Lost and Found Posts

More reason for beer

How do we get ahold of this agent?

Ad from a local newspaper, June 1910.

Duke of Duluth?

Superior isn’t the only city that enjoys its suds. This photo was bought at an auction several years ago. On the frame, it is titled “Duke of Duluth.” I know it is not the Duke of Duluth I am thinking of. Notice the great detail of flies on the beer mug. Does anyone one have a clue as to who this guy was? The framed photo served as a traveling photo for a long list of jolly fellows. The name written on the cardboard backing is Gust. Munding, Rush City Minnesota. Was this part of a beer campaign?

Leif Erikson’s Latest Kill

Leif Erickson Conquers A Man in Rubber Boots

For those of you who didn’t drive past Leif Erikson about two weeks ago. Erikson appears to have put his viking hunting skills to use.

A Different Kind of Duluth Pack

I read with interest the post about the Duluth Pack on eBay. Here is a photo of an unidentified pack. Maybe someone has some information on this one.

Humor on Campus

I saw this on a UMD bulletin board among all the “House for Rent” and “For Sale” fliers. It made me laugh.

Boundary Waters? Nah, this year, let’s paddle Nebraska.

When I was growing up in Nebraska, “tanking” was not … um … a thing.
I went tubing several times, but never tanking.
And I guess I got tanked.

I hope Nebraska doesn’t steal all of our tourists away.

Skyline Drive Litterbugs: Please Keep Your Trash Out of My Backyard


This past weekend, I thought I would do my part to clean up the wooded area across the alley from my house.   It’s a small section of undeveloped land along Skyline Drive between the Coppertop Church and N. 7th Ave East.  Some garbage like the old bottles and paint can in the picture had been there for decades; other stuff —  like  the Subway receipt dated April 15, 2010 — just days.

Does Minnesota Nice not including littering?

“What Happens in Duluth, Stays in Duluth. Mostly.”

ESPN writer Paul Lukas traveled to Duluth for the House of Hearts Celebrity Bonspiel last month. His article is funny but clearly he respects curlers and doesn’t take any of the cheap shots that many national writers do. He includes lots of great quips, like “What Happens in Duluth, stays in Duluth” and even makes a run to Super Duper town and puts the Anchor Bar on the ESPN map (pictured below from the article)

iPhone owners rejoice!

This may be old news but I noticed yesterday as I was rolling down Tower Ave in Superior that my iPhone was showing a 3G connection, I thought it was for fake but it was for real!

“Cities Go Gaga for Google Fiber”

Catching up on some of my favorite tech blogs this morning and found this familiar face headlining a post on Gizmodo

Duluth, Minnesota
But wait! Patrick Garmoe, public information officer of the Google Twin Ports Initiative laughs sheepishly as he explains Googlefest, an event that is one part rally, one part carnival and all parts enthusiasm for the promise of Google Fiber. In the midst of bands, choirs and other entertainment, “We’ll be shooting a movie with real actors and a Hollywood director and live-streaming the event to impress Google,” Garmoe says. The new initiative comes on the heels of Deluth mayor Don Ness’s own stunts. In a spoof video proclamation that in honor of Google, all first born males would be henceforth named GoogleFiber and first born females would of course be Googlette. Also, he literally sunk to a new low in the brutal battle for business. He jumped into the freezing waters of Lake Superior. Hizzoner, perhaps you’ll be deterred from further lunacy by these extremely gnarly Google Image results for “frostbite.”

[Google Twin Ports]

Great Food. Bad Punctuation.

For as swanky as Black Water is you’d think management would check the signage better.

What’s wrong with this picture?

What's Wrong-copy

I took this picture at about noon yesterday … What’s wrong with this picture? I noticed about 5 things right away, maybe there are more.


Leftovers348572I visited my parents yesterday and my mother told me she had a gift for me. She produced a bottle of sloe gin and a bottle of grenadine, the contents of which had both been partially consumed.

The two bottles have been in my parents coat closet for many years. The theory is that they were leftover from my brother’s wedding reception in 1985.

I’m pretty sure the grenadine should go straight down the sink, although I’m kind of wondering if corn sweetner and citric acid blended with various preservatives tastes any different after two-and-a-half decades.

The sloe gin, on the other hand, needs to be consumed and enjoyed in excess. Does anyone out there have a parent with some vermouth in the closet? We should get together for cocktails.

And by the way, what’s your favorite sloe gin drink?

Where in Duluth?


A special holiday edition of PDD’s photo geographical identification competition sensation thing or something.

As usual with “Where in Duluth?” there is no prize for being the first to identify the location of this photo, other than bragging rights.

A sign my stepgirls saw in the Hillside


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