Y2K is so nine years ago

I am looking forward to the movie “2012” coming out next month. I’m glad they didn’t wait until 2012 to release the movie, cause, you know.
Someone has compiled a list of 22 possible ways for the earth to end in a couple years. My favorites are “Rise of the Machines” and “Time Travel Error.”


While watching the trailer for the movie, I noticed they’re not forgetting to save the giraffes, not something I would have put on my short list to save.
I invite you to consider:
1. What do you think is the most likely way for earth to meet its end in two years?
2. What stupid thing would you try to save if you got a seat on a secret government ship?


Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

I like the Large Hadron Collider idea. And since the destruction would be instantaneous with 0% chance of survival, I wouldn't have worry about what to bring with me.

But if it were ends up being some other catastrophe, and I get a seat on the secret ship, I think I'd like to bring a copy of the movie "2012," so that I might get a chance to say to future generations, "We thought it was going to go down like this ..."


about 15 years ago

Some really good wine and chocolate!  Can't live without those!

the doog

about 15 years ago

Yellowstone erupts in a mega volcano blanketing the earth and sky with its ashen cold blackness.
I'll save my ren and stimpy dvds.


about 15 years ago

many of those options on the list are relative disasters and others highly unlikely to near impossible. The LHC simply is not going to produce catastrophic black holes, and while a "nuclear accident", i.e meltdown, would be pretty horrible it nowhere near comes to destroying the world. Next step up, events that knock out our power supply would cause quite a lot of problems and society as we know it would change dramatically, including pretty heavy die-backs, especially in heavily industrialized countries, but, again, not the end of the world. Even events such as global warming or an ice-age don't meet that criteria. You want possible, truly world destroying events, asteroid collision, full scale nuclear war, something that affects the entire earth all at once with extremely high initial mortality rates with multi-year/decade lingering after effects.

Asteroid strike most likely, most deadly.


about 15 years ago

I've been thinking about this, and am ready to answer my own questions. I'm going with:
1. Super Collider, even though Barrett makes a good point about it eliminating question two.
2. My karaoke machine. Don't forget the CD-Gs. And a TV. My machine doesn't have its own TV.


about 15 years ago

2012 = The discovery of "time travel".

The "end of the Mayan calendar" is simply the end of our current perception of time.  Through our own haphazard luck, or through "visitation", we will poke through our limited perception, and will have created a "new" perceptual calendar. We will begin to understand that "time" is not a linear "process" at all. Thus, the end of one "world" and the beginning of a new one.

Just a thought.


about 15 years ago

Vicarious sounds like Obi-Wan explaining how Darth Vader "killed" Luke's father.


about 15 years ago

I think it will be the professor in the kitchen with the candlestick.   (There's a really deep metaphor in there.  Let me know when you figure it out so that I can say it was intentional.)

I'm not taking anything with me.  I need a fresh start.


about 15 years ago

This just in from "balloon-boy" news report:

"Heene believes the world is going to end in 2012," (a lawyer) said. "Because of that, he wanted to make money quickly, become rich enough to build a bunker or something underground, where he can be safe from the sun exploding."

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

I'm not sure which is more ridiculous:
  • That he believes the sun will explode in 2012.
  • That he believes he could survive.
  • That he would want to survive.
  • That he believes the easiest way to get rich is through reality television.

The Big E

about 15 years ago

But edgeways, perhaps the Large Hadron Collider might cause some sort of anomaly that could destroy the universe unless future entities travel back in time to sabotage it.

Barrett Chase

about 15 years ago

NASA debunks 2012 predictions.


about 15 years ago

"Rapture Insurance."

Think about it.

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