Where in Duluth?

This one is probably pretty easy, but bonus if you know what it’s for. (I don’t, so you could probably make something up.)



about 14 years ago

Hawks Ridge?


about 14 years ago

Mormon church.

Bill Meier

about 14 years ago

exercise circuit in Lester Park.


about 14 years ago

Hmmm, 0 for 3.....


about 14 years ago

Park Point.

Matt Jennissen

about 14 years ago

Bagley Nature Area


about 14 years ago

The marker to show that you are about to enter the seventh circle of HELL!!!

Barrett Chase

about 14 years ago

I'm going to say the Western Waterfront Trail. 

Wherever it is specifically, I think Bill's right about it being part of an exercise circuit. One of the hospitals (St. Mary's?) put up a series of exercise circuits on area trails in the 80s/90s. There were pull-up bars and benches for doing sit-ups along various trails, including Lester Park and the Western Waterfront Trail.


about 14 years ago

Key to a self-guided nature trail (can get the pamphlets at the Parks and Rec Department). Now - the question is which nature trail? Park Point?Mission Creek?  Kingsbury Creek? Chester Creek?, Congdon Creek?

There are so many choices!


about 14 years ago

hmmm has it, but where? There are more than one here. 

In a sense, ironic1 is oddly specific to the actual location....

Touchdown Johnson

about 14 years ago

There should be a 'Where in Duluth' tag. I'd love to go through a bunch of these in one sitting.


about 14 years ago

On/Off topic: a few days ago I saw a yearling bear just past Sky Harbor.


about 14 years ago

Trail off Seven Bridges Rd?


about 14 years ago

These where easier when you could just look at the location cache from Lundgren's iPhone.

Wes Scott

about 14 years ago

Good topical comment about the I-Phone. They do the GPS tags on the pictures unless you shut that function off. That is a hiking trail makers for sure.


about 14 years ago

This post is to assist when setting the universal sundial to your watch.


about 14 years ago

Park Point me thinks


about 14 years ago

It's along the chester creek trail. On the north side near the skyline bridge. i think..at least there is one similar to that there...also one on pp like that also..

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

The day I get an iPhone will be the day Adam pays the bill for it.


about 14 years ago

I concur with the desire for a "Where in Duluth" tag.


about 14 years ago

Reminds me of LOST


about 14 years ago

It's by the crazy old building at the end of the point. I hear it used to be a locomotive engine repair place. Not sure of the validity of that one. And imagine it's a mile marker, like the one at the beginning of the trail that says 4

Paul Lundgren

about 14 years ago

O.K. I've created a "Where in Duluth?" category and categorized the 22 "Where in Duluth?" posts I could find.

I'll leave it up to Touchdown Johnson or Ironic1 to create a leaders' board showing who has solved the most of them.


about 14 years ago

Ring a ding! Hmmm has the win on this one.


about 14 years ago

Don't tempt me. You can go pick up the Viking, Curly's, Les Birds (though I know you totally love Les Birds), La Bellle and all the other whack-job owners and BFE bars. iPhone should have an emergency push-button, or something.


about 14 years ago

I was just there today and took some photos of it with my dog and the building in the background. I was hoping to post it as my answer, unfortunately perfectduluthday doesn't allow comments with photos in them/I'm not technically proficient enough to figure out a good way to do so!

Andrew Slade

about 14 years ago

The old building is a buoy depot from the US Lighthouse Service. Loads of info here: http://bit.ly/fezEww

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