Young at Heart Records on

Young at Heart Records Pics on

Nice trip down memory lane with some snapshots of Young at Heart Records from 1996 and recollections to fill them out. The pictures themselves are just snapshots, as I said, but upon close examination they do capture the feel and the spirit of that place nicely. I just wish there were more of them. Click the image to go to the post and see it all in context.

Elsewhere on the blog …

We also dream of building the definitive discography of Minnesota records 1970-1990 at, with cover art, track listings, sound clips, etc. Also a bunch of photos/art/flyers/concert tickets/etc relating to Midwestern music … ahhhh someday, someday, someday …

I was glad to have had this blog pop up in my twitterfeed. I’ll be back.



about 14 years ago

Here are some more photos of Young at Heart Records, from three News Tribune Attic posts from early 2009:

Part one | Part two | Part three


about 14 years ago

I do miss YaH, didn't spend enough time there.

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Last Place of Commerce

I miss the days when the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce headquarters was next to the Last Place on Earth....
