October 2009 Posts

Duluth in song and video

The pictures and the lyrics seem to be sending mixed messages.  I wonder, if a blind person and a deaf person experienced this music video, what would their discussion about their perceptions of our fair city be like?

Eeeeeck! Crazy moose loose in the hoose!


This must be the spot where mice are inviting themselves into my home. What I don’t understand is: Why rip the siding apart? That’s got to be hard work for mice, and it’s totally unnecessary. I mean, hell, six mice at a time could enter side by side now. If they make the entry much bigger a cat will be able to go in there after them.

Anyway, finding a little black mouse doing laps in the basement sink is a fun way to start the day, isn’t it?

Make me feel better by commenting about infestations you’ve experienced and your innovative and hopefully humane ideas for termanting the lives of the little bastards.

(I’m not including any photos of the mouse or details about how it was executed, because I want you to like me.)

Y2K is so nine years ago

I am looking forward to the movie “2012” coming out next month. I’m glad they didn’t wait until 2012 to release the movie, cause, you know.
Someone has compiled a list of 22 possible ways for the earth to end in a couple years. My favorites are “Rise of the Machines” and “Time Travel Error.”


While watching the trailer for the movie, I noticed they’re not forgetting to save the giraffes, not something I would have put on my short list to save.
I invite you to consider:
1. What do you think is the most likely way for earth to meet its end in two years?
2. What stupid thing would you try to save if you got a seat on a secret government ship?

It Is 2009?

Wow. Truly wow. It’s like living in an alternate universe. I’m not sure if I should be more stunned or less.

With an explanation, even.

“Evil Dead” is campy Halloween fun for adults

Evil Dead: The Musical is definitely worth checking out.

Glensheen Living Literature Presents: The Monkey’s Paw

Gather ’round for a spooky reading of “The Monkey’s Paw” at Glensheen on October 22, October 23, and October 24 at 7 p.m. A special flashlight tour of the mansion is included, and the evening concludes with refreshments and a guided discussion  of W.W. Jacob’s 1902 tale. $25 – $33. Reservations online or by calling 726-8910.

Honking tree to become a lighthouse.

So, the DNT announced today that the felled honking tree will be re-born as a lighthouse sculpture. Gee, I bet it will be WAY neater than all the other lighthouse yard-art, trinkets, resin statuettes, and other lighthouse crap that is peddled out of Two Harbors each year. Who was the bedazzeled, animal-print wearing greyhair that made that decision? I think I would rather see the great log burned in a bonfire.

4 on the Fontanelles

My bandmate Gabe Douglas (Duluth ex-pat) will be returning to D town with two of his bands this weekend, Four on the Floor and the Fontanelles. We will be playing several shows around town including at the Thirsty Pagan and Electric Fetus.

Circles of Giving – Donate your stuff and shop for free stuff

The next Circles of Giving event is Saturday, Oct. 24, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Valley Youth Center in West Duluth. It’s a recycling-minded shopping event where everything is free.

If you’ve got something useful you want to get rid of, someone will actually come to your home and pick it up for the purpose of giving it to someone who wants it. (Although it would obviously be easier for the organizers if you drop it off).

So, what’s your take on Dylan’s Christmas album?

Much has been written the past few days about Bob Dylan’s new Christmas album.

Anyone here in his birthplace care to weigh in?



Wine! Food! Beer! Cool Stuff! Good cause!

2nd Annual Chester Bowl Wine & Beer Tasting and Silent Auction
Saturday, October 17th, 6:30pm-9:30pm
Baja Billy’s Restaurant – Fitger’s – 600 E. Superior St.
$25 Per Person in Advance
$35 Per Person at the Door

This is the major fundraiser of the year for the ski program and other kids activities at Chester Bowl.
See more info and buy tickets online at chesterbowl.org

Picture 32

Oct. 17 Twin Ports Anti-War Protest

Oct. 17 Duluth Anti-War March & Rally

Saturday, October 17 is a national day of local actions against the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Around the country over 40 cities and towns will be holding protests, among them will be Duluth, Minnesota.

To give local citizens an opportunity to demonstrate their opposition to the ongoing wars this country is waging, we’ll be holding a march and rally in downtown Duluth starting at noon. We’ll be assembling at the Clayton, Jackson & McGhie Memorial at the corner of 2nd Ave. E. & E. 1st Street. From there we’ll march to the Duluth Federal Building.

Photo buffs read here!

I can see there are a lot of us out here that enjoy capturing the beauty of Duluth and the surrounding area. If you’re up for a fun challenge this Saturday, check out 12 Hours in Photography. A group of us from around the world have taken to occasionally having a “12 Hours in Photography” day from time to time. If you’d like to take part go to the site and follow the directions!

Silver Creek Cliff (less than an hour from Duluth)

Paul Lundgren kind of stole my thunder on this with his excellent photo-essay on the North Shore earlier this week, but I was out in the same neighborhood for a work project last week myself. Truly I was in a big hurry and swamped with about a dozen things, but I just couldn’t help but stop for half an hour and snap some photos on the way back. It was the same day as the big Vikings-Packers game and I thought if they turned out it might make a good PDD post/tip for armchair quarterbacks on a great (brief) weekend road trip, but … that didn’t happen and now we may be past peak colors up in those woods. Still its a great drive anytime of year. And it’s fun going through the tunnel, too.