Howie Hanson vs. Don Ness – Are Duluth politics getting interesting again?

howievsdonAfter a fairly long period of dormancy in mayoral politics in Duluth, Howie Hanson announced that he would be running for mayor in the next election, 14 months from now, prompting Don Ness to invite him to debate, even though he isn’t sure he’s running.

And now, just a few minutes ago, Hanson on Facebook publicly called out Ness to make his intentions known on whether he will run or not.

All of this is being done in a very public way.

After a long period of holding hands and singing “Kum Bah Ya” are we finally getting back to the down and dirty local politics Duluthians seem to love?


Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

Not really "down and dirty" yet,  but certainly quite a passive aggressive little spat. We need a nut-job third candidate to really get this going. Give it time.


about 10 years ago

Alright. I'll do it.

J.J. Lee

about 10 years ago

Chad Lyons and/or Jody Kujawa for mayor!!


about 10 years ago

Maybe Howie is sitting on some information about shark attacks in Duluth.


about 10 years ago

I am genuinely floored by how petty this has become.  Is this truly how politics work in Duluth?


about 10 years ago

Mayor Ness went from Donny to Don. I'm waiting for Howie to become ... How?


about 10 years ago

Don gets a couple of minor criticisms 14 months before the election, and suddenly he's all over Facebook challenging people to debates and asking, "Who's got my back?" 

Apparently the "all adulation, all the time" vibe of the last seven years has left the mayor a little sensitive.


about 10 years ago

Ehhhh, I think people need to calm the eff down a mite, there doesn't really seem to be much there, and certainly not enough to go all Enquirer over it. A day of low-level jabs is hardly the wreck of Duluth politics or any indication of anything except two people mildly irked at one another. I'd wager each of us has had a more significant "fight" with our partner within the last week then this was ... and that includes the "what are we going to have for diner" bruhaha that resulted in leftovers for everyone.

Paul Lundgren

about 10 years ago

Today the mayor promises "no more drama" and seems to be back to himself.
An Evening of Reflection


about 10 years ago

"I considered him a friend..." "I wish I could have had a conversation with him..."

Why should Howie Hanson clear his decision to run for mayor with Don Ness? The things Hanson said weren't personally hurtful; they were criticisms of policy and process. That's how people stake out their positions in politics. Don should know that.


about 10 years ago

+1 Ramos

In high school I became Class Treasurer after a (literally) last-minute write-in campaign.   The person I ran against once considered me a friend too.  It's been a decade and a half and he still hasn't spoken to me.  

Hopefully the Mayor is able to see that someone else is can be passionate about the city, without considering it a personal attack on his job performance.

J.J. Lee

about 10 years ago


"Hopefully the Mayor is able to see that someone else is can be passionate about the city, without considering it a personal attack on his job performance."

This is a fine sentiment. A hopeful one, too.


J.J. Lee

about 10 years ago

... I'm a former drunk with an hilarious case of egomaniacism and center-right political tendencies. I wouldn't listen to what I have to say either.


about 10 years ago

I am glad Donny came to his senses. Declaring whether or not he'll run again, or, worse, running again just because Howie called him out made him look petty and childish.  I hope, whether or not Donny runs again, there will be a couple of candidates to choose from. Wonder if Betsy Ross will run for mayor after she gets her butt kicked running against Jen Schultz for the House?

The Big E

about 10 years ago

"More casinos" is a moronic premise for a grown-up's political campaign.


about 10 years ago

Former drunk, egomaniac, moron...Hanson is sounding better already.


about 10 years ago

Claire, Howie may  have jumped in the race ahead of what is considered polite according to tradition,  but it was the mayor who made himself look petty and childish. No one made the Mayor respond how he did on social media. It was a choice Ness made on his own. As a politician he should know to not make knee jerk reactions.  Responding is one thing, the words written were all Ness'. Furthermore,  blaming Howie for the Mayor acting like a 2 year old who's toy is being taken even though he's not playing with it and isn't sure he wants to, is a fundamental problem with a lot of liberals. Personal Responsibility is a great thing. Ness at least owned up and said he reacted badly, hopefully you can realize it was Ness not Howie who made himself look petty and childish.


about 10 years ago

Jadiaz actually sounds like what's been left on the floor of a rest area by conservative politicians who've secretly been doing what the bible tells them not to.


about 10 years ago

And how about that little Stewart fellow?  He sure knows how to party.  Don are you taking notes?  Howie you will never win because Don is more handsome and he knows all the cool people who like to party.  I know this hurts, but it's the law of the jungle.

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