Don Ness Posts

Video Archive: Don Ness elected mayor in 2007

For your Election Day amusement Perfect Duluth Day flashes back one decade to 2007, when Don Ness was elected mayor of Duluth. Above is WDIO-TV Eyewitness News footage from the primary on Sept. 11, and below is coverage by Fox 21 and WDIO from the general on Nov. 6.

Ness will launch economic development business

Ness - DNT PhotoOutgoing Duluth Mayor Don Ness announced at a news conference today he will launch a new business called Hillside Ventures. The Duluth News Tribune reports Ness will offer his services to assist clients with economic development and “public-sector strategy work, working with other communities in the region, especially on the problem-solving and visioning piece.”

Senator Al Franken roasts Duluth Mayor Don Ness

Duluth Mayor Don Ness held his “Final Mayoral Address and Concert Celebration” at the DECC’s Symphony Hall on Dec. 16. Senator Al Franken was not able to attend, but sent this video in order to, “once and for all tell Don what I really think about him.”

The mystery of a gift not given: Where is it now?

Duluth Leatherhead Trophy 2008In promotion of his recently released book, Hillsider, Duluth Mayor Don Ness has repeatedly shared his story of “a gift not given.” It’s from pages 155-156, under the title “Clooney & Zellweger.” The abridged version of the story goes like this:

George Clooney and Renee Zellweger made a trip to Duluth in 2008 to promote the movie Leatherheads, the plot of which is loosely based on the Duluth Eskimos football team. Ness was in his first month as mayor, and obviously wanted to impress the celebrities and do Duluth proud in front of the national media. He assigned his staff to put together an appropriate welcome gift for Clooney and Zellweger. The process of hunting down an old leatherhead helmet for an impressive plaque turned daunting, however, and on the morning of the visit the mayor discovered the gift ended up being a rather pathetic-looking miniature leatherhead resting on a small wooden pedestal. Ness made the executive decision to present the customary mayoral proclamation instead. He concludes his story with the punchline: “Over the years I’ve reconsidered a lot of choices. This isn’t one of ’em.”

Ness told the story last night at the DECC, which reminded me that after he told the story a few weeks ago at the Red Herring Lounge I asked him what happened to the silly little leatherhead-on-a-stick. He said he had no idea. It’s not in his office, and he hasn’t really asked around about it.

Did it land in the trash? Is it on a city employee’s mantle? Inquiring minds want to know.

Video Archive: President Clinton and Donny Ness

President Bill Clinton was in Duluth on Nov. 4, 1994. Eyewitness News’ Colleen Mahoney interviewed three Duluth gawkers who were hanging out across the street from the Downtown Holiday Inn, where the president spent the night. One of the two unnamed UMD students interviewed was future Duluth Mayor Don Ness.

Mayor Ness profiled on MinnPost

Don Ness photo by Paul WalshDon Ness doesn’t want to be America’s most popular mayor anymore,” reads the headline of a feature on the Minneapolis-based nonprofit news website MinnPost. “Ness, at 41, is doing what is inconceivable to some: stepping away from politics indefinitely at the height of his career — a move that has left many in Duluth and around the state wondering: Why?”

On Twitter, Ness offers an alternate title for the story:

Ness Twitter

Fall Reading List: A Hillsider and a Buried Man

Hillsider by Don Ness The Emancipation of a Buried May by Eddy Gilmore

Two books lead the list of recommended local reads this fall: One is a new book by Duluth’s outgoing mayor, which will no doubt generate tons of attention before anyone fully reads it. The other is an impressive memoir published back in March by a humble Lakesider, which deserves to be held up next to Duluth’s highest ranking literary office.

Mayor Ness banned from Labor Temple’s Wellstone Hall for life

Mayor Ness at Radisson

From the Sept. 16 issue of Labor World:

Without opposition a motion was made, seconded, and carried to ban Don Ness from the Duluth Labor Temple’s Wellstone Hall for life.

Thank you, Mayor Ness, from Homegrown

Folks from the Duluth music and arts scene say thanks to the mayor for his role in improving the Homegrown Music Festival in specific and Duluth in general. Video by Dan Branovan.

Mayor Ness “Potholes Song” – 2015 Homegrown Proclamation

Video credit – Melissa Ginger
See the full Duluth Homegrown Music Festival schedule here –>

A Prairie Home Companion in Duluth: Garrison Keillor talks with Mayor Don Ness

Howie Hanson vs. Don Ness – Are Duluth politics getting interesting again?

howievsdonAfter a fairly long period of dormancy in mayoral politics in Duluth, Howie Hanson announced that he would be running for mayor in the next election, 14 months from now, prompting Don Ness to invite him to debate, even though he isn’t sure he’s running.

And now, just a few minutes ago, Hanson on Facebook publicly called out Ness to make his intentions known on whether he will run or not.

All of this is being done in a very public way.

After a long period of holding hands and singing “Kum Bah Ya” are we finally getting back to the down and dirty local politics Duluthians seem to love?

Upset (at the Mayor) in Duluth

Check out the image that accompanies this DNT article: Meeting with the Duluth mayor (link to full-size photo). Yikes! There’s not a whole lotta love in that room (especially from Ms. Tie-Dye)!

Mayor Ness named Person of the Year by Twin Cities Business magazine

Twin Cities Business magazine has named Duluth Mayor Don Ness the 2013 Person of the Year. Editor-in-Chief Dale Kurschner wrote in a statement that Ness “stood out for outstanding leadership that has strengthened our state’s economy, business opportunities and culture.”

2013 Person Of The Year: Duluth Mayor Don Ness

This is the first year Twin Cities Business has designated a Person of the Year.

Ruh Roh, Don Ness!

Danes firstDuluth next?

Four mayors in Denmark now know what it’s like to become a target of an international recording label out for blood over copyright. The controversy stems from the publication of a YouTube video featuring the officials dancing to Gangnam Style. Universal Music, the company holding the copyright to the original track, have warned the mayors that unless they pay $42,000 by tomorrow, a copyright infringement battle will follow.