“Cities Go Gaga for Google Fiber”

Catching up on some of my favorite tech blogs this morning and found this familiar face headlining a post on Gizmodo

Duluth, Minnesota
But wait! Patrick Garmoe, public information officer of the Google Twin Ports Initiative laughs sheepishly as he explains Googlefest, an event that is one part rally, one part carnival and all parts enthusiasm for the promise of Google Fiber. In the midst of bands, choirs and other entertainment, “We’ll be shooting a movie with real actors and a Hollywood director and live-streaming the event to impress Google,” Garmoe says. The new initiative comes on the heels of Deluth mayor Don Ness’s own stunts. In a spoof video proclamation that in honor of Google, all first born males would be henceforth named GoogleFiber and first born females would of course be Googlette. Also, he literally sunk to a new low in the brutal battle for business. He jumped into the freezing waters of Lake Superior. Hizzoner, perhaps you’ll be deterred from further lunacy by these extremely gnarly Google Image results for “frostbite.”

[Google Twin Ports]



about 15 years ago

Don's a hero, how many mayors would jump into freezing waters in winter like that! Whoot whoot, Duluth is so damn cool, I just have a good feeling about this. The Google people are themselves unconventional, and I think they fully appreciate how unconventional this campaign has been.

Keeping my fingers crossed that the mayor jumping into a frozen lake won't be in vain.

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Anyone else sick of the "whoot whoot" thing?


about 15 years ago

I'm sick of Danny G

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

Anyone else embarrassed by the repeated use of the term "Hollywood director"? Yeah, like Martin Scorsese is coming to Duluth to film a commercial -- if he's so hot, why not use his actual name?

I don't know who actually is directing this commercial, but our community's response to Google Fiber seems to have been directed by Christopher Guest.

Danny G

about 15 years ago


I hate to admit it, but that was the most brilliant analysis of the local Google Fiber effort I have heard yet.  I've been going with the underpants gnome theory this whole time:

Step 1: Get Google Fiber

Step 2:

Step 3: Profit

But I think I like your Christopher Guest thing much better.


about 15 years ago

Christopher Guest and Lady Gaga are coming to town!?!


about 15 years ago

No, I think we are all waiting for Guffman.


about 15 years ago

Barrett's got it exactly right. It's too bad, because the Al Franken video was a great get. This "big-time-Hollywood-director" business is going to look mighty silly when Ted Nobody who is best known for a pencil commercial in 1973 turns out to be the particular Guffman we're waiting for.

I hope this stuff doesn't damage the effort in the long run. That would be a real shame.


about 15 years ago

Well, you know, we're all just vying for 'Best In Show'. I just hope it's not all 'A Mighty Wind' of nothing...

Danny G

about 15 years ago

Thank you "ericswan" and "tamara" for showing that you get the reference.


about 15 years ago

Barrett, you nailed it, the references to the "Hollywood" director kinda bugged me. Especially since some of our local Duluth directors can kick the ass of some obscure "Hollywood" director --  like Jean Sramek or Margi Preus. BTW, Klatzky, a local pr firm, put together that brilliant Al Franken video.

Whoot whoot whoot.

Terry G.

about 15 years ago

Excellent editorial in today's (3/17/10) DNT:


about 15 years ago

Brad Clifford..


about 15 years ago

Here's a look at the "Hollywood Director's" demo reel.

Decide for yourself....



about 15 years ago


Shawn Hill

about 15 years ago

Duluth is putting up a great argument for Google fiber. Also on the Google fiber radar is Longview, Texas. Google fiber for communities will over time change the world as we now all know it.


about 14 years ago

Google's main page = argh!
What's going on?


about 14 years ago

4.1 = Doh!  
I didn't buy that whole DQBWCAW yesterday but today I fell for this.  I'm ashamed of myself.

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