It Is 2009?

Wow. Truly wow. It’s like living in an alternate universe. I’m not sure if I should be more stunned or less.

With an explanation, even.



about 15 years ago

There are racist people in positions of power in the south?!?!?!  Now I've heard it all.


about 15 years ago

Bigots are as old as the hills, and will be around 'til the hills are flat.


about 15 years ago

I love the guy who says, maybe the jp is afraid the children will grow up to be president. Oh yes. . .

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

I love how the guy keeps claiming that he's not actually a racist. Suuuuuree....


about 15 years ago

Oh wake up. I've heard more closemindedness since I've lived here than I EVER did in the South. In almost 30 of living in the South, I never heard people use the word 'colored' to refer to an African American. Here in Duluth? You betcha.

I've seen people cross to the other side of Superior St to avoid a group of young black men. I'm not saying the South is without its bigots, but there are just as many here in this podunk town.

Get over yourselves and teach your families and friends. Good behavior and tolerance begins at home. 

Also, look up the definition of racism. It differs from bigot. Use your English vocabulary appropriately.


about 15 years ago

The North's going to rise again.


about 15 years ago

So, Under our Constitution,does the freedom to smoke, or not smoke, a clove cigarette reside with the individual ?
and can it be infringed by the State?


about 15 years ago

Blue, I have fam in Mississippi, Louisiana Arkansas, and a couple of other infamous "Deep South" states. "Colored" is pretty tame compared to the references I've heard come out of my kinfolk's mouths. I can only imagine their thoughts about our current sitting president.

I've also heard some of the same language coming form a few folks right here in the northland, which is as out of place as the rubes running around with confederate flags strapped to their trucks.

Neither of which makes me think that we've finally turned a corner in human evolution.

The spirit of this post is to bring up the fact that a judge refused to marry an interracial couple. period. It's by coincidence only that this happened in Louisiana. Had it been California, Massachusetts, or even right here in our little podunk town, the reaction, our reaction, would have been the same.


about 15 years ago

Zra- I completely agree. I hastily did not specify that my comment was left for Bad Cat! and mayday. For that I do apologize. I'm simply sick of ignorance.


about 15 years ago

"Use your English vocabulary appropriately."

K! LOL! (WTF?)


about 15 years ago

vicarious, I love it.  I imagine there might be a day where we start banning Shakespeare because of tawdry/peasant verse.

Isn't there a phrase for people that cut down others' arguments by the cheesy "well you can't speak well"?


about 15 years ago

Hey Blue, I agree with you.  My uncle (local native) still thinks women not only drive bad, simply not are made for the process we call operating a motor vehicle, but will also be the most likely to be on a cell phone when driving.  I could go on.  My gosh.


about 15 years ago

I shall, henceforth, turn my weary eyes to the beacon of tolerance that is the American south.


about 15 years ago

Ha ha ha. I have no interest in correcting your grammar. I'm not saying you don't speak/ write well. I'm not an English master either.  I'm just saying there's a difference between a racist and a bigot. The word racist is used too loosely these days and it undermines your argument.  We all know there are idiots everywhere.

Dave Sorensen

about 15 years ago

Painting everyone in the South with the same brush is also prejudiced.

Bad Cat!

about 15 years ago

Blue - I never insinuated that only racist people live in the south. I know that racism shows in many places, Duluth included. Nowhere in my statement did I say "It's a good thing we live in the intellectually superior North, where racism was permanently abolished years ago!"
I just was commenting that it was funny/sad to hear him defend his position, by stating that he's not a racist, he just doesn't believe that interracial marriages last.

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