Lost and Found Posts

Duluth, Time Lapse

I don’t think I’ve seen this here yet, but it was on MPR’s Bob Collins’ Newscut blog today, scroll down past the more newsy stuff for the write-up.

Canal Park Adventure Zone

Stopped down at the Canal Park Adventure Zone today with Mrs. Goose and the Goslings. Had to be dragged there is a little more like it. My wife got some free passes to the Laser Tag so I couldn’t very well say “no,” could I? So we went.

Super easy scam opportunity!!

Digital mixer – $450 (McGregor)

Where in Duluth?

How to Use a Condom / Owner’s Instructions for Rainshow’r Model RS-502


As published in Duluth’s Ripsaw newspaper, Jan. 17, 2001.

Yellowlab found

A yellowlab puppy, intact, was found on House Street and 101st Ave W. No tags, blue collar. Please call for information — 715-520-0111

Survival of the Funnest

Here’s another t-shirt gift idea for the person that has everything from former Duluthian Emily Kuznia. Emily lives in Florida now but she is a product of Duluth’s Central Hillside (began her artistic career at Nettleton, in fact). I was just thrilled to see that this t-shirt design of hers was a “derby” winner on shirt.woot.com

"Survival of the Funnest"

Ah crap … I guess you can’t buy it anymore, it’s a competitive t-shirt design site, and man are they ever competitive. Much to my own chagrin, it looks like her shirt was only available for a couple weeks, not nearly long enough for a procrastinator like me to get them into the various stockings that I host. But as long as I’ve gotten this far I might as well leave the post up, Hey, maybe it will generate enough demand to get more available. Or you could also contact Emily via her blog and tell her how cool the shirt is.

The Fortunately, Unfortunately, Fortunately of Google Fiber

Fortunately, Duluth-Superior put together a great bid for Google Fiber in the Spring as Google Twin Ports. We generated tons of buzz nationwide, and even worldwide and mobilized thousands of community members in support of the project. I was a tiny (miniscule, really) cog in the wheel that was the ad-hoc Google Twin Ports steering committee in the first part of this year. And just like everyone else, I have been anxiously waiting for the end of the year for the community (ies) that will get Google Fiber to be announced.

Unfortunately, as noted in another PDD post, Google has said they can’t decide yet and they’ve kicked the announcement date down into 2011.

Fortunately, that aforementioned PDD post from Brian B was on the coveted first page of “links” on the most recent official Google Fiber blog post!

This could mean anything or not much so try not to call me too naive here. But one thing is certain: They haven’t forgotten us. I say that means we are still in the hunt folks, and I think we’re a front runner when I consider all the factors I can think of, climate, community support, integration, availability of “dark” fiber, competing delivery systems (WiMax, 3G, Cable, DSL, even Superior Broadband’s nifty radio thing) attractiveness of the community and the list goes one. And I’ll just add in one more huge asset we have: Perfect Duluth Day. And that there screenshot proves they know that, too.

Young at Heart Records on GoJohnnyGo.com

Young at Heart Records Pics on GoJohnnyGo.com

Nice trip down memory lane with some snapshots of Young at Heart Records from 1996 and recollections to fill them out. The pictures themselves are just snapshots, as I said, but upon close examination they do capture the feel and the spirit of that place nicely. I just wish there were more of them. Click the image to go to the post and see it all in context.

Lost Dog in Gary

Hi everyone. I’m a longtime lurker, first time thread-starter. I’m looking for your help in finding my grandparents’ lost dog in Gary.

Duluth is now on the map … in 3-D!

Google Earth 3-D Rendering of Duluth

If you Google “Duluth” and go on the Maps section, there’s a button on the upper right that says Earth. Click that, and you can see a 3-D rending of Duluth including some of the buildings downtown! It’s still a work in progress because this is such a small city, but it’s still very interesting. You might need Google Earth for it to work … I’m not sure exactly. I just found out about this moments ago.

Want a drink?

So, what do you think? Is this ad for not drinking to prevent Fetal Alcohol Syndrome effective, or does it backfire?

Graffiti Timeline


I recently came across this photograph of myself observing graffiti at an I-35 underpass in West Duluth, probably from 1997 or 1998. So I went back and rephotographed the spot to show how the graffiti has changed.

Stimulating the economy … one slightly used car at a time.

I like this idea.

Craigslist: $189,900 Buy our house, get a FREE car (Cloquet)

They’re giving away a car along with a house. I wonder if I could get a motorcycle if I rent an apartment? Or maybe I could get a scooter if I rent a storage unit?

Stolen car stereo! $80 reward! Caution! graphic video on disc!

Not to laugh at other people’s misfortune … but … maybe posting it here will help them get their stereo back?

Stolen car stereo’s last night/this morning – $30 (Duluth)

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!