Lost and Found Posts

Lost glasses on Congdon Park Trail / Tischer Creek Trail

I lost my glasses today after getting stuck in the rain on a hike and putting them in my pocket.  I took them off while on the trail but we were pretty close to the trail head by Vermilion Road / St. Marie St., by that wonky curve.  We then walked across the bridge, turned right onto Lakeview Drive, and walked all the way to Waverly Place and turned left.  If anyone has seen them, I would love to have them back, since I don’t have insurance or any money to buy new ones.  They have black frames that are white on the inside and edges.

In other news, the thimble berries on the trail are starting to ripen, and there are lots of stands of them all the way up and down the trail!

Stolen Trek Path Bicycle (East End)

My bicycle was stolen off of my back porch the other night. It is a great bike so I am looking for anyone who can help regarding this matter. I would be thrilled to compensate you for your trouble with whatever means you desire (money, a Brewhouse growler).

Here are some specks:
TREK S.U. 1.0
Completely Silver frame with light white font
Black bag attachment on the back
22.5″ frame
Pad Brakes … very streamline looking almost like a road bike

I leave it to you! The great city of Duluth! Give me a call: 701-330-6860

One more reason to love this town

The other evening I saw three guys mowing the grass that the city has ignored on a median strip on Mesaba Avenue. Thank you guys! I go down First Avenue East every day and the tall grass that had not been mowed all summer made it impossible to see up-bound traffic. These three guys took matters into their own hands and believe me it did not go unnoticed. Thank you guys!

Lost Dog at Lakeside Super One

Dog lost or abandoned at Lakeside Super One

This dog was lost or abandoned at the Lakeside Super One. I was told he jumped out of a pickup truck and the truck took off. Not sure if they knew the dog had jumped out or if it was intentional. It’s a youngish fixed male, perhaps chocolate lab or chocolate lab pit bull mix. Very very friendly and sweet dog. This happened Sunday morning, June 19.

Homegirl Justy Dodge Makin’ ’em Smile in the Big Apple

Justy Dodge Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

Mrs. Goose’ close pal Justy Dodge has the Joke of the Week on Time Out New York. Who knows? Maybe the right person will crack a smile and who knows where that could lead in a city that has launched the careers of 10,000 entertainment icons?

Hello, West Duluth. Is it Lionel Ritchie you’re looking for?


This poster was hanging on the pillar outside Insty-Prints at the Spirit Valley Shopping Center in West Duluth on Tuesday. Everyone at Insty denied involvement and seemed unaware of it. The tear-offs at the bottom are lyrics from the song.

Duluth online chat reference service

Found on the Duluth Public Library Facebook page:

Be one of the first to try out the library’s new chat reference service! Get your questions answered in real-time by one of our librarians. Find our chat box on our “Ask Us (e-Reference)” page.

Ask Us!
e-Reference Service
Do you need information? Are you looking for an address, phone number or the answer to a short factual question?

Lost Keys Near Chester Bowl?

Is there anybody (or do you know anybody) who lost car keys near Chester Bowl in the last day or two? If so, some kind soul has hung them by their lanyard at the Kent Rd. end of the retaining wall fence along the road through the bowl. Been there since yesterday (Friday). Cheers.

$363,142 Questions

I was at Cub Foods tonight, bagging up my groceries, when I spotted the ATM at the Wells Fargo branch and decided to withdraw some cash. As I waited for the transaction to go through, I glanced at a stray ATM receipt sitting atop the machine. And boy, was it more interesting than I expected:

A withdrawal from a checking account with a balance of $363,142.39!!!

Bear in Duluth’s Lakeside neighborhood

I saw a bear today on the lake side of London Road. It ran toward the lake and downtown direction. I am interested if anyone saw the bear between 51st Avenue East and downtown — it’s a youngish-looking bear.

Where in Duluth?

Red Optimus Prime in D


I was out walking the old DWP railbed south of the tunnel today when I saw a blue bumper sticker for adventureduluth.com stuck on the back of a stop sign. I tried to visit the site, but it no longer exists. Anyone know anything about adventureduluth.com and what it was?

Where in Duluth?

This one is probably pretty easy, but bonus if you know what it’s for. (I don’t, so you could probably make something up.)

In Need of Rakes (again)

It’s that time of year where I’m in need of your retired steel-tined leaf rake. It cannot be plastic or bamboo- it must be steel. I chop the tines off for thumb piano keys and I need a whole lot of them for a music program/workshop I’m doing later in the spring. If your rake is missing all but one of it’s tines, I’ll still take it. You can contact me through yelling loudly or the internet thingy.

Found: 1-year-old male brindle mixed-breed dog

Found – 1 year (?) mixed-breed dog, brindle coat, fixed male on Grand Ave & 80th Ave. W. Please call 218-349-5808 if this guy is yours.

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