smart folks working on this, so why did we end up with an outsider's generic view of our city here?

I'd think that Annie Dugan or Mike Scholtz or Carrie Boberg or Jason Page or Erin McConnell could have done a much more decent job with the direction of this thing (and the script), while still giving it the Twin Ports flavor it so obviously does not have.


about 14 years ago

K's right. At the time, when people kept telling me, the movie's got an LA director (!), I kept thinking, big whoop. There is so much homegrown talent -- I was thinking Jean Sramek, Margi Preus. . .


about 14 years ago

I think it's just great that this film got posted here...so often things just happen after the fact and we get stuck with them.  There is a lot of fierce pride in where we live.  Bravo for that!!  

So often when I travel people have no idea that Duluth and Superior are in two different states, or even that they are on Lake Superior.  "Oh, I've been to Minneapolis," they say.  "But, but, but...." I try to tell them, "we aren't at all like that."  Our niche of the world is really a best kept secret and I don't think anybody can understand the beauty here or the loyalty we feel unless you have actually lived here for more than a quick visit.  

I just don't want any film to sell us short or dumb us down.  And I think the film didn't portray our classy, smart and savvy population, not to mention the staggering beauty of this place.  Next time let's set a higher goal with a little forethought and planning. Because it's obvious you can't pull a puppy over our eyes.


about 14 years ago

Why doesn't someone take the time to make another movie? There seems to be a lot of passion about this project, it shouldn't be that hard to round up the folks to do it. I think that would be cool. Spend a week at it and see what happens. The more community involvement the better!

I think it would be really great to see more videos for the Google project. I think they've all been great so far and have all brought something else to the table. I'm saying keep them coming and maybe we will find something that better represents the community. Maybe one of them will be the one that makes Google say "Wow, we need to be in Duluth!"


about 14 years ago

The new movie should have more puppies!


about 14 years ago

I like the viewing and a party idea..dress up as your favorite character...this could become the Rocky Horror of Duluth..that type of post-modern deconstruction is about the only treatment that could give this the edge it needs. I call Goldish, cuz Goldish is cool. How about a live action/multi media deal where we dress up like the characters and pause the film .. breakout in epic songs, with local bands, which reveal deeper motivations in each character ..I think I'm starting to see Reasbek's genius here. And believe me, Google might actually find it entertaining.

BTW Pablo "over dramatic" is my middle name. This is the internetz web community I've chosen to express myself on since  ..er..I helped build it..so I can be as inflammatory as I want. Let's talk about the 300 foot rule..But, please, pull apart, artistically, anything I do...really, PLEASE! I'll only return again more powerful (google power that is) than you can ever imagine.


about 14 years ago

Boy am I surprised. Way to throw this nice piece of work under the bus. It seems as though someone has an ax to grind against these people who put it together. Whatever it is, let it go. It aint bad. By the sounds of it it was put together with volunteers and no money. Why would you embarass yourself with such mean spirited comments? Isn't a movies quality subjective? I really don't give a flying pass what you mudrakers think. I thought it was great, and much better than the other trash you showed- some drug-induced crazy dancing around in forest with a sword. Creative? I'm thinking that boy spent too much time sniffing gas. And a tired documentary that looks like every other Ive ever seen? At least the movie was creative and looks like it was filmed by someone who knows their way around a camera. And that little girl is every bit as good as any Disney actor my Grandkid watches. Here's my opinion. It's you cheek-powdered little whiners that give this town a bad name. You're so caught up in your little world that you fail to see that others have opinions and that in the end, your opinion didn't matter. You slap each other on the back while tearing everyone else down. I've seen it time and time again. You call yourselves progressive. I call it bitter and sad. Very sad indeed.

Danny G

about 14 years ago

I call myself progressive, eh?


about 14 years ago

Well, since TB likes it, debates over.  Everybody else's opinion is moot.  Which is good because I have to go to the store and buy more cheek powder.


about 14 years ago

An easy fix for this movie would be to add the three Mystery Science Theater silhouettes and witty banter/dialogue.  Instant cult classic!


about 14 years ago

Shermie, give me back my cheek powder to flouncy trollop...ooo slap my back...side.


about 14 years ago

I have to agree with Mike, the blind camel in Ishtar was hysterical.


about 14 years ago

"Telling the truth can be a dangerous business. Honest and popular don't go hand in hand."


about 14 years ago

Let me just say this since I coined it: This movie is full of cliff-dwelling elitists.


Proud Sponsor of Meth: Superior's High Speed Connection


about 14 years ago

"Um, yes. Name another with their own film camera and 1 ton production truck. Any monkey can rent one." Does any monkey have to  pay-to-play  with a one-ton production truck and a film camera to be considered "professional¿"

"How's the Xanax?" Maybe we should be asking you that. Maybe. The answer would be: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

"Wait, you don't even live here? GTFO." Hmmmm. Really? That deserves a WTF. A nice welcome for those that are visiting, or are coming home for a VOLUNTEER EFFORT, or are thinking about INVESTING IN OUR TOWN! "Or thinking about investing in our town." Seriously? Take your Canal Park skateboarders and GTFO.

"Professionals get paid." Adam, just because someone is shoving a dollar down your dirty BVD's doesn't qualify you as a professional. You should know this from your gig at the North Shore. True professionals volunteer — something you obviously have no grasp of:

First: who wears underwear? 

Second: try "NorShor." 

Third: "True professionals volunteer" is obviously answerable with a simple: where the fuck have you been? "True professionals volunteer — something you obviously have no grasp of." A HAHAHAHAAHHAH. Get in line.

Fourth: all the "True Professionals" I have met here PUT OUT THEIR HARD EARNED WORKING CLASS DOLLARS to make shit happen themselves. CONSISTENTLY. There is no wait or want of accolades or blogs or pats-on-the-backs to make or do; they make it HAPPEN. And they make it happen because they love it. And they are my neighbors; and they are my critics: and they are my friends; and they are my haters; and they are my compatriots; and they are my competitors; and they are my jerk-ass familiars. And together that makes where I live, where I work and where I play. And I love it.


about 14 years ago

TB, the only thing you left out of your speculations was calling people "naysayers" the most popular word in town. Anytime some group is pushing their new, improved, will put Duluth on the map type of proposal and someone will ask for, well a few facts or careful analysis get rid of them by saying you're holding back the city. 
This video doesn't deserve a pass just because they threw in a cute kid and puppy.

Don't need to break out your pom-poms for everything.


about 14 years ago

This, coming from people who think the Duluth music scene has quality.


about 14 years ago

Tosses a big can of Norwegian ale to Adam from across the ocean.


about 14 years ago

Funny, I assumed this was out for review, so I offered one. I have no ulterior motives other than reacting to what I saw. I doubt the politics being insinuated have anything to do with reaction to this final product. Ooops, there it is. I'm a two-year resident who wants to find that hipster crowd meeting place in Duluth but hasn't. It's elusiveness is what keeps me intrigued. That and the fact that a walk in Chester Creek is all I need to satisfy me on my station in life. People are messy, people, and Duluth is delightfully mass-group think free. If you think there are agendas and backroom meetings, you're dillusional.


about 14 years ago

Opinions are like bellybuttons, everyone has one, and there is no point trying to convince someone else yours is better.  All this arguing is very entertaining, in a baffling sort of way.  Seems to be a lot of "if you don't agree with me you are a dummy" now, remember our point here is to critique a movie that represents our community.  So creative comments, and ways to make the next movie better would be a productive use of time. Ok now go back to name calling and stuff.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Now that I've had a day to reflect on this ...

I think at one point I criticized someone for criticizing me about criticizing a movie.

Someone ought to criticize me for that.

Tony D.

about 14 years ago

I didn't want to add anything else to this post, but portions of this a.m.'s DNT piece got me asking questions to myself.

First, was this or was this not a community effort? Because that's how the DNT depicts it, and what others have said, but yesterday someone stated here that a Hollywood director with his own production company (and a big truck!) did the work, and brought in his crew and asked his friends to write the script. What was the community effort, besides some hotels and restaurants providing meals? (I mean this as a legit question, not trying to be smarmy here).

Then the story quotes Mayor Ness:

"In an e-mail, Ness said the purpose of the film was to raise interest and enthusiasm more than to entice Google. 'Ultimately, Google's decision will be based upon the business case that we've presented,' Ness wrote. 'The skits and videos were a fun way to engage the community, but they aren't part of the formal presentation to Google.'

If these videos are not meant to part of the formal presentation to Google, exactly why did we need to bring in these folks to make the movie? If it was meant to engage the community, it did: well, it engaged the PDD community, anyhow. But not in a positive way.

Was this really made by folks that don't live here to reach folks that do live here to convince them that they want Google Fiber to come here? Then I guess I really don't understand the video at all.

So, my basic question, I guess, is this: why was this video even made? Why was the effort put forth if the intent was not to attract Google to Duluth? Anyone?


about 14 years ago

@ Danny...jack-assiness is now my new favorite word. Thank you! (note: one exclamation point only)

To the rest...thank you for your witty banter regarding the Google flick. I've enjoyed every post and will now select the character I'd like to portray at the party. And...I'm off to watch Ishtar. I hear it has merrits that I have yet to recognize.  



about 14 years ago

My (relatively disengaged) sense of this effort was that it was a genuine attempt at doing something noteworthy to support the cause and something the community could get excited about.  Personally, I agree with the sentiment originally expressed over 100 comments ago that the effort is to be appreciated even if the end result seems to have missed the mark (the story and content just didn't work in my opinion).  I'm taking the view that this is really just another video in the collection (attempting) to support the initiative.  It's not being packaged as part of the formal presentation.  I also laughed a bit at the thought that this would be front page news.  It's probably just an unfortunate result of this movie being overly hyped during the nomination phase.  I'll be surprised if Google makes their decision based on the quality of video submissions.


about 14 years ago

Tony D: Agreed. My question earlier also asked what was the point? And if this was community then why was it said that it was "leaked out" or whatever that means?  If it was community, then what community?  I do have this complaint about Duluth politics -- someone jumps on the bandwagon and then lets us (the community) know about it later (Norshor, for example).  So glad this film was brought to light and so glad PDD is not afraid to take the wool off the puppy's eyes. 

And perhaps it WAS intended as the Google film...but obviously it flopped and now everyone in the  (at least PDD) "community" knows about it.   

If Google wants to know how clever we are here, all they have to do is read this thread: 100% better than the film and way more authentic. Just need some graphics and music. And a hero. What a sitcom it would be ... great stuff.


about 14 years ago

WARNING: The following comment contains shameless self-promotion by a noted local gadfly/sockpuppet/troll.

For all who are interested in witnessing more of my jack-assiness head on over to dannydoesduluth.com and download the latest episode.  You can sit back, relax, and watch the Google movie along with me!  Lucky you!


about 14 years ago

If it was supposed to portray Duluth, uh, 'Twin Ports' as worthy of Google, we have surely sealed our fate. I mean, really, wouldn't or couldn't we at the very least screen the crowd or at least have them look like the whole wardrobe didn't come from L&M in Cloquet? Oh, and way to make Google think that this community is somehow diverse: Native, White, Black, Puppy loving, with a crazy old couple that grocery shops in downtown Duluth but lives in Superior? Whatever.


about 14 years ago

I like puppies.


about 14 years ago

I would say the Fail begins at the Web site: http://www.googletwinports.com/  
when it asks for video submissions:
Google Fiber Video Challange


about 14 years ago

Many condemn the movie as being a bad work. Is that in comparison to the "We Want Google In Duluth" theme song???

It is said that Google will go to an innovative and creative city. Google, a 21st century tech company, is seeking that "Wow!" factor. So, in the movie, Duluth tempts Google by promoting its 20th century shipping port and good fishing. (lol)

Terry G.

about 14 years ago

I'll wait see this in a couple months when the Director's Cut DVD is released. I also heard the blooper reel will be pretty funny.

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

Kevin, don't underestimate the value of a good shipping port. Some things can't be sent through computers.


about 14 years ago

I still cannot believe the amount of time and effort being put into cutesy movies and bizarre stunts trying to woo Google's attention. Have you seen the list of applications they received after putting out their RFI? Our chances are slim to none, and only getting slimmer with every movie that gets put out making us look like a bunch of weird cast members from Degrassi Junior High.


about 14 years ago

yeah JL, we should have done nothing, that would have secured the spot for sure!


I guess the DNT had a slow news day. Banner headline and all. sheesh.

the real Adam

about 14 years ago

Adam- what a poser. You really need more of that Xantax or whatever mood-altering juice you are on. Stop being so self-righteous. You and your Z theatre buddies are nothing but a bunch of sycophants that doesn't want anyone else doing anything creative, becuase that is "your" territory. Our town has lots of creatives, and lots of people volunteer. And when they do, it's more than putting out a lame entertainment rag or putting hostile rants on a meaningless blog for failures...


about 14 years ago

Phone and/or fax Google HQ and let it be known that Google Fiber is not wanted in Duluth.

(P) 1-650-253-0000
(F) 1-650-253-0001

Bill Meier

about 14 years ago

I would like to attest to Adam's herculean volunteering efforts at the North Shore in order to drink for free.  It was amazing to see...


about 14 years ago

Amusing how many comments this topic has generated. I found the movie to be more entertaining the second time I watched it. It has a certain cheesey cult movie feel to it.

Bad Cat!

about 14 years ago

Ok, I have to admit, it wasn't bad. I almost kinda liked it. I mean, it's no Citizen Kane, but really, for a quick movie shot in the area, it's kinda cute.
Yea I laughed at the Glensheen going for a quarter mill, and the puppy at the end was maybe a little over the top, but overall, it was good (though MAK could seriously use some anger-management courses...).


about 14 years ago

I watch the movie repeatedly because of that Goddess. I love CathyCakes! MMMMMMMMMMM.


about 14 years ago

I thought the pilot was hot.      ... There.    I said something nice.

Someone You Don't Know

about 14 years ago

Ok so first of all, Shannon Baker, the best actress ever! Second, Danny get a life and get a job so you will have other things to do besides post crude comments about the clip.  It wasn't meant to be a four star movie.  Danny, if you want to say mean words, say them to your pillow.Kids read these comments you know. And everyone else who has been posting rude comments, stop posting rude comments and go get yourself a job and a cookie so you have some joy in your life other than being a meanie.

Some Kid You Don't Know

about 14 years ago

LULZ. Glad to know we're supposed to do your parenting for you now.

Someone Else in this World

about 14 years ago

Yeah thats right Danny. I bet you took the above comment's advice and got yourself a cookie didn't you? jk...i guess. this was supposed to be a community effort. As a few people involved in the movie said..." It was done in three days."  true enough.I LIKE CAKE.

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